"Who are you?"

Seeing the man in tights walking slowly towards him,

Li Tianci was still doing weighted squats and asked calmly

"Hello, I am Jackal, and I am also one of the awakened members of the Miss Team.

Fang Lai said with a wry smile.

"I came here to check the results of your training these days."


Li Tianci casually threw the barbell on the ground and stood up straight.

At this moment, Fang Lai realized that Li Tianci was a head taller than him, and his well-proportioned body was a whole circle stronger than his.

In an instant, he intuitively felt the pressure doubled, and subconsciously took a step back.

But soon, he thought of Ye Qingcheng and clenched his teeth.

Pretending, right?

I think you are just a paper tiger!

Thinking of this in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said again:

"I hope you can cherish this opportunity to compete with me. Don't hold back, because I will not hold back. When the disaster tide comes, those mutated beasts will be a threat to you and me.���Will hold back!" Li Tianci also vaguely felt the malice emanating from Fang Lai.

But he just waved his hand and interrupted the other party's words.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense."


Fang Lai snorted coldly and said nothing more.

The next moment, he had already attacked.

However, Li Tianci did not dodge and stood still. There was a dull bang.

Li Tianci did not move, but Fang Lai felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

The other party's body was as hard as iron.

"Too light, my friend."

"Didn't you say so yourself? Don't hold back."

"Come again."

Li Tianci did not use any strength at all, and only relied on the strength of his body to withstand the opponent's attack.

Being angered by Li Tianci, Fang Lai circulated the Qi in his body.

This time, he punched out with both fists!

Bang! Bang!

However, Li Tianci remained motionless.

"Still too light!"


Fang Lai shouted, and sharp spikes protruded from the ten fingertips on his hands!

This was his ability as an awakener, wolf claws!

He swung his claws down fiercely!

However, Li Tianci, who was in front of him just now

, came behind him in the blink of an eye.

"The strength is enough"


Li Tianci threw a punch lightly.


Fang Lai was knocked flying!

He flew backwards more than ten meters like a kite with a broken string!

"The speed is too slow."

As Li Tianci said this,

Fang Lai rolled on the ground awkwardly for three or two times, and finally stopped.


He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and howled to the sky.

It seemed that he was in a state of panic.

You know, he was an awakener of the martial arts department. The awakeners of the martial arts department all had one characteristic, that is, their bodies would be greatly strengthened.

However, Li Tianci was obviously an awakener of the martial arts department like him.

He seemed to be better than him in all aspects.

How could he accept this?

Therefore, he immediately released the wolf transformation in his talent!

The whole body was immediately covered with a layer of bristles, the claws on his hands became sharper, and the strength of his body was increased several times again!

"Go to hell!"

He climbed up like a wolf and rushed towards Li Tianci!

However, the next moment ,

Li Tianci suddenly appeared under him.

Shadow Dance Leaf!

An inverted kick lifted him up to a height of a hundred feet!

The next moment, Li Tianci appeared where he was.

He wanted to break free, but was locked tightly by Li Tianci.

"no no……"

At this moment, endless fear filled his eyes.

Li Tianci's voice was like the whisper of death.

"Biao Lianhua!"


Li Tianci locked Fang Lai and whizzed down like an inverted spinning top!

Like a meteorite falling from the sky, it smashed hard on the ground!

In an instant, the entire villa area shook!

"What's going on!"

The bodyguards in the villa area rushed out one after another. They gathered towards the source of the sound.

A huge hole had collapsed in the center of the square!

All the original fitness equipment was scattered all over the ground, and those iron pieces that were originally very strong were also broken into slag!

In the hollow in the center, a wisp of white mist was rising!

Li Tianci had already dodged at the last moment of falling.

But Fang Lai in the pit was already bleeding from all seven orifices, his eyes were white, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"Mr. Li……"

"Mr. Li, this...what is going on?"

"This... this is all done?"

The leading bodyguard hurried forward and asked.

Li Tianci scratched his head and smiled bitterly:

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that my move was so destructive and caused you trouble."

"As for the guy in the pit……"

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you are not injured, thank God."

The leading bodyguard breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, before leaving, Ye Qingcheng specifically reminded him not to let Li Tianci make any mistakes, otherwise, they would suffer.

As for other people, if there is any accident, just deal with it normally.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and asked the other bodyguards to carry Fang Lai to the medical clinic in the villa area.

"In this kind of competition, mistakes are inevitable. Mr. Li, you don't have to blame yourself."

"These facilities……"

"Yes, these facilities!"

The leading bodyguard once again instructed the other bodyguards:

"We must quickly find someone to repair this place, and then purchase a batch of equipment to install it. We must do it quickly, it is urgent, otherwise, if we delay Mr. Li's training, the young lady will not forgive us when she comes back!"

"Got it!"

Then, the bodyguard said to Li Tianci with an apologetic look:

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry. Please wait for a moment. We will reorganize this place as quickly as possible!"

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Li Tianci was left confused.

He never expected that when he injured people and damaged facilities, it was these bodyguards who did something wrong.

The attitude they treated him was exactly like the second owner of this place.

Obviously, all this must be related to Ye Qingcheng.

His current treatment is completely beyond the scope of what an awakener should have.

What did Ye Qingcheng see in him?

Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about this strange woman.

Speaking of which, although the destructive power of the lotus shocked him.

But when he used the lotus just now, he always felt that something was missing, so his power was not fully released!

What was missing?

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