Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 91: Hope To Have A Son In The Future

Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "If it's just a birthday, I'll come over if I'm not busy."

Hearing the answer she was looking forward to, Chen Qianqian's nervous face suddenly revealed a bright smile of overjoy: "Thank you, brother Qin!"

"Okay, let's go back, be careful on the road."

Qin Tian handed her two garbage bags: "By the way, help me take them down, there is a garbage can at the gate of the community."


Chen Qianqian hurried over and happily took the garbage bag, then raised her delicate face, her black and white eyes blinked, and looked at Qin Tian quietly.

"What do you want to do?"

Qin Tian subconsciously shrunk his neck to avoid the girl's sudden attack again.

"Thank you"

Chen Qianqian paused on purpose, bent slightly and leaned in front of Qin Tian, ​​covering her mouth with her palm, and opened and closed her small mouth lightly.

"You damn girl, didn't we agree!"

Qin Tian saw what Chen Qianqian was talking about, blushed and raised his fists as if to hit him, after all He Sinan was still washing dishes in the kitchen.

"Hee hee hee, I didn't say anything? Brother Qin, you must be thinking wildly."

Chen Qianqian smiled playfully, and then greeted He Sinan in the kitchen: "Sister Sinan, I'm leaving first!"

"Well, slow down on the road."

He Sinan's gentle voice came from the kitchen.

"Then I'm leaving"

Chen Qianqian opened her mouth again without making a sound, this time she made a little noise, and then left the room happily.

Qin Tian in the living room could hear the girl's footsteps bouncing downstairs.

"Hey, this dead girl, this is torture!"

Qin Tian closed the door and sighed depressedly.

One can think of Chen Qianqian's weird and lively look just now, and the mouth shape that is obviously his father.

Qin Tian didn't know why, but his heart throbbed for the first time.

"I hope I can have a son in the future."

Qin Tian complained in a complicated mood, and continued to tidy up the living room.

After tidying up the living room, Qin Tian went to the kitchen and squeezed He Sinan's shoulder: "Birthday, go take a shower, I'll wash the rest."

He Sinan shook his head indifferently: "You don't need it, Brother Qin, I'll finish washing it right away."

"It's fine if I come to wash, be obedient, go take a bath quickly, and I have to help you relieve it after taking a bath."

Qin Tian reached out and took off the apron on He Sinan's waist, and reminded solemnly: "Have you forgotten what the doctor said in the morning? If you don't help you relieve it, there may be problems in the future."

"Then, that's fine."

Although He Sinan was hard to say about that kind of thing, she was still worried about something wrong with her body.

Not long after leaving the kitchen, He Sinan returned back with a lot of worries: "Brother Qin, I saw a surgery in the hospital today that can help me shrink."

He Sinan asked a little shyly, "Do you think I want it?"

"No! Absolutely not! He Sinan, you can't even think about it!"

Before He Sinan finished speaking, Qin Tian refused in horror: "That kind of surgery is a lie, you must not have that kind of surgery, and you can't go behind my back, do you hear me!"

Just kidding, if He Sinan really had that kind of surgery, wouldn't it be equivalent to taking all the contents of the treasure?

This feeling is like an adventurer who went through hardships to defeat the dragon and found the legendary mysterious treasure chest. Then the adventurer excitedly opened the treasure chest, but it was empty.

"I, I see."

It was the first time for He Sinan to see Qin Tian so nervous that he even called out her full name, and hurriedly shook his hands and promised in a panic: "Brother Qin, don't be angry, I won't do that kind of operation."

Seeing that he frightened He Sinan, Qin Tian coughed in embarrassment, put his hands on her fragrant shoulders and comforted her earnestly.

"Sinan, don't care about other people's eyes. In my eyes, you have always been perfect. I have always liked you the way you are now."

"Didn't the doctor say it? It's just a small problem for you, as long as you let me help you relieve it on weekdays."

"And think about it again, what if we get married in the future and the child has nothing to eat?"

When He Sinan thought of the child, he shyly but firmly promised: "I know Brother Qin, I won't go for the operation."

"That's about the same."

Qin Tian pinched He Sinan's face angrily, and said with lingering fear: "Do you know that you almost scared me to death just now, and you can't say such cruel things to me in the future, you understand?"

"Cruel, cruel?"

"Well, it's cruel!"

"Then I know, I'm sorry, Brother Qin."

"Okay, let's go take a shower."

After He Sinan went to the bathroom, the sound of running water started not long after.

Qin Tian also speeded up the washing of the dishes, every bowl was rubbed until it creaked, but the movements were a bit strange.

At this moment, the Nokia in his pocket rang, and it was Sun Shaowen calling.

Qin Tian took out his mobile phone and tucked his neck to his ear, while washing the dishes, he asked, "How is the rental situation of the house?"

"Very good, Mr. Qin, there are only 9 households left that have not been rented out yet."

Sun Shaowen on the other end of the phone was very excited: "I believe that within a few days, Mr. Qin, your property in Yulong Bay will be rented out."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Qin Tian politely said a word in satisfaction.

"Wherever it is, these are what I, a property manager, should do."

Sun Shaowen has been in the society for many years, and he is also a veteran who is very good at talking: "I also want to thank you, Mr. Qin, for the opportunity. I have learned a lot from you during this period of time."

Qin Tian smiled lightly, these flattery words are just listening, don't take them too seriously.

"Then Mr. Qin, I'm on my way to the bank now. Do you want to transfer all the rent and deposit collected during this period to the card number you left last time?"

There were no quick payments in this day and age. Most business transactions were paid in cash, and so was rent.

Sun Shaowen is now sitting in the bank's withdrawal vehicle, surrounded by two bank police officers with guns.

In front of the three of them were five dark suitcases, which were full of cash.

"Yes, turn around."

Qin Tian spent quite a lot these days, and there was not much left over the 100,000 yuan he paid last time.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Tian just washed the dishes and dried his hands when Nokia played a text message.

[Your Zhongxing account ending in 6217 is credited rb: 220800000. 】

【Trading time: 10:28, July 6th】

[Transfer note: Mr. Qin's rent in Yulongwan Community in July]

Looking at the series of money numbers in the phone, Qin Tian smiled contentedly.

It turns out that the legendary rent-collector feels like this, so comfortable!

At this moment, the sound of water in the bathroom also stopped.

Qin Tian knew that something more comfortable was coming!

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