Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1044

"There must be something hidden here!"

When things got here, Lin Yi probably understood what the script carefully prepared by Shui Wulianai was.

It's an eventful reporter who accidentally filmed a shocking secret. For some reason, the perpetrator was informed of the incident, and then he was killed by the other party.

So, do you want to play the role of a hero?

Not only to save the beauty, but also to protect the safety of Shui Wulianai, but also to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Through the process of escaping for life and anti-tracking, the relationship between the two rapidly heated up. When the matter was resolved, she would be very grateful to herself, and even unable to hide her feelings, she took the initiative to pull herself into her bedroom.

This script can be done, but it is more life-consuming.

At the same time, it will be more difficult to operate, there will be a little more uncontrollable factors, and the implementation will be full of risk factors.

Because it's a life-threatening script, you have to play it very carefully.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that the heroine will be captured, or the heroine will be shot on the spot.

That is to say, the heroine of Mizuno Rina, who hides the skills of a special agent, can play well.

If Xiaolan, Sonoko, or some girls who don't have life-saving skills play this script, it is estimated that suffering will be second, if one is not careful, his life will be lost.

Although it was a difficult script, Lin Yi still accepted it.

When you encounter some thorny women another day, you can directly sacrifice it, and maybe it will have a miraculous effect.

If I fail... I can only say that this woman has no relationship with me.

What you can't get, others can't get, right?

Chapter 914

"I didn't expect that you actually took a picture of the scene..."

Lin Yi glanced at Shui Wulianai with a slightly surprised look.

"Being a reporter, the most important thing is curiosity..." Shui Wu Riannai said slightly smugly.

Lin Yi didn't expose her, and continued to act with her: "Then what are you going to do with this video next?"

"I originally submitted this video to my superior." Shui Wulianai's face was not very good-looking: "He told me not to be too busy, and also deleted my video."

"Fortunately, what I submitted was just a backup... Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see this video."

"Then I was not reconciled. After get off work, I made an appointment with a prosecutor friend of mine."

"Give him the video, he said he would contact me later, and told me to go home and wait."

"After that, I was really tired. When I was not careful on the road, I hit a car..."

After listening to Lin Yi, he smiled and said, "Since the video has been submitted to your prosecutor friend, just wait."

Shui Wu Liannai shook his head and said, "I never put eggs in one basket, not to mention that the Procuratorate is not so clean."

"Mr. Lin, I know you are not an ordinary person. Can you help me publish this video?"

Lin Yi showed an expression of interest: "Oh? Miss Lingnai, why are you so obsessed with exposing this video? If you are in this line of work, you should know... Some things are better to pretend you don't know. it is good."

Mizuna Rianna was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Indeed, this is our professional principle."

"But... I don't think it's a simple coincidence that I passed by which villa last night and found these things!"

"It must...must be that God asked me to expose these videos, so I passed by there, and then I happened to discover these things!"

"Otherwise why did the gunfire sound just as I was passing? And not before or after I passed by?"

"I don't believe this is a coincidence, an accident, I prefer to believe that this is a mission given to me by God!"

oh oh~~ applause applause.

100 marriages 100 marriages.

I almost believed your nonsense!

Lin Yi kept calling for Shui Wu Riannai in his heart.

He felt that Shui Wulianai was able to mix up the code name "Kiele" in the organization, it was really not luck, and there was indeed real material in it.

If it weren't for Conan's good luck and the protagonist's halo, he would not have been able to detect the identity of Mizuna Rina CIA.

The polygraph method that tests the pulse is indeed the most widely used method in the polygraph industry of Magnesia, but knowing that there are many people, those who use this technology may not be able to have a relationship with Magnesium.

It may be a spy from another country, a terrorist, or a real member of the organization.

Lin Yi restrained his wild thoughts, then looked at Shui Wulianai deeply, and said, "Miss Lingnai, it seems that you are a person with a sense of mission, which is inseparable from your achievements today."

"It's just that I'm afraid I can't help you."

After the conversation changed, Lin Yi refused: "So many people died, it's impossible for the police to not know about it, but they still chose to hide it."

"The secret here is definitely not that simple."

"I'm just a small figure, how can I fight against the country's heavy weapons?"

Lin Yi's refusal made Shui Wulianai's face suddenly collapse, and his expression was very ugly.

After changing for a while, she nodded and said, "Mr. Lin is right... It is indeed a stupid thing to fight against the heavy weapons of the state with one person's strength."

"Mr. Lin doesn't want to be involved, and I can understand that."

"But! I still won't give up."

Shui Wulianai's eyes are extremely firm. At this moment, she seems to be possessed by the heroine of the morning drama, full of courage and determination, the embodiment of love and justice, and the spokesperson of law and order!

Lin Yi was expressionless, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Because he knew very well that Mizuno Renai, in the name of Kiel, did more dirty work than anyone else.

But at this moment, she has become the spokesperson of positive energy.

Very ironic.

Of course, sarcasm is sarcasm, this is not the reason for Lin Yi's refusal, because the tactic he used is to welcome and refuse.

Shui Wulianai wanted to take the initiative to give him a hug, he must be happy.

But it is so simple to agree to come down and meddle in the other party's gossip.

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