Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1050

An hour later, Shui Wu Rina turned her hand and put it on Lin Yi's chest.

Lin Yi didn't respond, and slept soundly.

Shui Wulianai took his hand away again, turned around, and rubbed Lin Yi with his back.

Lin Yi still didn't wake up.

Shui Wu Liannai opened her eyes and slowly got up and looked at Lin Yi. After the first two rounds of tests, she was sure that Lin Yi was already sleeping soundly.

As long as it's not too big a move, it won't arouse the opponent's vigilance.

There is only one chance!

Shui Wu Liannai slowed down his movements, quietly got out of bed, then found Lin Yi's clothes from the ground, and quickly found his wallet.

Shui Wu Liannai looked back at Lin Yi, and saw that his sleeping behavior had not changed, and his breathing was as steady as before.

She felt a little relieved.

Then, she opened Lin Yi's wallet and started rummaging for his card.

Soon, she found a room card for the Tengfeng Hotel.

Mizuna Rina was overjoyed, knowing that this was the room card for her teammate's room.

In addition to this room card, there is also a black card with unknown function.

Shui Wuliannai didn't hesitate, and at the same time picked up the card, and then, regardless of being naked, stepped on silent footsteps and quickly went to the living room.

She took out a mobile phone from her bag.

Put the two cards on the back of the phone at one time, read the data of the two cards through the sensor inside the phone, and save their contents.

Even if the sensor in the mobile phone is a black technology from the old beauty, it will take a few minutes in the middle.

Shui Wu Lian Nai was so anxious, she looked to the bedroom from time to time, very worried that in the next second, Lin Yi stood at the door and looked at him quietly.

No way, Lin Yi's performance just now made Shui Wuliannai feel a huge pressure, making her feel as if she was walking a tightrope in the sky. If she was not careful, she would fall to pieces!

In these few minutes, for Shui Wulianai, it was the second time in her life that she felt so hard to endure.

The first time I felt that time was so hard was when I saw her father die.



A sound rang out.

The data of the two cards has been copied!

Mizuna Rina quickly put the phone back in her bag, and then quickly returned to the bedroom.

She glanced at Lin Yi uneasily, and found that his sleeping position had not changed.

Suddenly there was a sigh of relief in my heart.

Shui Wu Liannai continued to step on the light pace, picked up Lin Yi's clothes, and quickly put the two cards back to the original position of the original wallet.

After returning the wallet to the clothes, suddenly, an inexplicable feeling rippled in Mizuno Rina's heart.

A voice echoed repeatedly in her mind: Get the clothes sorted, get the clothes sorted...

Without warning, the voice appeared.

Mizuna Rina subconsciously followed the voice's instructions to do it,

To be honest, Shui Wu Liannai didn't know why he did these things.

However, she is a very intuitive person.

She believes that intuition is a phenomenon that arises from the accumulation of a person's experience.

It is a conclusion drawn from experience without thinking.

She tidied up the collar of Lin Yi's coat, folded it symmetrically, put it aside, folded the pants in half, and put them away.

Now that Lin Yi's clothes have been sorted out, let's sort out your own too.

Shui Wulianai thought about it, and when she was about to start to organize her clothes, Lin Yi's voice floated behind her: "What are you doing?"

This sound was like the sound of chasing a soul and asking for life, causing Shui Wulianai to tremble invisibly, and even her heartbeat stopped a few times.

Goosebumps all over my arms.

Shui Wu Liannai quickly controlled her state. She looked back at Lin Yi and showed a bitter smile: "Because I really can't sleep, I just want to find something to pass the time."

"You can rest assured... This matter will be resolved tomorrow morning." Lin Yi said: "You don't have to worry too much."

"Really?" Shui Wu Liannai got up, and then put the folded clothes on the bedside lamp, with unconcealed joy in his eyes: "Can it really be solved?"

"I said it can be solved, but it can really be solved." Lin Yi touched Shui Wulianai's face and said, "You can just sleep at ease."

"Well, I'll believe you." Shui Wulianai kissed Lin Yi on the face, and then she said, "Then I'll take a shower first..."

Lin Yi nodded and watched Shui Wulianai leave.

He glanced at the neatly arranged clothes on the bedside table, and knew that Shui Wu Liannai had already moved.

"Hands and feet are quite fast..." Lin Yi smiled, then took out a lighter and a cigarette from inside his jacket, and lit it.



After entering the bathroom, Shui Wulianai hurriedly turned on the faucet, took a handful of cold water and sprinkled it on her face, she was smart and refreshed herself.

Very risky!

My intuition worked again!

Thanks to my intuition, otherwise I would really be caught on the spot!

Just finished!

After washing his face several times in a row, Shui Wulianai controlled his nervousness.

Although the situation was dangerous at the time, it has now been successfully passed.

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