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Chapter 224: Do You Intend To Marry That Boy?

He Sinan left his grandmother's embrace, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then introduced: "Grandma, he...he is Qin Tian, ​​my boyfriend."

Although He Sinan introduced his boyfriend to his sister, now he introduced it to his grandmother.

You shouldn't be ashamed to say that.

But when he made the introduction again, his face was still red, and his small eyes would glance at Qin Tian from time to time, as if asking him to dominate the current atmosphere.

Grandma beamed with joy when she heard that, she knew about Qin Tian for a long time, and she looked him up and down as soon as she saw him today.

Regardless of Qin Tian's appearance and clothing, he is quite impeccable, but he doesn't know how about his character.

Qin Tian also knew that he should introduce himself, so he went up and took out a red envelope, then held his grandma's hands, and said with a smile in dialect: "Hello, mother-in-law, my name is Qin Tian, ​​the mountain city next door to you, happy new year haha .”

Grandma didn't expect that Qin Tian would send a red envelope as soon as he came up. This red envelope was on the rough palm of the dry stir-fry, and she could tell that there was a lot of money in it just by touching it lightly.

"Momomo, you can't help your child. You spend more money than us working outside, so just come to your mind."

Grandma was very happy, but she would not accept the red envelope given by Qin Tian, ​​she insisted on returning the red envelope to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian didn't care either, and said with a smile: "Grandma, Si Nan and I have opened a shop in Jianghai City. We can spend everything we need. This is to show respect to your old man. Anyway, it's Chinese New Year. Let's make a fortune."

"Oh, that's not necessary."

Grandma squinted her eyes and smiled, and said that she was quite satisfied with this enthusiastic fellow.

Qin Tian gave He Sinan a look, and He Sinan immediately persuaded softly: "Grandma, you can just accept it, anyway, it's Chinese New Year, so it's good to have a good luck."

After being told this, grandma reluctantly put away the red envelope.

"I'm planning to make dinner. My child, you go into the house and make it. I'll make it and let's eat together."

After grandma accepted the red envelope, she planned to go back to the house to cook.

How could He Sinan let his grandma be busy cooking a meal, so she sat down with her, rolled up her sleeves and said to cook.

Qin Tian sat down with his grandma, curiously looking at He Sinan's house from childhood to adulthood.

The house is not big, it is a two-story mud brick house, and most of the rooms are used to store some crops.

There are only two sleeping rooms, and the only valuable thing in the house is an old refrigerator.

He Sinan opened the refrigerator but found that the refrigerator was empty, there were only some leftovers left, and he muttered a little embarrassedly: "Brother Qin, there is nothing left."

Qin Tian saw this situation from behind, thinking that there were not many things in the car that he bought at the market just now, and he couldn't make a meal out of it.

He Sinan suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and suddenly forgot to explain to his family and asked them to prepare more things.

Seeing this, Qin Tian stepped forward and said, "Sinan, you can accompany grandma. Sihan and I will go to the town to buy some food to make hot pot."

It is best to eat hot pot in cold weather, especially cured meat hot pot.

Eating Lamei hot pot during the Chinese New Year will bring the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

"eat hot pot?!"

When He Sihan heard the word hot pot, his eyes began to light up.

Their family can cook meat all year round during the Chinese New Year, not to mention hot pot.

In the cold winter, I don’t know how many times I have cooked hot pot in other people’s homes.

Their family has never eaten hot pot since last year.

The last time I ate hot pot was with Qin Tian in Jianghai City.

He Sinan nodded and agreed.

After all, she hasn't chatted with her grandma for a long time, and now she has a lot of words in her heart, and she wants to talk to her grandma.

"Sihan, let's go then!"

Qin Tian tidied up and picked up the car keys.

However, He Sihan felt a little uneasy. This was the first time she was alone with her brother-in-law, and she was a little awkward and embarrassed.

"It's okay, Brother Qin is a very nice person."

Seeing his younger sister, He Sinan felt a little restrained, so he stepped forward and patted his younger sister on the shoulder with a smile, "After you get along with him, you will definitely like him."

"Well, yes."

With the comfort of her own sister, He Sihan finally relaxed.

Qin Tian came over at this time and took He Sihan's hand.

He Sihan froze all of a sudden, with big watery eyes staring at Qin Tian shyly.

Qin Tian didn't seem to feel it, he took He Sihan's little hand and walked towards his car.

After Qin Tian and He Sihan left, He Sinan helped his grandma beat her legs.

She remembered that her grandma had a hidden disease in her legs, and when the weather was cold, her legs would feel uncomfortable.

When I didn't go out to work before, I would help my grandma rub her legs and beat her feet in winter.

"Grandma, how are your feet these days?"

"It's still an old problem, but with you rubbing it for me, my feet will be much more comfortable."

Grandma kindly stretched out her hand full of vicissitudes, and patted her granddaughter on the head.

He Sihan also showed an extremely gentle smile on his face when he heard that: "Grandma, as long as you like, I will massage your feet every day until I massage your feet well."

"Silly boy, if you help me massage my feet well, then you are still planning not to get married."

Grandma was very happy when she heard that, and she still teased her granddaughter: "You will press that male doll in the future."

He Sinan's face turned red when he heard it: "Grandma, what are you talking about, brother Xiao Qin is different from you, how can such things be confused."

"Why can't they be confused? It's time for you to talk about marriage. Grandma can't stay by your side all the time."

"You should also think about your own happiness, don't worry about me, an old woman who is half buried in the ground."

He Sinan listened with a complicated expression.

"Sinan, do you intend to marry that boy?"

Grandma squinted and stared at her granddaughter with a smile.

Being stared at, He Sinan lowered his head shyly, then nodded very shyly, as an answer.

Grandma smiled in relief when she heard it, but she didn't say much.

The first impression Qin Tian gave her was also very good, he could be considered a very nice young man.

He also owns a shop, which can be regarded as a small boss.

Being able to marry a city person is better than staying with an old woman like myself in the countryside.


He Sihan here.

Her little hands were already sweating, being pulled all the way by Qin Tian, ​​her little heart jumped wildly.

This was the first time she was held by a boy like this.

This feeling like an electric shock made her nervous.

Finally got into the car.

Qin Tian helped her open the passenger door again, and He Sihan sat in the passenger seat obediently.

"Remember the seat belt."

Qin Tian rubbed the head of this sister-in-law, and gave instructions with a smile.

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