Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 51: I Don't Want You To Be Tired Alone

After breakfast, Qin Tian and He Sinan took a taxi to clock in at the electronics factory.

Qin Tian planned to open a few more treasure chests from the economics department, so he went to toss his store in the China World Mall, and he had to find time to go to the Yulongwan community.

The 186 units in the school district have to be rented out by the community property for themselves. If they remain empty, hundreds of thousands will be lost in vain every month.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the electronics factory, he ran into two of He Sinan's previous roommates in the girls' dormitory: Chen Rou and Li Fang.

The former Shonan girl resigned and ran away with a bucket because of something in her hometown.

What He Sinan is wearing today is the chiffon skirt and leather boots that Qin Tian bought for her. It is completely different from the old-fashioned country girl's clothing before, as delicate as a princess.

Especially this exaggerated figure always makes the two roommates feel more pressure.

"Good morning, fellow!"

Li Fang greeted her carefreely, with the forthright personality of a typical Sichuan-Chongqing girl.


Qin Tian smiled, and He Sinan waved his little hand lightly in response.

Chen Rou looked at He Sinan with a gentle expression: "Sinan, is it suitable to live there? Does anyone need our help?"

He Sinan doesn't like to talk much in the dormitory, but he is very careful in doing things.

Everyone in the dormitory cleans up simply, but He Sinan treats the dormitory as his own home, cleaning it inside and out.

Chen Rou's other two roommates liked this simple and kind girl very much. Sometimes when it was He Sinan's turn to do the cleaning, the two of them would offer to help.

"No need."

He Sinan shook his head lightly, still looking shy and introverted.

Hearing this, several people walked side by side toward the electronics factory, talking and laughing along the way.

He Sinan still doesn't like to talk very much, she is introverted and obediently listens to the chatting of a few people beside her boyfriend, her pair of dependent eyes always stay on Qin Tian's body.

When Qin Tian mentioned her in the chat, He Sinan's white ears would move slightly, she looked quite cute.

"By the way, I plan to open a small shop in a few days."

Qin Tian thought of his unmanaged store in China World Mall: "If you are interested, you can come to my store to help, I am short of manpower now."

Qin Tian now owns the entire Yulongwan District real estate, so the shops in China World Mall are not so important, but they can't be left empty.

Qin Tian intends to find a reliable milk tea brand to contact and cooperate with, use the store in China World Mall to open a milk tea shop, and then ask He Sinan and these two roommates to help run it.

He Sinan's personality is not suitable for being a boss wife, nor can she control the employees under her.

Chen Rou, a fellow from Sichuan and Chongqing, treated He Sinan quite well, so it was the most suitable choice for them to help He Sinan run the milk tea shop together.

Anyway, China World Mall is a place with a very high traffic flow, so you can make a steady profit without losing any store you open, it’s just a matter of earning more or less.

Qin Tian doesn't need to think about what kind of store to open to make money. After all, opening a store and doing business, how can he make money faster by completing the system's check-in tasks?

After Qin Tian settled He Sinan down, he would go to Yulongwan community to see his school district houses.

He Sinan hasn't seen much of the world yet, and Qin Tian didn't intend to let her go to the Yulongwan community with him.

Qin Tian didn't want He Sinan to know all his assets so quickly, lest this girl would think about this and that again.

If He Sinan saw the gap between the rich and the poor between the two, and said suddenly: "Brother Qin, we are not suitable!", then it would not be fun.

When the two roommates heard it, they both showed such expressions.

They felt that Qin Tian's background was unusual before, otherwise his consumption style would not be so extravagant, he would not look like someone who came to work in an electronics factory.

As for why Qin Tian came to work in the electronics factory, it's not too clear.

Chen Rou has been in the electronics factory for so long, and she has seen too many men who come to the electronics factory to chase girls.

As long as they catch up with the girl, they will immediately abduct the girl from the electronics factory, sometimes even without paying her salary.

Of course, most of the results are that within a few days, the girl who was bewitched by the man will cry and go back to the electronics factory to continue working.

When she first met Qin Tian, ​​Chen Rou was also worried that this innocent and kind girl would be cheated by Qin Tian, ​​and then run back crying just like the girls who were cheated before.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about this at all.

Qin Tian not only helped He Sinan buy a lot of things, but also took He Sinan to rent a house outside.

Even for the sake of He Sinan not being bullied in the dormitory, he would try his best to please these roommates.

Chen Rou, a bystander, could feel Qin Tian's meticulous care for He Sinan, and Qin Tian didn't look like that scumbag who started messing around and ended up abandoning him.

"Hee hee, fellow, how much salary do you pay us?"

Li Fang asked bluntly, she has the candid personality of most girls in Sichuan and Chongqing, so naturally she will not hide the salary issue that she cares most about.

Qin Tian smiled: "Anyway, the treatment is better than yours in the factory, and the work is much easier than in the electronics factory."

"So what store are you going to open? What do we need to do?"

Chen Rou also had some expectations. She had planned to change jobs.

"No hurry, I'll contact you when I finish handling some things."

The four chatted for a while, and after entering the electronics factory, the four separated due to different reasons in the workshop.

"After the milk tea shop opens, you will be the proprietress of our shop, and the two of them will be your employees."

Qin Tian held the thumb of He Sinan's palm and stroked the back of her fair hand: "How is it? Are you confident to run our store?"

He Sinan looked embarrassed, she didn't know anything about opening a shop and doing business.

Qin Tian saw He Sinan's worries, and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, you just need to be responsible for counting the money, and leave the troublesome things to me."

"Me, I want to help too."

When He Sinan heard this, he pleaded anxiously: "Brother Qin, can you teach me? I don't want you to be tired alone."

Qin Tian's heart warmed up: "No problem, after a few days the matter over there is dealt with, and I will teach you step by step."

"it is good."

He Sinan replied heavily, with a serious expression on his delicate face.

da da da

Just as the two of them were going up the stairs, there was a sudden sound of fast footsteps behind them.

"Brother Qin!"

It turned out that Chen Qianqian ran over happily, and waved to Qin Tian while holding the coat Qin Tian gave her yesterday in the other hand.


Qin Tian saw the coat in Chen Qianqian's hand, and glanced at He Sinan beside him in horror.

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