Choose Liu Bei at the start, I am the only one who knows the plot of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 68 Lead the army to charge and break the enemy's flag!

Originally, Gu Rubing didn't think too much about the timing of the fire attack.

Even if he didn't use this fire attack strategy, Huangfu Song would have thought of it within two days. After all, in history, Huangfu Song was like a fire that burned down the Yingchuan Yellow Turban.

The reason why I took the initiative to offer my advice was simply to contribute to the main mission.

The Battle of Changshe is the most critical battle in the Yellow Turban Uprising. If you can provide suggestions and know it without even thinking about it, you will definitely gain a huge amount of contribution points.

After seeing the attributes of the two strategies, Gu Rubing had only one thought in his mind.

This one is stable!

Flying Dragon Riding Face, tell me how to lose?

Although the buff values ​​provided by the military counselor are extremely high, those buff effects almost only have an effect on the soldiers.

Only strategy is effective not only for soldiers, but also for generals!

Just the original effects of the two strategies "Burning the Changsha" and "Night Attack" are already very strong, not to mention that Huangfu Song actually has two characteristics that increase the effect of the strategy!

You know, Lu Zhi only has one "Three Heroes" characteristic, which can increase the strategic effect by 100%. Huangfu Song has one more "Soldiers have their own changes" characteristic than Lu Zhi!

With the support of these two strategies, ordinary generals might be able to become super gods, let alone Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun?

I'm afraid I can only describe it as I put my hands in my pockets that year and didn't know what my opponent was!

Gu Rubing took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and closed his property panel.


This is the strategy!

Only now did Gu Rubing really feel the horror of the so-called counselor's plan to rule the world!

Soon, Gu Rubing left the Han army camp on horseback and came to the front of the four thousand army camp again. Together with Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and Jian Yong, he led the four thousand army and entered the Han army camp again.

In such a short period of time, all the soldiers in the Han army camp, under the orders of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, were completely mobilized and began to prepare for war.

A strong sense of chilling began to fill the air!

Because they knew they were going to attack the Yellow Turbans tonight.


After Gu Rubing led his army into the camp, he did not find a place to set up camp. Instead, he immediately began to prepare for the upcoming night attack.

They had been fighting with the Yellow Turbans in Guangzong for nearly half a month. Now, Gu Rubing's more than 2,700 soldiers and horses are only two battles away from being transferred to the army.

If nothing else goes wrong, after today's battle, you can switch to another branch of the army!

Time passed little by little.

As the sky gradually darkened, the entire Han army camp fell silent, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn!

There is even a faint sense of tension, with the wind roaring and the trees and grass all at war!

In Gu Rubing's live broadcast room, the number of people online is also increasing. It has exceeded the 70 million mark, and it is still rising with an astonishing momentum!


As the sun began to set and night gradually enveloped the entire land, the number of people online in Gu Rubing's live broadcast room had exceeded 100 million!

It can be said that this battle attracted worldwide attention!

It was at this time that the soldiers of the three armies finally began to assemble.

All the Knights of Three Rivers were wearing chain-locked armor and holding long spears. They had an astonishing killing intent and were riding on horseback, as if with just one order, they could turn into a torrent and wash away everything.

Like the five schools of the Northern Army, they were the central main force of the Han Dynasty's forbidden army, and they were all composed of the most elite and elite cavalry.

There is no doubt that the Sanhe Knights are also a special unit exclusive to the Han Dynasty, and unlike the Fifth School of the Northern Army, this is a special unit with only cavalry!

They were led by Huangfu Song.

As for what Zhu Jun led, they were part of the fifth battalion of the Northern Army and some soldiers transferred from the Southern Army's imperial guards.

These northern and southern imperial guards are mainly infantry, supplemented by archers. They are all wearing tiger armor and are as powerful as tigers.

Looking at the army, all of which were clad in formidable armor, the netizens in the live broadcast room felt their scalps numb, feeling an overwhelming pressure, and could hardly breathe for a while.

It was different from the previous battle of Guangzong, when just the sound of horns, drums, and roars could create a scene of a blazing battlefield.

But now, there is only dead silence!

Stifling silence!

The atmosphere at this time was extremely depressing.

When the sun completely sets and night falls completely.

All three armies have been assembled, but follow the general's orders!

It was at this time that Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun walked to the front of the three-army formation together.

"Tonight, night attack on the Yellow Turbans!"

Huangfu Song took a deep breath, held a big ax in his hand, and said sternly: "During the march, be careful and conceal your body. Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed immediately!"


The army, which had been extremely silent just now, immediately raised their arms and responded in unison.

Huangfu Song raised his ax and pointed it in the direction of the Yellow Turban camp. He took a deep breath and shouted: "Send troops!"

"Tonight, burn the Changshe!"

Following Huangfu Song's order, the entire army left the camp. Under the leadership of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, they began to march quietly towards the Yellow Turban camp!

So, two hours later.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun led the army and finally stopped in the jungle four or five miles away from the Yellow Turban camp, hiding their figures with the tall trees.

Night, very quiet.

At this time, the Yellow Turban camp was extremely quiet. It was obvious that most of the Yellow Turban soldiers had fallen asleep at this point.

Even the patrols and sentries responsible for keeping watch looked drowsy.

Huangfu Song turned his head and said to Gu Rubing behind him: "Marquis Liu Jun, I am in ambush here. You lead your army and ambush one mile to the west. After the second watch, when the east wind blows, we will set fire to the camp together!"

"Be prepared to take orders!"

Gu Rubing nodded, cupped his hands and said.

Then Huangfu Song looked at Zhu Jun again and said: "Gongwei, you lead your army to ambush five miles to the east. Wait for the second watch too, and the east wind will blow up and set the camp on fire!"


Zhu Jun looked at the Yellow Turban Camp not far away, his eyes full of coldness, and said: "Tonight, I will avenge my shame!"

Huangfu Song nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and said: "When the fire burns brightly and the enemy is in panic, I will sound the golden signal and lead the army to charge together to break the enemy's flag!"

As soon as he said this, Huangfu Song suddenly felt a terrifying murderous intent, rising into the sky!

Gu Rubing felt awe-inspiring and nodded together with Zhu Jun.

"In that case..."

Huangfu Song gave the order and said sternly: "Divide the troops!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Rubing did not hesitate, and immediately, together with Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, led four thousand elite soldiers and quietly rushed to the west.

And Zhu Jun also led his army, hiding his figure, and rushed to the east.

Soon after, Gu Rubing and Zhu Jun led their troops to five miles to the west and five miles to the east. They laid ambush respectively and waited for the arrival of the second watch.


ps: The young author begs to read it! Thank you, readers!

Please read it! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend! Please collect!

This chapter is a little stuck. It took me a long time to write it. Please encourage me, please!

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