Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Two: Talking To Girls Is So Straightforward

The bus crossed the wide and flat road in the city, and started driving on a muddy road full of potholes.

Those who didn't grab the seat didn't dare to grab the rings or other things in order not to get rid of their belongings, so they could only sway left and right with the bus.

The sweltering environment in the car and the smell of sweat from each other made their faces even more bitter.

The girl who got on the bus last was also holding tightly to the armrest of the suitcase, her slender body swayed left and right following the bus, and almost lost her center of gravity several times and was thrown out.

The girl raised her shining eyes, and with a hint of pleading gaze, she secretly glanced at the people in the car who had a seat.

The people in the car were all migrant workers who came to work, and no one was willing to give her a seat.

Although this girl's appearance is extremely high, many young people in the car are secretly observing her.

Even the intermediary sitting in the co-pilot turned his head to glance at this extremely handsome working girl from time to time.

But giving up the seat can only get a cheap thank you from the girl, but on the contrary, they have to endure the bumps that lasted for more than an hour.

They don't want to slap their faces and pretend to be fat.

Finding that most people in the car were secretly looking at her, the introverted girl quickly withdrew her gaze.

She continued to lower her head without saying a word, clutching the suitcase with difficulty, her slender body swaying left and right following the bus.

If she accidentally bumped into someone else, the girl would apologize quickly, for fear that the other person would get angry, and she was humbled to the extreme.

"Come on, sit here."

Just when the girl was going to stay like this until she got off the car.

Qin Tian stood up, took the suitcase from the girl's hand, and pulled the sweaty girl to his place.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then felt warm in her heart, and quickly expressed her thanks for being flattered.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people in the car to make room, Qin Tian wondered if this girl would bow to him.


Qin Tian waved his hand indifferently, and looked at her casually.

The girl is really so beautiful, I don't know where to look better than those female stars with heavy makeup.

If she entered the factory to work in 22 years, she would definitely be a proper factory flower, and then open a live broadcast to bring a product, and she would become an Internet celebrity in minutes.

The girl sat on Qin Tian's seat, her charming eyes were slightly raised, and she secretly looked at this kind-hearted man.

But as soon as he raised his head, the girl met Qin Tian's eyes.

After feeling Qin Tian's gaze, the girl's body slowly stiffened, and her face became less calm. Under the glare of the sun, the blush on her fair neck was particularly eye-catching.

Introverted and shy, she chose to lower her head and look at the toes of her cloth shoes.

The hot bus drove for about an hour on the rugged mountain road, and finally stopped at the gate of the electronics factory.

As soon as the car door was opened, the migrant workers rushed out of the car impatiently, wanting to escape from the moving iron stove.

In 2008, many cars did not have air conditioning.

In such a hot weather, the inside of the carriage is like a steamer. Even if you go out to bask in the sun, no one wants to stay in the damp and hot bus.

Qin Tian smiled at the girl: "Here we are, I'll go down and wait for you."


The girl responded with a small voice, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qin Tian carried the girl's suitcase and left the stuffy carriage with sweat profusely.

The girl followed behind, looking at Qin Tian who was dripping with sweat, felt a little sorry, and begged in a low voice: "Well, little brother, carry the box for me, I won't trouble you."

"No, I'll bring it up for you about the matter of a few steps."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, put his sack on his shoulder with his left hand, and walked towards the electronics factory with the girl's box in his right hand.

Although this approach is a bit of a dog-licking behavior, but in this day and age, most girls do it.

As long as you are willing to give and be good to the woman, the woman will definitely respond to your wishes, let alone a treasured girl from deep mountains and old forests.

Unlike Qin Tian's era, even if you lick your tongue out of phantoms, girls will not give you any sweetness.

They may also share your dog-licking behavior with other people, even her boyfriends.

"Then, let me help you carry the bag."

The girl still felt a little sorry, tentatively pointing to the bag on Qin Tian's shoulder.

"Well, here."

In Qin Tian's bag, there were some daily necessities that were not heavy, so he simply handed them to her.

He felt that if he didn't give the girl something to help, she might have to look at him so guiltily all the way.

The girl took Qin Tian's bag with a sigh of relief.

The two stood in front of each other, holding each other's luggage, looking at their backs, they really looked like a young couple who came to work in an electronics factory.

"My name is Qin Tian, ​​I'm from Shancheng, how about you?"

Qin Tian spoke up.

In this era when the Internet has not yet begun to develop, it is so straightforward to strike up a girl without using those fancy routines and words.

"My name is He Sinan, and my hometown is Sichuan and Chongqing."

He Sinan responded nervously.

After leaving her hometown for so long, this was the first time she talked to boys from other places.

Qin Tian had helped her in the car, and their hometowns were relatively close.

The naive He Sinan never had any doubts about Qin Tian, ​​and he completely regarded this fellow as a kind person in his heart.

Hearing this slightly poetic name, Qin Tian was a little surprised.

In Qin Tian's cognition, most of the parents of this kind of girls from remote villages would give them some old-fashioned names.

For example: Li Xiaohong, Stone Lotus and so on.

In the cognition of the older generation of parents in the mountainous area, it would be easier to support them with such a rustic name.

"Oh? Chuanyu, then we are quite close?"

Qin Tian answered the conversation with ease, looking for a common topic: "How is the hot pot in your place? Is it as spicy as the one in our mountain city?"

"I have never eaten it. My family is in the countryside. I have to help my grandma with farm work every day. I have never been to the city."

He Sinan lowered his head a little guilty.

Qin Tian immediately saw the girl's slightly sensitive mood, and indirectly comforted her.

"Then you are very lucky. I heard that your Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot is so spicy that you can die. You have to go to the toilet several times a day after eating it, like a machine gun."

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

He Sinan pursed his lips, and a refreshing and healing smile appeared on his exquisite face, Qin Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Of course, I have a friend who opened an anorectal hospital in Sichuan and Chongqing, making crazy money."

"Like This"

He Sinan smiled happily, and his slightly depressed mood suddenly brightened, and he had a little more affection for this kind fellow.

"Forget it, we don't want to talk about hot pot in such a hot day, just wait for me, I'll go to the canteen at the door to buy a bottle of water."


The girl nodded obediently.

She dragged her suitcase, carrying Qin Tian's woven bag, and came to the shade of a tree, feeling like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her migrant husband to come home.

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