Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1026

Later, if the other party comes down here, she can directly take action and catch the other party by surprise.

She didn't wait long when the elevator started running again, and the sound was getting louder and louder. It was obvious that the elevator was heading here.

Miyano Shiho raised the glass, and when the elevator dinged and the door opened to the left and right, she smashed the glass without thinking.

After smashing it down, she saw that the person who came down was not Pisk, but Lin Yi!

Why is he here?

After this thought flashed through Miyano Shiho's head, he quickly moved the glass to the side to avoid Lin Yi's head, but the whole person involuntarily fell into Lin Yi's arms.

"Uh..." Lin Yi stretched his arms around Shiho Miyano's waist, and said in a slightly questioning tone, "This young lady, she rushed over as soon as they met... We don't seem to know each other?"

"Sorry...I were him..." Miyano Shiho quickly made an excuse and tried to break free from Lin Yi's body.

But how could Lin Yi let go?

A fool would let go of such an open and honest opportunity to hug his waist.

"Hey, let me go." Miyano Shibao watched Lin Yi's old ways germinate, and when she saw the beauty couldn't walk again, she rolled her eyes secretly and said angrily.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "It's okay to let you go... But before that, please explain why you attacked me? Also, who is he who you are talking about?"

Miyano Shiho struggled a few times with all his strength, but found that Lin Yi's strength was really not half as strong, and he could control himself with one hand.

Helpless, she knew Lin Yi's temperament, so she wouldn't let it go.

Miyano Shiho had no choice but to say, "I was kidnapped here...because I offended Kenzo Sasayama before."

Lin Yi held her slender waist and moved slightly to the side, and placed Shiho Miyano next to him. As he walked out of the elevator, he said, "Oh? Why did you offend him?"

Miyano Shiho was silent for a while and said, "Because I found out that he did some shameful things?"

"Find him?" Lin Yi looked at Miyano Shibao with a surprised look. He said so, but he muttered in his heart: Are you going to be a reporter now?

"Well..." Miyano Shiho nodded, her expression was very calm, and she said, "I'm actually a private detective."


Lin Yi looked at Miyano Shiho up and down, then touched her arm dishonestly, and said, "The skin is delicate and soft, and there is no muscle at all, and if you pinch it with a little force, it seems like you are about to bleed... I know you don't exercise very often."

Miyano Shiho patted Lin Yi's dishonest hand in dissatisfaction and said, "I'm not one of those traditional detectives! I'm an online detective! I investigate cases through the Internet..."

"Now that the Internet is so developed, and there are so many surveillances on the streets, where do you need to go out to investigate?"

"Investigation to go out... I know it's dangerous at first glance, so I won't take it!"

Chapter 898

It seems that in just a few seconds, she has already thought about her new identity and background story.

The cerebellum is in the melon seed, and it turns quite fast.

Lin Yi secretly praised in his heart, and said in a slightly surprised tone: "Oh~~~ So you are a private detective, I really can't tell."

"Now that you know my identity, can you let me go?" Miyano Shiho gritted his teeth and said, restraining himself from running wild.

Lin Yi reluctantly said, "I don't know your name yet."

"Sherry, just call me Shirley." Miyano Shibao reported the code name without thinking.

Lin Yi looked at her with slightly surprised eyes, but she didn't expect that she would choose the code name used in the organization as her name.

"What's wrong?" Miyano Shiho asked rhetorically when he noticed Lin Yi's surprised eyes.

Lin Yi reacted and said, "I know you're perfunctory me... But you've come up with a more Japanese name anyway, right?"

"What about you? What's your name?"

"Tom Cruise."

"..." Miyano Shibao was silent for a while before he said, "You are not much better."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's my English name, and my Chinese name is Lin Yi."

"I won't ask what your Japanese name is, lest you have to think about it temporarily." Miyano Shiho glanced at Lin Yi's hand and said, "Can you let go of your hand now? "

"Of course!" Lin Yi let go of his hand.

The waist hug is just a means of teasing, the effect is good, and it is meaningless to keep hugging.

"So... Xue Li, have you seen two children?" Lin Yi asked, "A boy with glasses and a cute little girl."

Miyano Shiho was secretly delighted when he heard Lin Yi praised his cuteness as a child.

However, there was still no expression on her face, and she said lightly: "I've been locked here for a few days, only the old guy came down and forced me to hand over my things. I didn't see any children."

She looked at the room in front: "If you don't believe me, you can go in and take a look. It's a safe house."

When he said this, Miyano Shiho suddenly panicked and was nervous to death.

Because she suddenly remembered that Xiao Ai's clothes were still inside! !

So Miyano Shiho quickly remedied: "Oh, yes. I didn't see the person, but there are children's clothes in the house. You can go and see if the clothes are——"

Before Shibao Miyano finished speaking, he saw Lin Yi rushing into the house quickly.

She froze for a moment, not even realizing that the corners of her mouth were rising.

Miyano Shiho took two steps to the door of the room, and saw that Lin Yi had picked up his clothes from the ground, his expression was slightly angry.

"The clothes are torn like this..." Lin Yi squeezed the clothes in his hands, showing a little anger, and muttered: "I don't even spare children, and even use strong ones... You're just a scum!"

"I shouldn't have killed him so easily!!"

Hey, hey, you still have the face to blame others?

How messy is your private life, don't you know?

Is half a catty eight taels good?

Miyano Shiho felt very annoyed when he thought that Lin Yi had done things to himself that he was ashamed to say.

However, seeing Lin Yi so angry and angry.

Miyano Shiho found himself completely out of anger.

There is an inexplicable feeling lingering in my heart.

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