Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 25: The Will-O'-The-Wisp Girl, Chen Qianqian

Qin Tian had been busy all morning in the circuit board workshop, and the bell for getting off work at noon finally rang.

Due to Qin Tian's joining, the circuit board order is not as rushed as the previous two days.

The boss of the electronics factory also didn't want to spend money to treat the employees to dinner, and asked them to go to the cafeteria downstairs to eat at noon.

Just after leaving the electronics factory, Qin Tian ran into He Sinan who was obediently waiting at the door of the workshop.

"How is it? Are you tired in the morning?"

Qin Tian wiped the fine sweat from He Sinan's face, and even pinched it with his hands. It felt soft and soft like jelly.

What Qin Tian said seems to be an irrelevant nonsense, after all, there is no reason why work is not tiring.

This is the common nonsense literature between couples. If the other party really likes you, they often say such caring nonsense, which can increase the relationship between each other. The woman will also feel in her heart that the man cares about herself. .

"Not tired."

He Sinan shook his head happily, but added in a low voice: "Brother Qin, can you stop pinching my face from now on?"


"I'm not a kid anymore."

He Sinan muttered shyly.

"Hehe, I'm going to pinch."

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, then leaned in front of He Sinan, and said provocatively: "If you don't agree, pinch it back."

He Sinan raised his peach blossom eyes and looked at Qin Tian expectantly, several times wanting to reach out and touch the face of this kind fellow.

But after hesitating for a few times, He Sinan still withdrew his hand and lowered his head to look at the toe of the shoe coyly.

Now that I just got off work, the corridors are full of employees going to the cafeteria to eat.

The introverted He Sinan didn't dare to do such a shameful act in public.

"Gua Wazi, you're useless if I give you a chance."

Qin Tian squeezed again, and then took He Sinan's white and tender palm and walked downstairs to the cafeteria.

"I, I don't know what to do."

He Sinan still stubbornly retorted in a low voice.

Looking at his hand being held by Qin Tian, ​​He Sinan felt sweet in his heart, and subconsciously quickened his small steps to follow Qin Tian.

In the cafeteria, Qin Tian asked He Sinan to occupy a seat first, and lined up to eat by himself.

While queuing up, Qin Tian suddenly discovered that the black-skinned girl brought by the will-o'-the-wisp boy in the morning was right in front of him.

"I didn't expect this black-skinned sister to pass the interview."

Qin Tian murmured unexpectedly, wondering whether he should give this younger sister a hand.

In the morning, Qin Tian used the pupil of appraisal to look over the group of ruffians.

The result was similar to Qin Tian's guess, that group of guys all had three hands.

That green-haired man named Li Hai had stolen dozens of times.

As long as Chen Qianqian continues to play with the group of will-o'-the-wisps, it's not a big deal to be cheated, and if it's serious, he might even go in and step on the sewing machine.

"Little sister, what do you want to eat?"

When it was Chen Qianqian's turn, Dafan Aunt took a contemptuous look at Chen Qianqian, who was dressed in a casual manner.

Dressing like Chen Qianqian's in this era is indecent for a girl.

Chen Qianqian glanced at the group of steaming meat dishes dripping with red oil, swallowed to hold back.

"I want small green vegetables and braised tofu."

"4 yuan."

Canteen Aunt prepared the dishes and handed the tray to Chen Qianqian.

"Two vegetarian dishes are so expensive."

Chen Qianqian complained softly, then reached into her pocket to take out the money.

But after touching the empty pocket, Chen Qianqian froze for a moment, then moved to another pocket, her expression becoming more and more nervous.

"Little sister, can you hurry up? There are still people waiting behind."

Dafan Aunt urged impatiently, she was upset when she heard Chen Qianqian muttering just now.

"Wait, wait a minute, I, my wallet looks like"

Chen Qianqian frantically searched through every pocket, but couldn't find her small wallet.

"What's the matter, I put it in my pocket when I was in the car just now."

Chen Qianqian was anxious.

In the wallet are her food expenses for the past few days and the travel expenses for taking the bus back at night.

Moreover, the place where she and her mother live is very far from the electronics factory, which is the terminal of the No. 13 bus.

If you can't find your wallet, let alone eating, even going home is a problem.

What's more, her PHS is still in the wallet, which was bought by her mother for more than 200 yuan.

"Hey, little girl, can you hurry up?"

The employees queuing up behind were already getting impatient, and they all poked their heads and urged impatiently.

"My My Wallet"

Chen Qianqian's personality is not as introverted as He Sinan's, but in this unfamiliar electronics factory, she is also very nervous when encountering such an embarrassing thing.

Coupled with the scolding from the employees behind, Chen Qianqian was so anxious that tears began to roll.

"Tsk, waste of time."

Aunt spat irritably, and was about to throw Chen Qianqian back.

"Calm it to me."

Qin Tian thought for a while, then handed over 50 yuan to Dafan Aunt, and ordered dishes for himself and He Sinan by the way.

Hearing that someone was helping to pay the money, Chen Qianqian, who was in a panic, suddenly looked up at this kind-hearted man, and was moved in his heart.

"Take it."

Qin Tian handed the staff meal ordered by Chen Qianqian in front of her.

"Thank you."

Chen Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly took the plate, wiped her tears, and thanked Qin Tian: "I will pay you back when I find the wallet."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, put away the change, and walked towards He Sinan with two plates of staff meals.

Chen Qianqian looked at Qin Tian's back in a daze while holding the staff meal, and then followed behind Qin Tian cautiously.

Because of the episode just now, the employees who lined up behind all cast contemptuous glances at Chen Qianqian who was dressed in a special way.

On weekdays, Chen Qianqian followed Li Hai, although they also cared about these gazes.

But with Li Hai and the others by her side, Chen Qianqian wouldn't be so uneasy. Under the instigation of Li Hai and the others, sometimes she, who was rebellious, could bravely stare back with her eyes.

Now that Chen Qianqian was alone, she couldn't stand these strange looks.

Therefore, Chen Qianqian approached Qin Tian subconsciously, pretending to be familiar with Qin Tian, ​​and walked side by side.

Qin Tian glanced at Chen Qianqian beside him, and smiled helplessly.

Chen Qianqian, who grew up in a single-parent family, belongs to the kind of troubled girl who is both insecure and rebellious.

To put it bluntly, Chen Qianqian, who grew up under the care of a doting mother, lacks strict fatherly love to correct her rebellious character.

Single-parent families, especially girls raised by their mothers, have this weird personality problem.

The reason why Chen Qianqian went to provoke Li Hai's group of rascals when he first arrived was because he wanted to find that strange sense of security in a group of will-o'-the-wisps.

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