Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1000

so that the other party can accept the idea.


Guan Genguang nodded slowly and sobbed: "Yes... I want him to have a taste too. The feeling I am feeling now... the feeling of being betrayed."

"I like him so much, but he wants to kill me!"

Having said that, she cried again.

Lin Yi hugged her, patted her back, and comforted: "Then when are you going to let him taste this feeling?"

"I...I..." Guan Genguang didn't know how to answer, she couldn't answer the other party, because she didn't have the courage to do it.

"Can't it be done?"

Lin Yi let go of her, looked at her somewhat disappointed face, and said, "I know it's hard to kill someone... If you can't do it, then give up."

"I wouldn't say anything if you think you can stand someone doing this to you."

"Your own life, your own choice."

Lin Yi said that he didn't say anything.

Continuing to say it will have the opposite effect.

"Then you have a good rest, it's getting late, I should go too." Lin Yi said.

"Wait..." Guan Genguang stopped Lin Yi and said, "You... what's your name."

Lin Yi looked back at her and said, "You know my name, it won't change anything in your life."

"But if you really want to know my name..."

Lin Yi said, picked up a pen on the desk, and wrote down a phone number on the paper, saying, "When your life changes, make this call and you will know. It's my name."

After leaving his contact information, Lin Yi left.

Chapter 875

"Brother Lin, where have you been this afternoon? Sister Xiaolan is looking for you."

Inside a restaurant in a small town.

Conan was very curious about Lin Yi's disappearance.

If possible, he really wanted to install a surveillance camera on Lin Yi's body to see what he was doing when he disappeared.

But Conan dared not.

Worried that Lin Yi would find out, and then a counter-investigation, he would be GG.

So out of prudence, Conan had to abandon the idea.

Change it to Xiaolan's name and ask him where he went.

While eating, Lin Yi said, "I woke up early and went to the beach for a walk. I originally wanted to hitch a ride back to the town."

"However, on the way, I found someone sitting in the swimming ring, floating far away, as if falling asleep."

"So I went over to save the family..."

Lin Yi directly ignored the interrogation and tracking of the duo, and directly told the story of saving people in the afternoon.

Hearing that Lin Yi rescued a person on the sea, and the person's feet were tied tightly and a stone was tied, which seemed to be behind the suicide, but it turned out to be murder.

Xiaolan and Conan were both dumbfounded.

Xiaolan put down her chopsticks and couldn't help but say, "Yi, you mean, you encountered a murder case when you went out?"

"Well." Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yes, this is a murder."

Conan asked impatiently: "And then? Did you catch the murderer?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and said.

Conan was even more anxious: "Why not? Is it because the victim didn't see the suspect? Or is there a lack of key physical evidence?"

"Actually, the victim knew who had done her." Lin Yi said while eating: "And the evidence is complete."

Conan didn't understand: "Then why haven't the killer been caught yet?"

"It's very simple." Lin Yi said lightly, "because the victim didn't call the police."

Conan was stunned for a moment: "No... call the police?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded.

Xiaolan wondered: "Without calling the police... couldn't the police arrest the murderer?"

"Well." Conan said solemnly: "If you want to arrest the murderer, you need to file a case first, and then the police can investigate. If you don't file a case, even if you have a complete chain of evidence, the police can't do anything about the murderer. "

"The victim does not provide any clues, and there is no way to try the killer in court."

When he said this, Conan suddenly reacted, feeling that he seemed to have said too much.

However, when he saw that both Conan and Lin Yi didn't respond, he was slightly relieved, and then it was a little strange that neither of them responded.

It is estimated that they have performed too much like this, and they are all used to it.

Conan found a reason for himself.

"Then why didn't she report the case?" Xiaolan looked at Lin Yi and thought worriedly.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "When she understands it, she will report it. I have already helped her collect the evidence."

"That's good..." Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.

Conan could hear Lin Yi's implication, that is, if the other party didn't want to understand, then she would not call the police.


Conan sighed, he felt that a girl who fell in love was really stupid.

Everyone had murdered her, but she was still considering whether to forgive her.

After the emotion was over, Conan couldn't help but think again: Is this story actually experienced by Lin Yi, or is it something he made up now?

While Conan was thinking, a cry broke his train of thought.

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