Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1036

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. We have to see if it's difficult to find out... Then I'll leave first." After Lin Yi finished speaking, he took Yuanzi and left.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, the manager Satomi Yoshino's face changed, and her heart began to panic.


After successfully following the commission, Lin Yi continued the original plan, went back to the hotel with Yuanzi, and started the second round of exercise.

From pair yoga, to pull-ups, and finally to the eighth set of adult radio gymnastics.

After some high-intensity exercise, Sonoko was sweating profusely and exhausted, and finally stopped.

After sweating and sweating, Sonoko's face showed a very satisfied smile. She felt that the exercise this time had made up for the lack of exercise in one breath!

"It's getting late..."

Yuanzi poked Lin Yi's strong abdominal muscles with his fingers, and said, "It's almost night, do you care about your next commission?"

Lin Yi glanced at his phone and said, "On my way here, I asked an online detective who knows me to check it out for me... The investigation results have come out."

Sonoko guessed: "Could it be that the relatives and friends of the deceased did it?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's very likely... Kitano's girlfriend is called Satomi Yoshino, who has the same name as Hayato Nanjo's manager. Although there is no photo, I don't think it's a coincidence."

"I was really guessing it?" Sonoko was taken aback: "I just said it casually... I guessed it right away."

Lin Yi smiled and said: "That means you are a piece of detective material... Let me think about it, the title of Queen of Reasoning is very suitable for you."

"Really?" Sonoko was in high spirits: "Well, I will be the Queen of Reasoning in the future! Be your assistant, Yi! In this way, I will be able to help you."

Lin Yi said, "That's not necessary... I never call myself a detective, because I only go back to solve cases when I'm interested."

When Yuanzi heard this, he was even more happy: "That's even better! Then I will be a detective, and you will be my assistant!"

"That's fine."

Lin Yi doesn't think Sonoko has the potential to become a detective, but he won't break the atmosphere ignorantly either.

People, no dream is no different from salted fish.

Chapter 907

In the evening, Nanjo Miyuki received a call from Lin Yi, inviting her to have dinner at a nearby hotel, and don't hand over the investigated information to the other party.

This matter has been agreed for a long time, and Nanjo Miyuki will naturally go to the appointment.

She thought that Lin Yi was eating with her in the hotel restaurant, but she never thought that she was eating with each other in the suite.

While this surprised her a little, the worries in her heart also eased a bit.

Only after things are done can there be such a leisurely and elegant meal in a romantic environment.

"Please take a seat, Miss Nanjo." Lin Yi waved casually, let the other party take a seat, and then let someone start dinner.

Chasing girls should pay attention to the situation.

The current situation is that Lin Yi has an absolute advantage in terms of financial resources, age, charm, and ability, and Nanjo Miyuki is asking for him.

He didn't even need to lower his body to show kindness to Nanjo Miyuki, just a casual attitude.

"I watched Mr. Nanjo's movie... To be honest." Lin Yi said, "It's not very good... It's a bit outdated."

Nanjo Miyuki didn't expect that Lin Yi would say such offensive words as soon as she came up, which made her startled and felt a little uncomfortable, although from the attitude of the film critics, it could be seen that this was the case... but Just saying the words directly made her a little concerned.

But there is no way. Now that the situation is pressing, she can only put on a wry smile: "No way... These are all arranged by the director, Hayato is just an actor."

Lin Yi said: "With his eyes, he should know that the series of "Inside the Dead God" is nothing to do with it? Why did he agree to continue filming?"

Nanjo Miyuki didn't want to talk about these insignificant things, she said, "I don't know about this..."

Lin Yi didn't let her go and said, "As one of the heads of Nanjo Office, how could you not know?"

Nanjo Miyuki was a little strange: "Lin Jun, why are you asking these questions? These questions should have nothing to do with you, right?"

"No, these questions are related to whether you can afford the commission fee..." Lin Yi said lightly.

Nanjo Miyuki had a bad feeling in her heart and said, "How much is the commission fee?"

Lin Yi said: "The investigation fee of our Maori firm depends on the personal value of the investigator... Your husband is an actor, so it goes without saying that the basic fee must be higher than the average person."

"Wait... Why is the cost of an actor higher than the average person?" Nanjo Miyuki asked.

Lin Yi casually said: "Because when we investigate actors, we often find some scandals... For example, derailment, unfriendly treatment of juniors, and bribing of journalists."

"You have to pay an additional hush fee... Of course, this hush fee is not necessary."

"It's okay not to give it, but if a client asks us to investigate Mr. Nanjo's black information, we will sell the information to the other party."

Nanjo Miyuki's face was not very good-looking, and she also felt that she had no appetite for the food in front of her.

Lin Yi cut the steak and said, "I know what you're thinking, Miss Nanjo. It doesn't matter if you can say it directly... Because a detective is a profession that spy on other people's privacy and secrets, and hates it as much as a reporter."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "But I'm not a detective, just a detective assistant. You can say with confidence that I won't take it to heart."

Nanjo Miyuki took a deep breath, picked up the knife and fork to cut the steak, and vented her dissatisfaction on the food.

She has passed the impulsive age, and she is in the entertainment industry, so she naturally knows the cruelty of reality.

"How much, you can tell me." Nanjo Miyuki said.

Lin Yi said: "Ten million yen."

"One...10 million?" Nanjo Miyuki paused, unable to believe what Lin Yi said, she said angrily, "Are you extorting? Ten million."

Lin Yi said: "I don't need to blackmail you, Miss Nanjo... In fact, I not only found out who sent the threatening letter, but also the case of the death of the actor named Kitano three years ago. Also checked."

"It wasn't an was your husband's actions in the car that led to the death of actor Kitano."

Nanjo Miyuki was stunned for a moment, and she said excitedly: "Don't talk nonsense! The police are sure that it was an accident!"

Lin Yi threw the steak into his mouth, disregarding his manners, and said while eating, "That's because your husband paid some staff... I have found the surveillance video at the time of the incident, and even know what he bought. staff member."

With that said, Lin Yi took out his mobile phone, opened the video, and handed it to Nanjo Miyuki to watch.

After Nanjo Miyuki watched the video, her face turned pale: "'s impossible, it's not true!"

"It's true." Lin Yi answered affirmatively.

All this information was obtained by him with an intelligence card, how could it be fake?

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