Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1028

The reason why she chose to let Sato Miwako help her is because doing so can improve her trust in herself.

As long as the two sides help each other, friendship will soon be established.

Sato Mikazu didn't know what Belmod was thinking, she just walked so neatly that she didn't drag her feet at all.

Immediately panicked, she quickly chased after her, grabbed her, shoved the USB flash drive into the other's hand, and said with a guilty look, "I'm sorry, Golden Apple. I didn't mean to embarrass you, but— —”

"I know, your difficulty." Belmod interrupted the other party's words and said, "After all, I am also a policeman... Knowing that you are taking risks by doing this."

After Sato Miwako heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But only to hear the other party say: "But Officer Sato, if you don't want to do this from the beginning, you should reject me. If you want to know something, you can ask me directly."

"Instead of testing me like this and wasting our time."

Belmod's remarks made Sato Miwako bow her head and feel a little guilty: "I'm sorry... I think too much."

Belmod patted her shoulder with a smile, and said, "No, prudence is an excellent quality for those of us in our industry. Although I am not satisfied with your actions, I have to admire your prudence."

Seeing that the other party didn't blame herself for this temptation, Sato Mikako breathed a sigh of relief, and then she said directly: "Actually... I want to know what happened."

"I'm sorry, Officer Sato, I can't tell you..." Belmod shrugged her shoulders, but she thought for a moment, then showed a sly smile and said, "But I can remind you a little bit, you should pay attention to these days. news."

"Pay attention to the news?" Sato Miwako can realize that there will be a big event through these few words.

"Yes, just keep an eye on the news. That's all I can remind you of."

After Belmod finished speaking, he waved goodbye to Sato Mikazuko.

While returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, Sato Miwako was recalling the conversation just now.


Suddenly someone stopped her, she stopped subconsciously, and looked at the source of the sound.

I saw Miyamoto Yumi walked over quickly, pulled her aside, looked around like a thief, and then said, "How is it? Have you seen the surveillance? Did it help you with the case you're investigating?"

"Well... I've read it, and it's helpful for my case." Sato Mikazu nodded quickly and said, she didn't dare to tell Yumi that the surveillance was actually requested by someone else.

"It's good." Miyamoto Yumi showed a happy smile on her face.

Seeing that Yumi Miyamoto didn't ask herself what case to solve, Sato Mikako couldn't help but ask herself, "Yumi, aren't you worried about being discovered by others?"

"Don't be afraid! Don't do it if it's a big deal." Miyamoto Yumi said confidently.

"If you don't do this, what are you going to do?" Sato Miwako said angrily.

"Well... open a flower shop? I've wanted to open a flower shop from the beginning." Miyamoto Yumi said: "Open the door when it rains, but not normally! Yes, that's it!"

"Then you don't lose your life..." Sato Miwako muttered.

"You won't die, don't worry!" Miyamoto Yumi smiled, then glanced at her watch and said, "It's getting late, I even asked Miaozi to go shopping. I'll go first."

"Well, be careful on the road." Mikazu Sato said strangely when she saw Yumi Miyamoto leaving, "It's strange... Why is Yumi shopping so ordinary during this time?"

Tilting her head, Sato Mikazu didn't think about it further, but returned to her job and continued to work on her own affairs.

Chapter 900

Belmod sat in the driver's seat, inserted the USB flash drive into the in-vehicle system, and checked the monitoring.

It was immediately determined that what Conan said was false.

It wasn't that he and Yukiko discovered Gin's car, but he was alone.

Belmod knew that Conan lied only to hide what he had discovered alone, to keep himself from being noticed.

But Belmod doesn't know.

Conan's action of driving Xiao Ai away in advance indirectly caused Xiao Ai to not appear in Belmod's field of vision.

She has now determined that Conan was indeed lucky to discover Gin's car.

Realizing this, Belmode breathed a sigh of relief.

Conan did not have a fixed channel to know the news of the organization, otherwise, she was really worried that Conan's stalking operation one day was discovered by Gin, and then shot to death.

She didn't think Conan would be Gin's opponent.

After the confirmation, Belmod returned to Pisk's villa.

But after a while, Belmod immediately discovered that something was wrong!

After she entered the villa carefully, she found that the security guard booth of the villa and the front yard of the villa were all lying with the body of the security guard!

She wanted to check the surveillance and found that the surveillance outside the door was blocked.

So, she could only observe the blood, and the blood coagulated, but the degree of coagulation was not too thick.

Said they died within ten minutes.

Belmod drew his pistol and cautiously entered the facade of the villa to investigate.

The first floor was quiet, no one was there.

On the other hand, from the second floor, we saw a large number of corpses lying on the ground.

Belmod examined the body.

It was found that the bullet entered their forehead, throat or heart with great precision.

This scene made Belmod's heart tremble when he saw it.

In the face of being surrounded by such people, the other party can still take it easy, and is very sure that he can kill the enemy with one shot.

The killer is very confident in his shooting level!

The more she investigated, the more surprised Yukiko became.

All the corpses that came along the way were killed by one shot!

There was no second shot at all!

After reaching the third floor, Belmod found that the stairs were blown up, and she could only go up from the elevator.

Here on the third floor, it is also full of large killers.

However, Belmod found that some of the corpses were not shot to death, but were killed with a sharp object.

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