Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 104

Can you stab yourself in the back?

Oh, young man, you are still a long way off!

Mouri Kogoro had prepared his reprimanding lines, and he asked lightly, "Why do you think he committed suicide?"

Lin Yi said:

"Beside the deceased, a chair fell down inexplicably."

"There was also a strange dent on the floor next to the body."

"Near the dent, there are some water spots."

"In addition, the air conditioner that was turned on was blowing warm air..."

"So, I guess, the deceased fixed the kitchen knife with ice cubes, then stood on the chair, aimed at the kitchen knife, and fell down on his back, so that he could be hit by the knife in the back."

"After being stabbed in the back, the deceased did not die immediately, but turned over with difficulty, disguising the scene as a homicide scene."

"The reason why the air conditioner is turned on so much is also because of this reason..."

"It can be seen that the deceased has a lot of resentment towards Miss Okino."

Lin Yi copied the answer without blinking.

For him, the process of solving the case is not important, but the result of solving the case.

Since there are ready-made answers, why not use them?

What? Plagiarism?

Can you talk about copying things about readers?

It's a reference!


Mouri Kogoro kept nodding, because other than nodding, he didn't know how to hide his shock at all!

Who is this kid!

We just entered the murder scene less than a minute ago, didn't we?

I haven't had time to see the scene yet.

How did he find so many clues in such a short period of time?

And the clues are completely pieced together!

It has formed an answer that even I can't find fault with!

Lin Yi's unexpected answer completely overturned Maori Kogoro's small abacus.

"How is it? Uncle Mori?"

Lin Yi asked knowingly: "Is it... where is the problem?"

Mouri Kogoro nodded solemnly and said, "It's a big problem!"

Lin Yi was "surprised": "Where is the problem?"

Mouri Kogoro said plausibly: "These inferences of yours are all derived from your conjectures! There is not enough evidence to support your claims!"

Lin Yi was "impressed" and "recognized his own mistake": "What Uncle Maori said... I took it too much for granted."

"But!" Maori Kogoro changed the subject and said, "You said that the reasoning is also in line with the situation on the scene... Wait, I will help you to verify whether your reasoning is wrong."

Chapter 94

I was anxious to verify whether Lin Yi's reasoning was wrong, and Kogoro Maori couldn't wait for the police to come.

He took out a handkerchief from the inner pocket of his clothes, and first went to open the freezer layer of the refrigerator to see that there was a refrigerator box. He took it out and saw that there was no ice in it.

Putting it back and closing the refrigerator again, Mouri Kogoro asked Yoko Okino: "Miss Yoko, do you have the habit of storing ice cubes in the refrigerator?"

"Huh?" After hearing Kogoro Mouri's question, Yoko Okino nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes. I have always liked to drink iced drinks, so I have the habit of storing ice cubes."

"Is that so..."

Mouri Kogoro nodded. On this point about the use of ice cubes, evidence has been collected.

So Mouri Kogoro went to the kitchen to investigate.

"Miss Yoko, how many kitchen knives do you have in your kitchen?"

"Five, fish fillet knives, paring knives, fruit knives, raw knives and cooked knives."

Xiaolan on the side was a little surprised. She couldn't help but ask Lin Yi, "What are raw and cooked knives? Do you know Yi?"

Lin Yi said: "Raw knives are used to handle raw food, such as raw meat, etc. Cooked knives are used to handle cooked food. The reason for keeping them apart is that raw food is often stained with germs, parasite eggs and other Dirt."

"So that's how it is..." Xiaolan was stunned, and she said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't pay attention before... It seems that I have to buy a cooked knife next time."

Kogoro Mouri returned to the living room, and Yoko Okino asked curiously, "Mr. Mouri, have you found anything?"

"The knife on the body...was taken from your kitchen."

After Mouri Kogoro replied, he didn't reveal any more information.

When he saw Lin Yi again, Maori Kogoro's eyes were a little complicated.

From the refrigerator and the kitchen, it has been confirmed that Lin Yi's reasoning is correct.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but ask Lin Yi, "Have you received relevant reasoning training?"


Lin Yi said: "It's just that sometimes I have class... I can't listen to it anymore, so I just read the mystery novel to pass the time."

To be honest, this answer made Mouri Kogoro very uncomfortable.

Admitting that you are inferior to others is a very uncomfortable thing.

If it is Kudo Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro is somewhat acceptable.

After all, Kudo Shinichi's family environment determines that he is exposed to many types of reasoning related knowledge.

And this kid in front of him just read a few mystery novels, and then he can analyze the murder scene so clearly!

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