Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Sixteen: Your Whole Family Is The Material To Enter The Factory


The boss walked up to Qin Tian aggressively, and was about to spout foul words out of his mouth, but he was stunned by the circuit boards neatly stacked by Qin Tian.

He took off a soldered circuit board and inspected it carefully, and found that the solder joints on the circuit board were perfect, without any flaws, and it was even better than that of Master Zhang!

The boss turned his head and stared at Qin Tian incredulously.

Qin Tian's speed was very fast, and his steps were very neat.

Take the circuit board, heat it, add solder, re-solder, and finally remove the soldered circuit board.

A set of steps is astonishingly fast, and what is even more exaggerated is that there is no mistake in a single welding point, which is even more accurate than computer welding!

The boss looked at it in amazement for a few minutes, and was already impressed by Qin Tian's speed and proficiency.

Where did this fairy come from!

Other workers around were also amazed at Qin Tian's proficiency.

Soldering circuit boards is a technical job, which is a test of skill.

In the past, other employees in the workshop had to study day and night before finally mastering this technology. They were all over 30 years old, and Master Zhang, who had the best qualifications in the workshop, was almost 50.

Qin Tian looks so young, but he is actually better at welding than them. This proficiency may not even be comparable to Master Zhang.

What's more, they managed to finish soldering one circuit board, and Qin Tian's fifth circuit board has already been finished.

Qin Tian's speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that he could even vaguely see the afterimages of his hands, he was like an artificial machine without emotion.

"Step aside."

Qin Tian, ​​who was engrossed, glanced at the boss next to him, and gave a gentle reminder.

The guy stood by like a ton of Buddha statues, preventing him from placing the circuit board.

"Oh, good."

The boss quickly responded, put down the circuit board and stepped aside, not wanting to disturb Qin Tian's work.

Soldering circuit boards is a rhythmic job, and the boss is worried that he will disturb Qin Tian's rhythm, so he won't have the exaggerated proficiency now.

The supervisor following behind was a little surprised when he saw the cautious look of the boss.

You know, his fat boss is notoriously irritable, and he often scolds other supervisors bloody.

Now being scolded and backed away by a young man who works in his electronics factory.

Not only was he not angry, but he also obediently stepped aside. Are you so humble?

The other employees looked up at Qin Tian, ​​who was berating the boss, in surprise, but quickly immersed themselves in soldering the circuit boards.

In the following work, no one spoke in the entire workshop, only the sizzling sound of soldering circuit boards.

And the focus of the boss and supervisor was all on Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's speed and proficiency are simply too exaggerated, and he will teach other employees the methods and key points of soldering circuit boards from time to time, which is even more leadership than Master Zhang.

The speed and proficiency of the employees taught by Qin Tian have also improved a lot.

In just one morning, the workshop with 20 people completed more than 1,000 orders.

This exaggerated result is much higher than what Master Zhang achieved every day when he was in the circuit board workshop.

And Qin Tian soldered nearly 600 circuit boards in one morning, which completely refreshed everyone's perception, especially the boss, who was almost grinning from ear to ear.

At this speed, it will take a few days to finish the work perfectly.

During lunch, the boss didn't let them go to the cafeteria to eat.

He ordered the supervisor to go to the cafeteria to fetch food, let them eat in the workshop, and continue working after eating.

The meals that were ordered were all meat dishes, almost all of which cost 10 yuan a piece, and each person also had a bottle of Red Bull worth 25 yuan.

When eating at noon, He Sinan came over to take a look, and wanted to have dinner with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiled and comforted her, and the girl didn't ask any more questions, and obediently went downstairs to eat alone.

Others originally complained about the boss's oppressive order.

But they thought about the salary of 200 per day and the expensive staff meal, so they didn't say anything, and continued to solder the circuit board after lunch.

I don't know how long it took, but the boss finally let the people in the workshop go back to rest after the bell rang for several hours at night.

It's 11 o'clock now, if you continue to squeeze them, if some people go on strike and quit, it won't be fun.

The boss also understood the thinking of these workers, and paid everyone the 200 yuan salary that was agreed in the morning.

He also promised a daily salary of 200 yuan for the next few days, and also included lunch and evening staff meals.

Although I worked all day, I also worked overtime for several hours.

But I can earn several days' salary in one day, and these workers don't have any complaints, and they express their heartfelt joy, saying that they will come to work on time tomorrow morning.

After the other migrant workers left, the boss gave Qin Tian his salary.

It's not two bright red banknotes, but an envelope, which is worth more than 200 yuan just by looking at the thickness.

Such an awesome employee, no matter which factory boss he is in, will treat him differently, only a fool will pay him the same salary as everyone else.

The boss even wanted to observe for a few more days. If this employee could do so well in other jobs, he might be promoted and kept in his factory.


Qin Tian took the envelope, smiled knowingly, and did not open it immediately.

"There and there."

The boss looked serious, and patted Qin Tian on the shoulder with a happy smile: "Xiao Qin, you helped me a lot today. Your welding skills are even better than when I started my business!"

The boss's words are not bragging, Qin Tian's welding technology today is really perfect, whether it is speed or proficiency, it is top-notch.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the boss would not have believed that such a young man could have such good welding skills.

The boss asked again: "Which factory did you work in before?"

"A factory in my hometown has been around for several years, but I forgot the name."

Qin Tian prevaricated with a smile.

"That's it"

The boss smiled regretfully, he was thinking of going to Qin Tian's factory to see if he could find such a talented employee.

"Then I'll go to rest first. I hope you can work hard with today's attitude tomorrow. You are the material for this!"

Qin Tian: "?"

"Damn it, your whole family is made into the factory!"

Looking at the back of the fat boss, Qin Tian scolded angrily.

Afterwards, Qin Tian opened the envelope containing the banknotes, took out the banknotes and counted them. There were 5 banknotes in total, worth 500 yuan.

Qin Tian folded the money and put it in his pocket, not very happy.

With the beater system in place, who cares about such vulgar things?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully clocking in the electronics factory for one day, please choose the reward you want. 】

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