Choose Liu Bei at the start, I am the only one who knows the plot of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 95 It’s so enjoyable, as enjoyable as his grandma’s!

The moment Huangfusong's voice fell, Gu Rubing and other school officials also drew their swords from their waists at the same time and shouted at their respective soldiers: "Send troops to Guangzong to attack Zhang Jiao!"


During these three days, Huangfu Song not only reported to the court that he would reinforce Jizhou, but also reported Gu Rubing's military exploits and recommended him as a school captain.

Gu Rubing crossed three levels in a row, reaching the sky in one step!

You must know that although Gu Rubing was a military prince before, the military prince was only a low-level officer, and the court did not record it at all.

After being promoted to captain, Gu Rubing could say that he truly had an officially recognized establishment!

The benefits provided by the status of captain are naturally much stronger than those provided by military princes.

[Effectiveness of the school captain: The requirements for job transfer of the unit he leads are -15, the efficiency of transferring militiamen to armored soldiers is +50%, and the attack power of the unit is +20%! 】

However, in Gu Rubing's view, the most important thing about being promoted to captain is that it means that Huangfusong has fully recognized his abilities and regards him as one of his own!

At the same time, because Gu Rubing currently commands only 5,000 soldiers, the "indomitable" characteristic provided by Yiyong is naturally unlocked accordingly.

And this characteristic.

Gu Rubing was not disappointed!

[Unit Characteristics: Perseverance]

[Introduction: These soldiers are determined and unwavering. They will not surrender to any difficulties or obstacles. They will only become more courageous and courageous, fighting like bears and tigers! 】

[Effect: The attenuation of the soldiers' vitality is greatly reduced, and for every two soldiers killed, the attack power of the soldiers increases by 1%! 】

Seeing the effect of the trait of perseverance, Gu Rubing could only say that he was worthy of Uncle Liu Huang, the man who rarely lost in small-scale team battles!

For every two soldiers killed in battle, the attack power of the soldiers will increase by 1%!

You should know that this feature is always effective when the number of members in the tribe does not exceed 5,000.

This means that in the most extreme case, the attack power bonus of the unit can reach - +2499%!

Even if the bonus value of the part is usually very high, because the basic values ​​of the soldiers in the part are very low, even if the bonus value is high, the final combat power will not be too strong.

For example, the attack power of a soldier is 1. Even if the attack power is +1000%, the final attack power will be 11.

The basic attack power of a third-rate general, without any bonus, is one hundred.

However, the bonus value of nearly 2500%, even for the soldiers, can be described as terrifying!

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is unlikely to reach such a high value.

But overall, this commanding skill is still ridiculously powerful!




After hearing the words of Huangfu Song and the school officers, the three armies responded in unison, breaking the silence. The shouts of killing shook the world. Everyone was filled with an iron-blooded killing intent, with high fighting spirit and fighting spirit soaring to the sky!

They all also realized that this battle might be the last battle!

Once Zhang Jue can be killed and the Yellow Turbans in Jizhou are pacified, the Yellow Turbans will most likely collapse quickly without a leader and become a ball of loose sand, unable to make any waves.

And they will be the biggest contributors to quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion, how can they not do their best? !

Huangfu Song slowly lowered the big ax in his hand, and suddenly, the whole army became extremely silent again.

"Set off!"

Huangfu Song's eyes shot coldly and he issued a military order.

Soon, under the leadership of Huangfu Song, tens of thousands of troops began to march towards Jizhou in a mighty manner.

Seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited, and countless barrages poured out like waterfalls.

"Brothers, the decisive battle is coming, it's on fire!"

"The battle between Dong Zhuo, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, and Huangfu Song is really getting more and more exciting. It's as enjoyable as his grandma's!"

"I heard that the Yellow Turban Army from Qingzhou and Yanzhou near Jizhou are also rushing to Jizhou, and they seem to be preparing for a last ditch effort!"

"They can't catch them, and even those who can reach Jizhou are only a few. The major princes have blocked them to death. They don't have the courage to fight Zhangjiao, but they have the courage to fight the Yellow Turban bandits, and they are very brave!"

"Surrounding the area, calling for reinforcements, calling for reinforcements, the whole north is in chaos!"

"The decisive battle came so quickly. I didn't expect x to be beyond my expectations."

"Who would have imagined this? The Yellow Turban forces were basically invincible at the beginning. They relied on the strength of their numbers to push them all the way. Who knew there was such a huge gap between the Yellow Turban Army and the Han Army!"

"Do you think the Yellow Turbans or the Han Dynasty will win?"

"It must be the Han Dynasty. The Imperial Army of the Fifth Academy of the Northern Army and the Knights of Sanhe are too powerful, and with a general like Huangfu Song leading the army, Zhang Jiao can't handle it, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. It's not like you don't know how outrageous Zhang Jiao is."

"More importantly, the Yellow Turban Army didn't think about fighting to the death before. If they can't break through, they won't be able to break out. But it's different now!"

"Besides, Lu Zhi only defended Zhang Jiao before. Defense and offense are two different concepts!"

"+1, after Huangfu Song went to Jizhou, the Yellow Turban Army must have fought tooth and nail. After all, if you don't fight hard, you will die. Huangfu Song wants to use them to build a palace in Beijing. The Yellow Turban Army must fight tooth and nail. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose! "

"Also, don't forget that Zhang Liang is also in Jizhou. If these two brothers join forces, can the Han army really win?"

"Stop arguing. In my opinion, this battle must be a lose-lose battle, and neither side can win. The most likely scenario is a stalemate. Otherwise, if the Yellow Turbans are put down and the world is at peace, then how can we still play the game?"

"Hey! What you said makes sense!"

"Yes, if the Yellow Turban Rebellion is completely suppressed and the world is at peace, why would this game be called the Record of Heroes? Why not rename it the Record of Loyaltymen of the Han Dynasty!"

Netizens were quarreling with each other. Some felt that only the Han Dynasty could win, some thought that only the Yellow Turbans could win, and some felt that the two sides would be in a stalemate and it would be difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser!

It can be said that this battle attracted worldwide attention!

From entering the game to now, the massive Yellow Turban Rebellion seems to be finally coming to an end!

In the end, it was Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang who led the Yellow Turban army, fought to the death, severely damaged the Han army, turned the tide before it fell, supported the building before it collapsed, and raised the Yellow Sky again?

Or did Huangfu Song lead the imperial guards of the Han Dynasty, kill Zhang Jiao's body and decapitate the owl, build hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turban troops into the capital, and completely quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion?

Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world!

Therefore, even though Huangfu Song has not arrived in Jizhou yet, but is just leading his troops on the way to Jizhou, the number of people online in Gu Rubing's live broadcast room is still soaring!

This battle has touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of netizens, and everyone is paying close attention to the progress of this battle!

Although Huangfu Song has not arrived in Jizhou yet, everyone can already feel the tension of the troops approaching the city, and everyone can smell the chilling atmosphere in the air!

The war is coming!


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