Choose Ichigo At The Beginning, Only I Know The Shinigami Plot

Chapter 45 Ichigo's Skill Development, Adam's Discovery! ? ! ! ! ! ! (Seeking Flowers, Ask

Chapter 45 Ichigo's skill development, Adam's discovery! ? ! ! ! ! ! (Seeking flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, the seventh update)

At the same time, just coming to the edge of the Menos Grande forest, another miscellaneous player, Owen, thought the same way.

But no matter how hard they tried at this time, they definitely couldn't compare to Ling Fan who beheaded Gillian.

At night, in the player list selection, Ling Fan won the first place again!

Just looking at the rewards given by the system, Ling Fan fell into deep thought.

Kurosaki Ichigo's strength is pure strength, but in terms of Ling Fan's current experience, his methods are still too simple.

Like today's fight with Abarai Renji.

If he hadn't planned ahead, he would have deliberately selected a few practical and specialized exercises among several Kidō, and then used them this time.

He probably had to eat that knife like Kurosaki Ichigo in the original book.

But the problem is that Ichigo in the original book can explode if he eats a knife and gets hurt all over his body, but Ling Fan's character is not born with the conditions of these passionate protagonists.

Therefore, the increase of means is necessary!

Up to now, the duet combination of Ling Fan Shunpo and flying sickle feet has taken advantage of him.

So, after thinking about it, Ling Fan asked: "Game, does your enhancement have the enhancement of spiritual power control?"

After a while, Ling Fan got an accurate answer.

【Have! 】

[Player Ling Fan, do you want to greatly increase your spiritual power control once? 】

"Yes!" Ling Fan chose to confirm without hesitation.

Similar to before, the power of the game is poured down again!

In an instant, Ling Fan's mind was full, and many manipulation techniques about spiritual power appeared in his mind!

The excited Ling Fan sat up quickly.

He stretched out his hand and gathered his spiritual power.

The next moment, a miniature Crescent Sky Chong appeared in his palm!

Staring at this miniature crescent moon, Ling Fan's eyes were full of splendor.

He has already figured out how to develop his skills next.

At the same time, thinking about the enemy he was going to face next, Ling Fan thought for a while, and scattered the miniature Crescent Sky Chong.

Then, the blue Lingzi was reconstructed in Ling Fan's hands, and a Chinese character plus symbol appeared in his hand: "In?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"It's here, dear!"

During the live broadcast, seeing the words suddenly appearing on Ling Fan's hand, everyone worked hard.

But immediately they were not calm.

Because Ling Fan has more and more words in his hands, and the things he tells are becoming clearer and clearer.

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast late at night suddenly discovered something.

Ling Fan, it seems to be talking to them!

Not long after, after explaining what he wanted the audience to do, Ling Fan fell asleep without any worries.

But in the outside world, because of Ling Fan's late-night request, everyone exploded again!

Because Ling Fan's request is to press him with game coins!

For the next strong enemy, Ling Fan needs more trials and battles!

Don't pity him just because he is a delicate flower!

And the outside world.

After a brief but heated discussion, the state came forward.

Their end result is, trust Ling Fan!

The next day, 14 billion game coins were placed on Ling Fan!

The catastrophe is brewing again!

Soul Society, Jingling Court.

Looking at his handwritten score ranking of defeating enemies last night, Adam was thinking.

Compared with growth and combat points, which don't know where they come from, whether to kill the enemy is very good for the 12th squad.

He can easily mobilize records about the present world, Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, where there is a large-scale reduction of souls.

But no matter how Adam searched, he couldn't find the one that decreased in an instant.

Therefore, he was very puzzled. Could it be that the place where Ling Fan, who ranked first, killed the enemy was not within the scope of the 12th Division?

In this world, is there any other place?

Adam was puzzled.

But not long after, in Jinglingting's internal news channel.

Regarding a report that the vice-captain of the Sixth Division went to reality in violation of the regulations and did not have a seal, but accidentally encountered Gillian and protected the safety of the world, so the report of merit and demerit caught Adam's attention!

"Huh?" Adam found the report, and began to study it.

Some time later, a new report on Karakura Town came to Central 46, initiated by Adam.

After realizing the key words, this report was handed over to a gentle and elegant captain!

Aizen smiled slightly: "Oh, this report is interesting!"

PS: I don't know if the brothers are enjoying it? Be happy, update with all your strength, although the goal will be ten more! But I will do my best to go beyond! So please remember to support us! It's already seven! The follow-up shock explosion will be more powerful, let's see everyone! Hope you can accomplish your goal today!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, flowers, book reviews, reminder tickets, rewards!

Either way is my support! Infinite motivation requires the support of everyone! Thanks!

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Immediate recharge (activity time: October 1st to October 7th)

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