Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1017

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lin Yi made a surprised voice.

"What's wrong?" Shimabukuro Junhui straightened his collar and asked.

"Just in front..." Lin Yi said, "Just step on the accelerator a little and you can hit its butt... It drives a little slow."

"Why don't you save it now?" Shimabukuro Junhui took out a pistol from the storage box and said excitedly: "I'll shoot its tires now, and then you quickly stop it... …”

"Before they react, we have a high probability of keeping them under control."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No... I prefer the script of bravely breaking into the opponent's base camp."

Chapter 890

When Yukiko woke up, she found herself trapped in a chair.

She glanced blankly at the simple decoration around, and could easily realize that this was the basement.

Consciousness picked up, and she remembered what happened before she fainted——was tricked out of the hall by a strange man, and then she was stunned.

During this period of time, the investigation of Lin Yi went smoothly, and I never encountered any obstacles, which made Yuxizi feel a little less vigilant.

Then, she was caught.

She didn't even know who Piske was, so they caught her back.

Sure enough, is it still fun?

This made Yukiko smile bitterly.

When he thought that someone might come to interrogate him later, he would use some indiscriminate means to torture himself.

Every time she thinks of this, Yukiko wants to bite her tongue and kill herself.

She didn't want to be insulted like that!

correct! If Xiaoxin finds out that I'm missing, he should find a way to notify Yusaku to save me.

Yuxizi thought of this, and the worry in her heart was reduced by half.

But then she couldn't help thinking: But, can I persist until Yusaku comes to save me?

Thinking of this, her heart sank again.

People haven't come yet, Yukiko's heart is like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs.

Just as she was thinking about it, finally, the door creaked open.

She followed the voice and looked, and walked in an unremarkable woman.

Yukiko looked at the unremarkable woman, and after going through it in her head, she realized that she didn't know him at all.

She immediately pretended to be innocent, struggled with the chains a few times, and shouted, "Who are you? Why did you arrest me?! Let me go!!"

"As long as you answer me a few questions obediently, I will let you go," said the unassuming woman.

"As long as I know, I will definitely answer you!" Yuxizi replied.

"Very good." The unassuming woman said, "Here comes the question... How did you know that we would appear at the memorial service?"

Yukiko's heart skipped a beat, but her facial expressions were well managed, and she said blankly, "Why are you here at the memorial service? Why can't I understand?"

"Oh, it's useless to pretend to be stupid with me." The ugly woman was Belmod, and Yukiko's lies could not be concealed from her.

Coming to a table full of various torture instruments, and picking up a leather whip, Belmod said with a smile: "I advise you to be honest..."

As she spoke, she slapped the air with a leather whip, making a crackling sound.

"Otherwise, you'll have to suffer."

Belmod took two steps to Yuxizi, touched her face, and said with a smile: "For a beautiful woman like you, the most worrying thing is to lose her appearance, right?"

"I really don't know what you're talking about!" Yukiko and Belmod looked at each other, exerting her acting skills hard, her eyes were very firm, she said word by word: "I just came to participate with the senior actors I knew. The memorial service for the director of the wine roll!"

Great acting! It should even be able to deceive a lie detector.

Belmod couldn't see the slightest panic in Yukiko's eyes, she secretly praised in her heart that the other party's talent in this line was indeed high...even higher than her own.

It's as if the other party didn't quit the movie early, I'm afraid that his accomplishments in the field of acting have already surpassed his own.

"Is that so... It seems that you are unwilling to cooperate." Belmod pulled his hand back and said coldly, "So you are not a smart person."

"I really don't know!" Yukiko still didn't reveal the source of the information, and she killed herself without knowing it.

Naturally, Belmod didn't believe it, and she didn't bother to talk so much nonsense to Yukiko.

Raise the whip.

The whip slapped Yuukiko's body, causing her to let out a scream.


"Does it hurt?" Belmod looked at Bei Yuxizi's painful expression and said, "As long as you can say can end this pain."

"I...I really don't know!" Yukiko gritted her teeth and shook her long hair.

Belmod said: "I hope you will say the same to the end."

After she finished speaking, she waved the whip again, slapping it back and forth.

The whip was thrown on Yukiko's body, and every time she had intimate contact, she made a high-decibel scream.

Faced with these screams, Belmod was indifferent, and she stopped after slapping back and forth a dozen times.

Looking at Yukiko who was gasping for breath, she said, "How is it? Do you know now?"

"I...I really don't know what you're talking about..." Yukiko lowered her head and bit her lip.

"The mouth is really hard..." Seeing that Yukiko was still reluctant to say Belmod, she was a little surprised that she never thought that Yukiko, with thin skin and tender meat, could be so resistant.

So, she twitched the whip again and slammed it on the opponent's body.

When I saw the basement, I recalled the sound of the whip and the screams of Yukiko.

But no matter how Belmod asked Yukiko, the other party’s answer remained the same—I don’t know.



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