Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 165: How About We Come Too?

In the evening, the sun sets.

The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, and the red clouds were reflected on the artificial pool in the middle of Happy Valley, and also sprinkled on the faces of several tourists playing pedal boats on the pool.

In the Happy Valley under the setting sun, everything is resplendent and resplendent, and the roads extending in all directions are bustling. Most tourists are lamenting the various amusement facilities in Happy Valley, but no one has noticed the magnificent and beautiful scenery.

The two who have almost played all the rides in Happy Valley have just boarded the Ferris wheel.

Chen Qianqian often sees the hero and heroine confess their love on the Ferris wheel in various idol dramas.

She has also always hoped to ride the ferris wheel with the boy she likes, and then talk about love, and kiss like passionate love.

So since getting on the Ferris wheel, Chen Qianqian was very excited, and had no intention of sitting down and resting at all.

She was as happy as a child, standing by the window and looking at everything under her feet that was getting smaller and smaller, and asked overjoyed: "Brother Qin, do you think this will be broken suddenly?"

Qin Tian is sending a text message to He Sinan, saying that he will go back later.

After hearing this sentence, Qin Tian couldn't resist giving Chen Qianqian a look: "Crow's mouth, can you say something good?"

"Isn't that how it's written in those idol dramas?"

Chen Qianqian made a serious statement: "After the iron rod of the Ferris wheel broke, the male protagonist risked his life and flew to save the female protagonist, and then the two had a spark of love, and then the family married, and then"


The more Qin Tian listened, the more she felt something was wrong, so she hurriedly interrupted her babbling, raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "What bloody drama are you talking about, are you sure you're watching an idol drama, not a science fiction drama?"

"Oh, it's almost there."

Chen Qianqian smiled eccentrically, then sat next to Qin Tian happily shaking her hands, hugging his arms and acting coquettishly: "Brother Qin, today is probably the happiest day in my life, compared to the last time I Have fun on your birthday!"

"Then I'll take you out to play when I'm free in the future."

Qin Tian casually smiled, and perfunctorily rubbed Chen Qianqian's head.

"Hee hee, brother Qin, you are so kind~"

Chen Qianqian sat on Qin Tian's arm contentedly for a while, and noticed that in the hanging box in front, a couple was kissing with ecstasy, just like the plot in an idol drama.

Chen Qianqian blushed a little while watching, but there was also an inexplicable expectation in her heart.

She is a girl who fantasizes about love, and she also likes to watch idol dramas about life and death, so she is naturally a love brain.

"Brother Qin, look at the hanging box on the opposite side."

Chen Qianqian reminded in a low voice, which was hinting at Qin Tian.

No matter how mature and sensible she is, she is still a girl in her early 20s after all, so she is ashamed to blatantly say these demands.

Qin Tian was sending a text message to He Sinan, absently raised his eyes to look at the hanging box on the opposite side, a couple was kissing, and then reminded him habitually: "Isn't it normal for a couple? What's so interesting about it."

Chen Qianqian puffed her cheeks complainingly, and complained in a low voice shyly: "Brother Qin, you don't understand girls too much."

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment before he realized that he had been obsessed with writing text messages just now, and didn't notice this girl's thoughts for a while.

After sending the text message, Qin Tian put the phone in his pocket, stretched out his hand to hold Chen Qianqian in his arms, and looked at her with piercing eyes.

Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian who was close at hand and wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start. She was both happy and nervous.

He could only shyly avoid Qin Tian's gaze, his small mouth opened and closed shyly, his cute canine teeth looming.

Qin Tian rubbed Chen Qianqian's hot red cheeks, hugged her on his lap, and teased with a smile: "What? Are you shy?"

"No, no!"

Chen Qianqian retorted courageously, and then quickly avoided Qin Tian's earnest gaze, looking down shyly at her slender fingers that were tangled together.

The setting sun outside the Ferris wheel hanging box shone in from the glass window, refracted on Chen Qianqian's charming profile, and Qin Tian couldn't help being taken aback.

Although the first place will never change, he seems to like this sensible girl who is obedient and obedient to him more and more.

"Then shall I start?"

Qin Tian asked lightly, and stroked Chen Qianqian's loose hair on his forehead.


Chen Qianqian shyly nodded slightly, and answered with a voice like a mosquito, raised her head and looked at Qin Tian with longing and shy eyes, waiting for him to take the initiative to come.

Qin Tian slowly pasted it up, and Chen Qianqian also hugged his head affectionately, and gently stroked Qin Tian's broken hair with his fingers.

After the Ferris wheel was finished, the two went to the last amusement facility, which is the roller coaster at the entrance of Happy Valley.

It was after six o'clock in the evening, and there were not many tourists. After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was the turn of Qin Tian's group of tourists.

Interestingly, Qin Tian and Chen Qianqian were sitting in the last row.

This position is the scariest, as anyone who has ever played a roller coaster knows.

Because when the roller coaster started to climb up the tall slope, the last row was still climbing, and the speed of the roller coaster at that time was not fast.

When the last row reaches the apex, the roller coaster starts to accelerate as a whole, so the re-stimulation of the first row is only in the second half.

And it is actually the last row that really goes through the whole process of accelerating and sprinting from the top of the slope.

After fastening the seat belt, the roller coaster has begun to slowly climb uphill.

"Small, Brother Qin, I'm a little scared."

Chen Qianqian held the armrest tightly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Qin Tian calmly comforted: "It's okay, it's over as soon as you close your eyes and open them."

"Yes, is it?"

Chen Qianqian forced a smile.

When the roller coaster climbed to the highest point of the slope, Chen Qianqian's voice was already crying: "Little brother Qin, I, I don't want to play anymore, can you call the staff to stop?"

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm by your side, and soon"

Qin Tian hadn't finished speaking when the roller coaster's reminder bell rang, and the whole section of the roller coaster seemed to be falling, almost stalling and sliding towards a nearly vertical 90-degree downhill at an astonishingly fast speed.

The tourists in front screamed heart-piercingly, and Chen Qianqian also cried like crazy.

The roller coaster machine was too loud, and the guests in the two rows in front were only focused on shouting, only Qin Tian next to him could hear what this girl was shouting.

At this moment, a tourist was recording a video of the roller coaster with a video camera when a few drops of water suddenly fell on his head.

The tourist stroked his hair, looked up at the sunset sky, and murmured in a dazed way: "Fuck me? Is it raining?"

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