Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Five: Do You Hate Me Like This?

The next morning, Qin Tian opened his eyes contentedly, and turned his head to look at He Sinan who was still sleeping soundly next to him with distress and satisfaction.

Like a cat being bullied, He Sinan tightly hugged Qin Tian's arms and curled up into a ball, his tear-filled eye sockets were slightly red and swollen, and his delicate fair face was still stained with tears.

I saw that the words "You Lian" seemed to have been engraved on her face.

Qin Tian finally took this naive treasure girl as his own.

Although Qin Tian's methods and process are a bit despicable, but the way boys chase girls is like this, either by routine or love words.

In addition, He Sinan did not reject Qin Tian, ​​and had already given his heart to him, making it easier for Qin Tian to win.

Qin Tian stroked He Sinan's messy hair, and while touching He Sinan's warm pretty face, he turned on the TV.

Until noon, Qin Tian, ​​who was watching TV, felt itchy on his back, turned his head and saw that He Sinan had woken up.

She was blushing, and she was gently pulling her hair that was pressed down by Qin Tian with both hands.

Maybe it's because the two are in a state of being honest with each other now, and she is shy.

Or maybe he was complaining that Qin Tian lied to her yesterday, so he got angry and ignored Qin Tian.

She just pulled out her beautiful hair from Qin Tian's back one by one without making a sound, carefully.

"Are you hungry? Want to go out and eat something?"

Qin Tian got up and brushed He Sinan's hair away, lying on his side on the bed and looking at this naive treasure girl tenderly.

He Sinan shook his head lightly, his shy peach blossom eyes never dared to look at Qin Tian.

"Do you hate me like this?"

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's moist eye sockets, and asked tentatively.

He Sinan raised his head bravely, looked at Qin Tian in silence for a moment, and finally shook his head.

Qin Tian smiled gratifiedly, and held He Sinan in his arms, feeling a huge softness in his chest.

He Sinan was a little embarrassed at first, but thinking that the two of them had already done exercise, He Sinan was relieved.

Leaning in Qin Tian's arms for a moment, He Sinan tried his best and bravely stretched out his hand to caress Qin Tian's cheek, with a bit of resentment in his voice: "Brother Qin, you lied to me"

The reason why Qin Tian was able to take the treasure girl as his own so easily was because He Sinan believed too much and relied too much on Qin Tian.

Qin Tian lied to her that he was just watching, and He Sinan obediently remained motionless.

"Will you still let me lie after that?"

Qin Tian stroked He Sinan's hot earlobe, and asked brazenly.

He knew what He Sinan's answer was, but the desire to conquer and the sense of guilt in his heart made him want to see He Sinan nodding his head in pity.

As Qin Tian expected, He Sinan finally nodded his head lightly, without any intention of blaming him.

"Small, little brother Qin"

He Sinan held Qin Tian's big hand touching his cheek, and asked in a humble and enthusiastic tone: "I want to take you to see grandma during the Chinese New Year, is that okay?"

In He Sinan's traditional cognition, after last night, Qin Tian was already her man, and they could only get married after seeing her grandma.

Qin Tian nodded without hesitation: "Sure, when are you going to take me there?"

"Pass, Chinese New Year"

"no problem."

"Small, little brother Qin"

After the two cuddled together for a long time, He Sinan bravely confessed: "You, you are a good person, I love you so much."

"You are also a good person, and I love you too!"

Qin Tian imitated He Sinan's tone and responded, then held He Sinan in his arms and sat up, leaning against the head of the bed.

"Brother Qin, it's cold"

He Sinan, who was only wearing a bathrobe, sat on Qin Tian's waist in such an empty way, muttering with a flushed face.

Hearing this, Qin Tian pulled all the quilts over and surrounded the two of them: "What about now? Is it still cold?"

He Sinan shook his head lightly, but felt a little embarrassed sitting on Qin Tian in this position.

"Oh, don't keep your head down."

Lifting He Sinan's face from Qin Tian's body, he boasted sincerely: "You are so beautiful, don't you want to show me?"

He Sinan shook his head lightly again, blinked his shy eyes, and looked at Qin Tian erratically.

In order to prevent He Sinan from sliding down, Qin Tian supported He Sinan's plump thighs with both hands, and talked eloquently, "I'll take you out of the electronics factory in a few days, okay?"


He Sinan looked at Qin Tian in surprise.

"I'm planning to open a shop near here. Will you be the proprietress when the time comes?"

Now that the treasure girl has been taken for himself, there is no need for Qin Tian to continue working in the electronics factory.

As long as there are a few treasure chests from the economics department, Qin Tian can bring He Sinan over to toss his storefront.

"it is good."

He Sinan nodded heavily, and did not ask about Qin Tian's background and assets.

Her thinking is very simple and pure, as long as she can follow Qin Tian, ​​she will do whatever Qin Tian does.

Then the two of them got married in a logical manner, and it was enough to help Qin Tian take care of the child.

"So obedient?"

Qin Tian touched He Sinan's tender and smooth thigh, and couldn't help but tease: "Aren't you afraid that I will abduct you and sell you?"

He Sinan naturally didn't believe it.

On the contrary, Qin Tian's hands started to play tricks again, she blushed, looking at Qin Tian complaining like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Then I'll come here to take care of the store in a few days. Can you wait for me in the factory?"

Qin Tian decided to open a milk tea shop with the set of stores rewarded by the system, and came to decorate the store and recruit employees in a few days.

After everything was sorted out, He Sinan was brought over to work directly as the proprietress.


He Sinan listened quietly, and after Qin Tian finished speaking, he still nodded submissively.

This is the most important thing Qin Tian likes about He Sinan.

He Sinan satisfies the advantages of most men's dream partner.

She has a cuteness that can make men love her, and she has a tender and tolerant feeling.

The former can make men arouse the desire to protect, and the latter can make men feel at ease and warm.

Just like now, no matter what Qin Tian is going to do, He Sinan will not have any complaints, and will only support you silently behind the scenes, love you, wait for you and believe in you.

"Hey, what a fool."

Qin Tian shook his head in relief and helplessness, and then his eyes fell on He Sinan.

He Sinan was wearing a bathrobe, and with this posture, Qin Tian under him could see her proud figure at a glance.

Qin Tian pulled the position of the bathrobe, and held He Sinan's slender waist with both hands.

"Small, little brother Qin"

He Sinan exclaimed in surprise, his body softened uncontrollably, and he pressed against Qin Tian's body, frowning, and said in a coquettish, aggrieved voice, "You're dead!"

ps: Anyway, He Sinan is in the palace, so everyone can rest assured that no matter what happens, she will not be abused.

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