Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 94: He Sinan, I Will Definitely Marry You In The Future

The gate of the truck gradually rose, and a large black and cool motorcycle slowly appeared in the compartment. This is the Kawasaki zx10r worth 150,000.

Of course, Kawasaki zx10r, the whole car is made of carbon fiber, it looks sturdy and fierce, but it is not very heavy.

Qin Tian's own strength is too exaggerated, and there is no pressure at all to drive this motorcycle.

I am worried that the motorcycle will be damaged by collision during transportation. This motorcycle is firmly fixed by iron frames and anti-collision strips.

There are two wooden boxes next to the motorcycle, which contain motorcycle helmets and gloves matching Kawasaki zx10r.

After the gate was lifted, several workers went up to disassemble the iron frame and anti-collision strips used to fix the motorcycle, then built the iron slide, pushed the motorcycle down carefully, and also put the wooden helmet and gloves on. The box was lifted out.

"Mr. Qin, your car has been delivered, please sign here."


After Qin Tian finished signing, he took out the motorcycle helmet and gloves from the wooden box, and handed He Sinan a helmet and gloves by the way.

"Then Mr. Qin, I wish you a happy car."

After a few staff members greeted each other warmly, they drove away in a delivery truck.

Qin Tian threw the wooden box into the trash can at the door, ran back to help He Sinan put on his helmet and gloves, and said earnestly: "This car has a lot of power, hold me tight when you get in the car, or you will be thrown off of."

"Yeah, I know Brother Qin."

He Sinan wore a big black helmet and nodded cutely.

Qin Tian put on his motorcycle helmet, rode on and shook slightly, and there was a faint sound of running.

Qin Tian now possesses the talent of an old driver, just by hearing this voice, he can tell that this motorcycle is running out of gas.

This is also normal. Most of the motorcycles are on the way to be transported. For the sake of safety, the fuel tank is empty or only a little bit is left.

Fortunately, there is a gas station not far outside the community, and the gasoline is enough to ride there.

Qin Tian inserted the car key, pressed the ignition button, and the four-cylinder driven Kawasaki zx10r immediately made an adrenaline-inducing engine sound.

The noise was a bit loud, and he couldn't even hear the sound when speaking, so Qin Tian could only wave to He Sinan who was next to him.

He Sinan quickly ran over, raised his legs, and sat behind Qin Tian, ​​carefully hugging Qin Tian's waist.

"Sinan, hold on tight."

Qin Tian turned around and hugged He Sinan.

The starting inertia of this car is very large, if you can't hold it firmly, you will be thrown off the car directly.

He Sinan understood Qin Tian's meaning, and simply lay all his upper body on Qin Tian's back, and tightly hugged Qin Tian's waist with his hands, that proud 95 also directly turned into a pancake shape.

Feeling the huge softness behind him, Qin Tian smiled comfortably, then put on the first gear, and galloped towards the gate of the community.

After filling up 95 gasoline at the gas station, Qin Tian first went to the hospital to get a health certificate, and then went to the traffic police department to apply for a motorcycle license.

In the future, he will travel in Jianghai City and possibly further places, so a motorcycle license is a must.

After finishing these things, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Tian took He Sinan back to the community on his bicycle, and his speed was directly adjusted to the lowest.

He Sinan didn't like such exciting things.

At the beginning, He Sinan was so frightened by the exaggerated speed of the car and the vibration of his buttocks that he trembled, and he didn't dare to open his eyes to look at the things around him.

Qin Tian wanted to experience the performance of this car, but he still had to take care of He Sinan's emotions.

If it was Chen Qianqian, she might like this exciting feeling very much.

After returning to the community, He Sinan got out of the car with weak legs. Qin Tian helped her take off the helmet, revealing a sweaty little ruddy face.

"Are you okay?"

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to stroke He Sinan's sweaty hair, and asked with some concern.

"It's okay, Brother Qin."

He Sinan forced a smile, but his legs were still shaking, it seemed that he really couldn't bear the speed of this car.

Qin Tian thought to himself, it seems that when taking her out in the future, it would be better to drive a Mercedes-Benz.

"Then you go back first, I'll run the car, and I'll be back later."

Whether it is a car or a motorcycle, as long as you just bought it, you must never leave it alone. You must warm up the car for at least 15 minutes every month.

In this way, the accessories in the motorcycle can be run-in and run-in, so that all accessories can reach the best condition.

Moreover, the tires of the new car are very slippery, and it must be ridden frequently to maximize the traction of the forum.

"Well, then I'll go back and cook, Brother Qin, I'll wait for you to come back."

He Sinan didn't understand what it meant to run in, but thought it was getting so late, it was time to go back and make dinner.

After watching He Sinan leave, Qin Tian turned the car around and rushed towards the entrance of the residential area in pursuit of the wind.

After seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Tian returned to the community refreshed.

Now he doesn't have a license plate and dare not drive on the road. He just drove on Jiangbin Road for a while, but it was also very enjoyable.

"Well, follow me and work hard in the future."

Satisfied, Qin Tian patted the black front of the car, shook his motorcycle helmet and happily returned home.

When he opened the door, a scent of oil came rushing over his face, He Sinan sat obediently in the living room, and there were three home-cooked dishes on the small table in front of him.

"Brother Qin."

Seeing Qin Tian came back, He Sinan greeted Qin Tian, ​​then walked back to the kitchen with small steps to pick up chopsticks, and took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator.

Seeing He Sinan who was still wearing an apron busy in the kitchen and living room for himself, Qin Tian couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This feeling is like a husband who has been busy all day, dragging his tired body home from get off work.

There is a virtuous wife in the family who gently cleans up the dust for you, and sorts out all the trivial matters in the house.

After a tired day away, the husband returns home, and it is enough to enjoy the dinner prepared by his wife and the hot bath water.

Although these were normal things for both husband and wife, Qin Tian always felt warm in his heart, feeling healed.

"Brother Qin?"

He Sinan looked at Qin Tian who was in a daze at the door, thinking that he had done something wrong, he quickly looked at the food on the small table, and then at the kitchen that had just been tidied up.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, He Sinan asked in a low voice: "Brother Qin, no, don't you want to eat?"

"He Sinan!"

Qin Tian resolutely said: "I will definitely marry you in the future!"

ps: Anyway, He Sinan is in the palace, so everyone can rest assured that no matter what happens, she will not be abused.

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