Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1040

"Taking advantage of this popularity, I'll arrange for you to appear on a few more variety shows, and brush up on your presence, and then I can put you in the TV crew."

"I don't guarantee that you will be an instant hit by then, but at least it will let the audience know of your existence!"

"Every time they see you, they think 'Ah, this is a very righteous person'."

"In this way, you can easily gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry."

Listening to Lin Yi's arrangements for her acting career, Nanjo Miyuki was silent, she admitted that she was a little moved.

However, she was still thinking about her old love.

Lin Yi saw what she was thinking and said, "Do you think this is betrayal?"

"No... this is not betrayal."

He opened a video of Hayato Nanjo's derailment, put the phone in front of her, and let her take a good look at the two selfless people in the video, saying, "This is revenge."

Watching this video, Nanjo Miyuki's last hesitation was completely wiped out by her.

She didn't answer Lin Yi, but Ke Ren got into the bed again and used the most practical actions to tell Lin Yi her answer.

Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction.

He felt that he had saved another poor soul, and was once again moved by his noble actions!

Ah, I have saved another lost soul!

Lin Yi closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the sonata from Nanjo Miyuki.

Although the skills are jerky, the price is full of sincerity.

Just as Lin Yi was immersed in this rare moment of silence, the bedroom door opened untimely.


The door opened, and Sonoko and Yoshino Satomi came in.

"Oh, why are you here?" Lin Yi was slightly surprised by their appearance.

He knew that Sonoko would persuade Satomi Yoshino, but he really didn't expect Sonoko to bring people to this place.

"Miss Satomi said she has something to ask you..." Sonoko held a digital video camera that she just bought, and said with a wicked smile, "I beg you to do something for her."

The appearance of Sonoko and Yoshino Satomi instantly stopped the music playing in the bed.

Nanjo Miyuki was startled.

She never thought that her own agent would appear here!

She was trembling now, not daring to move.

"Huh? Miss Limei, what's the matter with me?" The smile on Lin Yi's face grew stronger.

Although Satomi Yoshino is short-sighted, she is not blind.

The quilt is bulging up in such a large group, you can tell it is a person at a glance!

On the way here, she has accumulated momentum, and originally planned to do it all in one go, quickly complete the transaction, and then get things done!

However, things went beyond her surprise.

She didn't expect that there was actually another person in the bed!

Seeing Yoshino Satomi's hesitant expression, Sonoko pointed the digital camera at her and smiled: "Miss Satomi, didn't you say... as long as you can get revenge, even if you sacrifice yourself?"

"Why... why are you hesitating now?"

"Isn't it that you suddenly found out... in fact, you haven't made up your mind at all?"

"You don't love your boyfriend as much as you think?"

After realizing Yoshino Satomi's hesitation, Sonoko immediately spoke out.

When Satomi Yoshino heard this, she immediately shook off the hesitation!

She must not let others question her love for her friends!

She said, "Mr. Lin, I want to use your power to torture Nanjo Falcon in the prison after he is imprisoned!"

Oh~~ So Sonoko told her so.

Lin Yi nodded and smiled: "So, what are you going to pay? I'm not a good person."

Yoshino Satomi didn't speak, just took off her jacket silently.

Seeing this, Sonoko wiped a smile from the corner of her mouth. She immediately pointed the camera at Lin Yi, as if it was a narration, and said to herself, "Then next, is the most climax of this film!"

Saying that, she stepped forward in two steps, reached out to grab the quilt, and lifted it away!

Expose the person hiding in the bed to the air!

Yoshino Satomi felt nothing at first, she was mentally prepared anyway.

However, after she glanced at the other person's back, she felt that this figure was inexplicably familiar.

After a few more glances, her face changed slightly: "Hu... madam?"

In the end, Yoshino Satomi met Nanjo Miyuki.

No way, even if Yoshino Satomi has been working with Nanjo Miyuki for a long time, she can recognize when she is wearing clothes, and it is difficult to recognize when she is not wearing clothes.

Nanjo Miyuki's face showed panic and anxiety, and she subconsciously retorted: "Satomi, listen to my explanation! Things are not what you imagined!"

Before she could finish speaking, Lin Yi put his finger in her mouth and told her to shut up.

He said: "Let me explain it for you... The two of you will be comrades-in-arms in the future."

"Well, whether it is now, or in the future."

"You'll all fight side by side."

Chapter 911

I saw Mrs. Nanjo in the quilt.

Yoshino Satomi never thought that things would develop to this point, so interesting.

This made her mind stop for a few seconds.

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