Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 162: It's Not Impossible To Have More Dishes

Ten minutes away from Yulongwan community, there is a large-scale farmers' market.

When the Yulongwan community was just built, the developer built a farmer's market along with it for the convenience of the owners of the community in their daily lives.

After Qin Tian drove a car with a few aunts to find a temporary parking lot, they temporarily separated at the entrance of the farmer's market. After all, everyone bought different things.

The farmer's market is very lively, and the shouts of various vendors come and go.

The only difference from ordinary vegetable markets is that most of the vendors setting up stalls here have business licenses.

After all, next to it is a school district with a higher grade, and the developer does not allow vendors to sell some three-no products.

It's not like an ordinary vegetable market here, where you can sell things just by finding an open space.

The farmer's market is huge. Qin Tian and Sun Qimei had been shopping for more than half an hour, and they already had all kinds of ingredients in their hands.

In the crowd, Sun Qimei and Qin Tian walked side by side. She looked at the tall Qin Tian next to him, carrying the large and small plastic bags in his hand, and felt extremely at ease in her heart.

In the past ten years of life, Sun Qimei basically went out to buy vegetables alone, and only when Chen Qianqian took a break occasionally could she go out with her.

Sun Qimei thought she was used to the emptiness of being alone.

But every time she saw other couples walking together talking and laughing at the vegetable market, Sun Qimei always felt empty in her heart.

She is just an ordinary housewife who has no high-quality pursuit of life.

So Sun Qimei enjoys this plain and practical daily life very much.

In order to spend a little longer at the farmer's market with Qin Tian, ​​Sun Qimei deliberately slowed down her pace.

Passing by every vendor, she would step forward to ask a few prices, no matter what the other party was selling, just to enjoy the mediocre life she had longed for.

Sun Qimei also knew that she was wrong to think so, after all, this was her daughter's boyfriend.

So she has been hiding her shameful thoughts very deeply, and she is unwilling or afraid to reveal it.

In addition, she is also very satisfied with her current life, and she is sincerely happy that her daughter can find such an excellent boyfriend.

She just hopes that this kind of ordinary and happy life will continue slowly.

When my daughter and Xiao Qin get married, I will go to help them take care of their children. A family of four or five will live happily ever after.

"Xiao Qin, how about Aunt get some for you?"

Sun Qimei looked at Qin Tian's hands full of plastic bags, feeling a little bit sorry.

The two bought a lot of things, and Sun Qimei was basically responsible for selecting the ingredients. After Qin Tian paid the money, she took the packed things into her hands, and she held two light green onions in her hands.

"It's okay, Aunt Sun, it's not too heavy."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently.

Sun Qimei smiled gratifiedly, and did not continue to pester her.

This kind of daily life, which is similar to men farming and women weaving, is the ordinary life of husband and wife that Sun Qimei most yearns for.

Of course, this kind of shameful thing can only be thought about in my heart, Sun Qimei dare not reveal it.

She also tactfully switched to another topic: "Then Xiao Qin, is there anything else you want to eat? Aunt can cook many dishes."

"I'm not a picky eater, you can do anything, Aunt."

"That's it, then what we bought is almost done, and they are coming out soon, so let's wait for them at the door."

Sun Qimei's tone was a bit reluctant, but her face was always filled with a satisfied smile, and she also hoped that Xiao Qin would accompany her to go shopping next time.

The two came to the entrance of the farmer's market and waited for others.

Qin Tian was idle and bored, so he carried the vegetables to distance himself from Sun Qimei, lit a cigarette and looked at a grandma who was selling chicks not far away in a daze.

These little chicks are not ordinary yellow, and they come in all colors, colorful, placed in a woven basket, chirping and chirping.

The children passing by were still clamoring for their parents to buy them a few, but they didn't know that this kind of chick would not live for more than three days before it was gone.

Sun Qimei was quietly watching Qin Tian who was smoking, with a gratified smile on her face from time to time.

Of course, Sun Qimei didn't think boys who smoked were cool, and she wasn't some ignorant girl.

It's just that an elderly woman like her has an inexplicable sense of compromise with a man she cares about.

Sun Qimei also vaguely felt that Qin Tian's occasional behaviors carried a mature man's temperament, which was not at all like what he could feel at his age.

"Little sister, little sister!"

A pork seller next to her waved her hand and called Sun Qimei with a warm smile on her face: "Do you want to bring some pork home?"

Most housewives have a few familiar vendors in the vegetable market, and so does Sun Qimei.

Sun Qimei also often takes care of this grandmother who sells pork, and her pork is indeed fresh, otherwise Sun Qimei, who pays more attention to daily life, would not be able to take care of her family often.

But Sun Qimei remembered that she just bought pork the day before yesterday, and there was still some unfinished food in the refrigerator, and she bought so many vegetables today, so she didn't need to buy pork anymore.

Just when Sun Qimei was about to refuse with a smile, Grandma said enthusiastically, "Little sister, I just killed this pig this morning and brought it here. It's very fresh. Take some back with your husband."

Sun Qimei's heart moved, and she thought: "It's not impossible to have more dishes at noon, anyway, there is a refrigerator at home."

Sun Qimei walked over with shredded meat legs, brushed the black silk on her forehead to her ears, glanced at the pork on the stall, and picked a larger and most expensive tenderloin: "Grandma, help me weigh it." .”

"Well, well, well."

Grandma smiled happily, and quickly took out the fair scale and put the tenderloin on the weighing pan.

While weighing, the grandma smiled and flattered: "Little sister, I have never seen you take your husband out to buy vegetables. He didn't go to work today, did he?"

A throbbing flashed through Sun Qimei's heart, she turned her head to look at Qin Tian, ​​who was squatting and smoking in a daze, and then raised her eyes to look at the granny who sold pork.

He didn't deny it or explain it. Instead, a pair of delighted phoenix eyes fell on the pork belly next to him, and he smiled happily: "Grandma, please weigh this for me too."

"Okay, okay, here's the scale for you."

Grandma smiled until her eyes narrowed into a line.

When Sun Qimei bought pork from her place, she always picked and picked, and she always bought less. After all, there were only mother and daughter in the family, and she bought too much and couldn't finish it.

Grandma didn't expect that this little girl who used to pick and search would become so arrogant today.

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