Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 84: Do You Think I'm A Bad Woman?

Sensing the contemptuous and jealous eyes of the neighbors around, Chen Qianqian lowered her head in frustration, and nervously held Qin Tian's hand, regretting that she went to play with Li Hai's group of gangsters.

If it weren't for those ruffians who came here every day to look for Chen Qianqian during those days, Chen Qianqian would not be regarded by these guys as a nondescript female gangster, and she and her mother would not be looked at by these neighbors all day long.

"Brother Qin, do you think I'm a bad woman?"

Chen Qianqian muttered in fear, nervously waiting for Qin Tian's response.

"These neighbors don't look very friendly?"

Qin Tian looked around at these chattering neighbors, and also saw what Chen Qianqian was worried about: "Silly girl, how old are you? Can you be called a woman? At most, you can be regarded as an annoying little fairy."

"Little Brother Qin"

Chen Qianqian looked up at Qin Tian, ​​feeling her nose sore, and an emotion that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time suddenly came out.

"Then I will be your little fairy for the rest of my life!"

Chen Qianqian stretched out her happy smile, and hugged Qin Tian's arms in her arms, rubbing them fondly.

Feeling the softness on his arms, Qin Tian reminded abruptly: "Hey, we have a contract of three chapters, and you are not keeping promises."

"Huh? Is there?"

Chen Qianqian blinked her eyes, with an innocent look on her face: "Sister Sinan is not by your side, and I'm not breaking the rules, Brother Qin!"


Qin Tian sighed faintly, and had no words to refute.

Walk up the stairs built of mud bricks, and come to the corridor on the second floor. A woman is drying clothes on the balcony.

It was Chen Qianqian's mother: Sun Qimei.

"Qianqian, you are back."

Sun Qimei just finished drying the clothes, turned her head to look at Chen Qianqian and greeted subconsciously, but saw her daughter hugging a tall man affectionately and swinging the arms back and forth.

And isn't this man the owner of the sports car he met in the Cantonese restaurant this morning? !

"She is Chen Qianqian's mother?"

Qin Tian was also a little surprised, isn't this the waitress who poured out all his dishes in the morning?

Boy, is the world so small?

"Mom, you, why did you leave work so early today?"

Chen Qianqian was also stunned, she never thought that Sun Qimei had already come home from get off work at this point, isn't it usually after 11 o'clock?

"Today, the hotel is being renovated today, so I leave work early."

Sun Qimei anxiously found an excuse, then looked at the boy next to Chen Qianqian, and asked tentatively, "Qianqian, who is this?"

"He, his name is Qin Tian, ​​he is me"

Chen Qianqian faltered and didn't know how to answer, she was still holding Qin Tian's arms, the two looked like a couple.

But Chen Qianqian was worried that Qin Tian would be angry, so she didn't dare to arbitrarily characterize Qin Tian as her boyfriend.

"Hi Aunt, my name is Qin Tian, ​​I am"

Qin Tian's tone paused for a few seconds, but he still said, "I'm Qianqian's boyfriend."

Now it was seen on the spot by Sun Qimei who got all the stolen goods.

The actions of the two now, apart from using a couple's gimmick to cover it up, Qin Tian really can't find any excuse to quibble.

More importantly, Qin Tian was also particularly worried that Chen Qianqian would suddenly say: "He is my father".

If Chen Qianqian really said it, Qin Tian didn't dare to imagine what kind of exaggerated reaction Sun Qimei would have.

Chen Qianqian opened her small mouth in surprise, and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief, her whole body was so excited.

"Ah, this, this is it."

Qin Tian's answer was within Sun Qimei's expectation and beyond reason.

In fact, seeing the intimate actions of the two of them, Sun Qimei could already guess the relationship between the two of them.

But her daughter suddenly found a boyfriend, a very rich boyfriend and brought home something, Sun Qimei still felt a little dreamy.

"Then, Xiao Qin, come in and sit down."

No matter how you say it, Sun Qimei is someone who has experienced it. Even though she is flustered now, she also put on an enthusiastic look and invited Qin Tian into the house.

After Qin Tian entered the room, Chen Qianqian ran back to his own room, pushed away the debris on the chair, wiped it with his own clothes to make sure there was no dust, and quickly moved it out for Qin Tian to sit on.

Chen Qianqian and her mother depend on each other for life, and they don't have any relatives or friends to visit on weekdays, and there is not even a decent chair at home.

The time difference between the mother and daughter at work was almost reversed, and they ate by Sun Qimei's bed when they ate.

Qin Tian sat on a chair and looked curiously at this room of less than 20 square meters.

The room is small, but it is well-equipped and clean. After all, it is a place where two women live.

There is nothing in the house for a man, it is all the daily necessities of the mother and daughter.

"Xiao Qin, you, you drink water."

Sun Qimei brought a small disposable paper cup filled with hot water and put it in front of Qin Tian.

This bag of paper cups was intended to be thrown away when the proprietress of the restaurant cleaned up the inventory, so Sun Qimei asked the proprietress for it.

"Thank you Aunt."

Qin Tian was not pretentious, he sipped his paper cup and started drinking.

"No, nothing."

Sun Qimei smiled nervously, and sat by the bed with complicated emotions.

Chen Qianqian looked at the two of them anxiously, wanting to go back to his room to avoid the inexplicably tense atmosphere.

This feeling of uneasiness is like visiting a poor student's home with a beloved teacher on weekdays.

But Qin Tian admitted that he was her boyfriend just now, and Chen Qianqian wanted to know what Qin Tian would say next.

So, she simply sat beside Sun Qimei, pinching her knees nervously, staring at Qin Tian intently, not knowing what she was thinking.

For a moment, the room suddenly became quiet, both mother and daughter looked at Qin Tian nervously, only the sound of a few brats playing outside the window could be heard.

In the room of a mother and daughter who have lived together for more than ten years, a tall man suddenly appeared drinking water.

This feeling is wonderful and abrupt, and there is also a sense of solidity that cannot be described.

"Is there something I should ask?"

Sun Qimei was also very nervous, frantically recalling what her parents asked him when her husband came to her home to propose marriage decades ago.

However, her husband has been dead for more than ten years, and her parents have already gone to Hexi, how can Sun Qimei remember those trivial things.

"Xiao, Xiao Qin, where are you from?"

After thinking about it, Sun Qimei asked the most basic question.

"Aunt, I'm from Shancheng."

Qin Tian smiled.

"Ah, the mountain city is good, the mountain city is good, I heard that the peppers there are quite spicy"

Qin Tian: "?"

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