Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Sixty-Nine: Homework Handed In

After Sun Shaowen reprimanded him angrily, he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, trying to ease the anxiety just now.

"Don't be angry, cousin."

Practitioner Sun obsequiously took a lighter and lit a cigarette for Sun Shaowen: "Isn't it okay if I come? I'm still counting on getting rich with you."

"Heh, you molested the female employees every day, and you didn't come if you had nothing to do. Is this how you got rich with me?"

Sun Xueye looked sincere: "I will definitely change it, I will definitely change it."

Even if Sun Xueye had resentment in his heart, he didn't dare to show it. He finally came to such a prosperous big city from the valley.

I don't want to just go back to accompany his uneducated old man, and continue to toss those rotten land and a few stinky pigs.

"Also, I will cut off your hair tomorrow, and pull out the nails. It looks like something."

"Ah? No need, cousin?"

Sun Xueye suddenly became anxious: "I spent tens of dollars to cut my hairstyle, and the earrings cost more than ten dollars each. Isn't it just to meet a rich man, so I can't do it like this?"

"If you don't want to, buy a green ticket and go back to your hometown tomorrow. Your father will continue to raise pigs. I'm too lazy to serve you!"

After Sun Shaowen finished speaking, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out after taking a few puffs of cigarettes, and returned to the property department.

"Damn! Who do you think you are, idiot!"

Looking at Sun Shaowen's back, Sun Xueye spat in disdain.

But think about it, Sun Shaowen sponsored all his food, transportation, housing and food, even this property job was provided by him.

If he left Sun Shaowen, he might really be sent back.

Sun Xueye didn't want to go back to that backward mountain valley, he still hoped to win his own piece of the world in Jianghai City!

There was no other way, Sun Xueye could only take out his PHS impatiently and make a call: "Hello, Li Hai? I won't go tomorrow, I have a big project here."

"Why? Brother Sun, if you don't come, you guys won't have fun."

"Why do you gib so much nonsense, don't jb ask, that's it, talk about it in two days!"

Qin Tian, ​​who hung up on Sun Shaowen's phone, was already lying on the bed, comfortably watching the big butt TV, waiting for He Sinan to come out of the shower.

Qin Tian had just moved here, so he didn't install a signal pot for this TV, and there were only a few channels in exchange.

These channels are all promoting advertisements, and the only channel that can be watched is the news program of Jianghai City.

"Hey, it would be great if there is TikTok, I really want to stamp and comment on the dancing big sister!"

Qin Tian sighed emptily, lying lazily on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling in a daze.

For a person who lives in a world where the Internet is extremely developed, this feeling of not being able to watch short videos for entertainment anytime, anywhere is simply too difficult.

"Let's go buy a computer in a few days."

Qin Tian muttered abruptly.

Having nothing to do, Qin Tian picked up his mobile phone and looked at the computer configuration in this world, planning to go to the whole computer and come back to play tomorrow.

At this moment, He Sinan also came out of the shower.

She stepped on her slippers, and lay lightly beside Qin Tian, ​​blinking her clear peach blossom eyes and looking at Qin Tian cutely.

Sensing a warm body next to her, Qin Tian decisively put down the phone, held He Sinan in his arms, rubbed her hair that was still warm, and acted coquettishly: "Sinan, I'm so bored~"

"No, are you bored?"

It was the first time for He Sinan to see Qin Tian as a child begging for love, even his voice became full of coquettishness, and he didn't know what to do.

"Well, it's so boring."

Qin Tian arched lazily on He Sinan's proud body, and complained a little aggrieved.

He Sinan didn't know how to comfort Qin Tian, ​​so he could only subconsciously hold Qin Tian in his arms, stroked his black broken hair, and said gently as if stroking a cat: "Then, then, let me tell Brother Qin. story?"


Originally, Qin Tian quite enjoyed He Sinan's gentle look, like a bosom big sister, wishing he could just lie down and sleep in He Sinan's gentle place.

But the masculine masculinity in his body made Qin Tian tremble all over, he violently broke away from He Sinan's gentleness, only then did he suddenly realize that he was acting like a kid to He Sinan.

"Ahem, I'm not a child, what's so interesting about the story, how old are you?"

After Qin Tian coughed seriously, he seized the dominance driven by the masculinity, and held He Sinan in his arms again.

Qin Tian couldn't help admiring He Sinan's gentle demeanor in his heart, he could actually make his hot-blooded man who was about 1.8 meters tall act like a little kid to her.

He Sinan didn't understand why Qin Tian changed so much, but he lowered his head unhappily when he heard Qin Tian complain about his childish appearance.


Qin Tian lowered his head and kissed He Sinan's cherry lips, and asked bluntly: "Would you like to show me your legs? Maybe I won't be bored just looking at your legs."


He Sinan's pretty face flushed, and she rubbed her legs at a loss, not knowing what's so good about her legs.

"Hey, listen, I'll take a look."

Qin Tian still asked expectantly.


After all, He Sinan couldn't resist Qin Tian's offensive, and responded with a thousand thoughts.

She tiptoed out from under the blanket, and sat obediently in front of Qin Tian, ​​always embarrassed to straighten her legs.

"I can't see it either."

Qin Tian also got out of bed, patted his leg: "I'm your boyfriend, don't be so shy, I'm just looking."


Under Qin Tian's earnest gaze, He Sinan finally moved.

She leaned closer to Qin Tian, ​​and then put her slender legs on Qin Tian's legs and stretched them out, ashamed to let you pick them.

"Sinan, your legs are really pretty."

Qin Tian groped fondly.

He Sinan's legs may be the most tender pair Qin Tian has ever seen, slender and full of sensuality at the same time.

Small feet, the skin is as thin as swallow skin, crystal clear.

Because I just took a shower, my legs still felt warm and still had the fragrance of shower gel.

Qin Tian even wondered if she walked out of the mountains, her skin and figure are so perfect, she is simply a natural beauty!

He Sinan couldn't help being a little happy when he heard Qin Tian complimenting her, and leaned his leg against Qin Tian's body.

He Sinan didn't know what was so good about her legs, but Qin Tian praised her very well.

He Sinan is also a girl, so she naturally hopes that her boyfriend will praise her more, no matter what it is.

"Forget it, don't read it, it's time to hand in the homework."

"Homework is right!"

Before He Sinan could finish her question, Qin Tian directly took her legs, threw off the quilt, and couldn't wait to get under the quilt.

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