Choose Liu Bei at the start, I am the only one who knows the plot of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 15 White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for a thousand miles

All the remaining Yellow Turban soldiers surrendered. After seeing his name in the column of generals, Gu Rubing finally breathed a sigh of relief and called on the militiamen to clean up the battlefield.

"Brother, this battle is really fun!"

Zhang Fei jumped down from the city wall and said excitedly: "The Yellow Turban thieves have been eliminated. The displaced people of Feng Town should return to their hometowns soon after hearing the news."

"Brother, in my opinion, it is better for us to stay in Feng Town and be supplemented by the Yellow Turban troops. Now there are thousands of troops, and the third brother's manor cannot accommodate so many people."

At this time, Guan Yu also came over on horseback and spoke to Gu Rubing.

"What the second brother said is true, and I have exactly what I mean."

After listening to Guan Yu's words, Gu Rubing nodded and said.

When Feng Town was just conquered, Gu Rubing already had the idea of ​​staying in Feng Town.

Although Zhuoxian was the place where he started, he couldn't stay in Zhang Fei's manor forever.

Feng Town was previously captured by the Yellow Turbans. Countless people were displaced and large areas of buildings were abandoned. Now that they were captured, it could be used as their stronghold.

Thinking of this, Gu Rubing called over a Yellow Turban soldier and began to inquire about the situation in the city.

Soon, Gu Rubing learned about the current situation in Feng Town from this yellow turban soldier.

Most of the people in Feng Town had escaped from Feng Town during the previous war, and those who could not escape were all captured by the black-faced man and his troops and taken into the dungeon in the north of the city.


Gu Rubing was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "Lead the way."

The Yellow Turban soldiers did not dare to refuse, so they nodded and led Gu Rubing and the other two people towards the north of Feng Town.

As a walled county town, Feng Town should have been very prosperous, but now, it is extremely dilapidated and desolate, with broken walls and ruins everywhere, and it is extremely silent.

Obviously, the Yellow Turban Army had looted a lot here before.

Seeing this scene, Gu Rubing couldn't help but take a deep breath and truly gained some understanding of the so-called troubled times!

White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles!

If I were just an ordinary commoner, I would be like the people of Feng Town before, homeless, and I don't know when I would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.




In troubled times, only the strong can survive!

If you don't increase your strength as soon as possible, your end will definitely not be much better!

Gu Rubing couldn't help but clenched his fists!

Finally, under the leadership of this Yellow Turban soldier, Gu Rubing finally arrived at the only dungeon in Feng Town.

In the small dungeon, more than a thousand people with disheveled hair and ragged clothes were tightly packed. They were all sallow and thin, with numb expressions and dull eyes.

Even when they saw Gu Rubing and the others walking in, their expressions did not change.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room who had been bragging just now fell into silence for a while!

Gu Rubing couldn't help but frown, turned around and ordered: "Open the cell door."

The Yellow Turban soldiers nodded, immediately stepped forward, took out the keys and opened the cell doors one by one.

Seeing the cell door being opened, the people in the dungeon were stunned, and their expressions finally changed.

However, no one took the initiative to come out of the dungeon.

"Dear fellow villagers, my surname is Liu, my given name is Bei, and my courtesy name is Xuande. I am the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan. I heard that Feng Town was occupied by yellow scarf thieves. I summoned the village warriors to come and defeat the thieves!"

Gu Rubing cupped his hands and said: "Fortunately, I have lived up to my fate. Now, the Yellow Turbans in Feng Town have been eliminated, and the leader of the Yellow Turbans has been beheaded by my second and third brothers. During this time, fellow villagers and elders, you have suffered!"

Gu Rubing's voice echoed throughout the dungeon.

The entire dungeon suddenly fell silent.

The next moment, the whole dungeon was boiling!

"Really! It's really saved!"

"Thank God!"

"Finally someone came to save us!"

"Damn Yellow Turbans!"

"My son! Have you seen it! Mr. Liu has avenged you!"

The people in the dungeon had tears in their eyes and roared hoarsely, expressing their long-simmered emotions!

During this period of time, they had lived a very miserable life. Their homes were broken, their wives and children were separated, and they themselves became prisoners. But all of this was finally coming to an end!

"Fellow folks, please go home quickly."

Gu Rubing said loudly: "During this period, my second and third brothers and I plan to stay in Feng Town to continue to pacify the surrounding Yellow Turbans and restore peace to the people!"

After hearing this, a group of people finally walked out of the dungeon.

As soon as they walked out of the dungeon, they suddenly knelt down to Gu Rubing!

"Thank you to Mr. Liu for saving your life. Mr. Liu's kindness will be unforgettable forever!"

Gu Rubing was slightly startled, and quickly helped up the people who led him, and said: "Everyone, please get up quickly. I am a clan member of the Han Dynasty. Now that the Yellow Turbans are causing chaos, this is my responsibility."

"Mr. Liu doesn't know something."

The leading people shook their heads and gritted their teeth and said: "The magistrate of Feng County is an official of the imperial court, but when he saw the Yellow Turbans coming, he abandoned us and fled the city! That dog official is his duty, how can Mr. Liu be called his duty?" Internal matters?"

"Are the people in the imperial court blind? They allowed such a villain to become an official in the imperial court!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei, who had a bad temper, couldn't help but cursed: "If the county magistrate is caught, he will be executed in Lingchi!"


The leader of the people showed a wry smile on his face: "Officer? Can't you just buy it?"

Hearing this, Gu Rubing was speechless for a moment.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Shichang servants disrupted the government and sold their officials to win titles. The world was in chaos and the people were in dire straits!

Gu Rubing sighed slightly in his heart and said: "When the Yellow Turban is calmed down, I will definitely report this matter to the court and give you justice!"

Although Gu Rubing knew that it would be useless even if such a matter was reported to the court, he still had to express his stance.

"So, thank you Mr. Liu!"

After all the people bowed and thanked him again, they finally left the dungeon and walked to their homes.

Gu Rubing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave when suddenly a voice sounded from behind him.

"Xuande, it's really you!"

Gu Rubing was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

In a dungeon, a fat man wearing a coarse linen shirt did not leave, but was looking at Gu Rubing with a surprised look on his face.

When Gu Rubing saw the fat man, he was startled for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said, "Xianhe? Why are you here?"

The slightly fat man was none other than Jian Yong, whom Liu Bei had known since childhood in his memory!

Gu Rubing was no stranger to Jian Yong. Even if he didn't inherit Liu Bei's original memory, he still knew the name Jian Yong!

Jian Yong, whose courtesy name is Xianhe, is Liu Bei's counselor who has been following Liu Bei since his early days. He is also the only counselor Liu Bei had in his early days!

Jian Yong has a simple and direct temperament, and does not stick to trivial matters, but his ability lies not in strategy, but in lobbying and debating, and he has a sharp tongue!

When Liu Beiwan besieged Chengdu, Jian Yong, as an envoy, successfully persuaded Liu Zhang to surrender. He was later promoted to General Zhaode, and his status was second only to Mi Zhu.

Unexpectedly, he met Jian Yong here, which made Gu Rubing feel extremely pleasantly surprised!

Please read it! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend!

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