Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choose to be a scumbag in Conan Chapter 1053

"Now that I have the things, there is no need to contact him... Find a time to rescue people."

Mizuno Rina already had an idea in her heart.

The two caught at home and the two who died have been dealt with with the help of Lin Yi.

Shui Wu Lianna also used the dead people here as an excuse to move a house.

As for work, it's the same as always.

Secretly, it is silently preparing, for example, re-injecting the copied room card data into a blank card.

After a period of time, Mizuna Rina learned from the channel that Lin Yi had left Tokyo, and she began to implement the rescue plan.

In the evening, she went to a bar, seduced a guy with a brain, gave him a room card of Tengfeng Hotel, agreed a time, and hinted that he would "wait for him there".

Mizuna Rina pretended to leave first, but in fact she was silently following the guy on the sperm's head.

When the appointed time was almost up, the guy with the sperm on his head immediately went to the Tengfeng Hotel.

Arriving in front of the door, he opened the door of the room and went inside.

He didn't go in for a while, and soon several muscle tyrants in security uniforms entered the door with room cards, and caught the guy with the sperm on his head.

At the corner of the corridor, Mizuna Rina silently watched indifferently as the unlucky bastard was wailing, then turned and left, memorizing a period of time——37 seconds.

This is when those security guards arrive in this room.

She needs to rescue four companions within thirty-seven seconds.

Chapter 922

After a few days, after making complete preparations, Mizuna Rina launched the rescue.

Rena Mizuno's rescue method is very simple, but also very practical.

The same method as before, first hook up a few unlucky people, then hand over the room card to them and let them come over at the agreed time.

As for myself, I ran back to the Tengfeng Hotel, took a series of tools, and ran to the roof.

After fixing the five ropes with the lifter, Shui Wulianai threw the four ropes directly down.

The one behind her was trapped on her waist, and she used the self-locking device to clip the main rope. She was fully prepared for the meeting, and she jumped down directly.

monitoring room.

The security guards who were chatting and spanking suddenly received an alarm sound and immediately called someone to check.

And they, through surveillance, saw a black-clothed woman rushing in from outside the window!

The glass mouth she broke through was a very complete circle, and it was obviously entered with a special tool.

The security guards frantically called those muscle tyrant security guards to hurry up, if someone lost, their winter bonus this year would be gone.

A whole million ah~~

Today happened to be Shimabukuro Junhui on duty.

She looked at the surveillance camera and said, "Calm down! Don't worry! That room has been set up with an encrypted lock, so she can't get in!"

"Even if she uses the most advanced information deciphering device in the United States, it will take at least thirty seconds!"

"With these thirty seconds, our people have arrived by the staff elevator! She is too late to save people!"

Shimabukuro Junhui's remarks gave the other security guards in the monitoring room a reassurance and calmed down somewhat.

However, they saw that the woman in black came to the door of the encrypted bedroom, quickly took out a card, and swiped the bedroom door open.

Shimabukuro Junhui's face was a little blue, and she felt the questioning eyes from all around, she quickly said: "There is an infrared laser in the house, even if she can fly, it will take more than ten seconds to pass it! Not to mention! Say, take those four people away!"

Before the other security guards could nod their heads, they saw the woman in black took out a mobile phone from inside her clothes. After pressing it, the entire hotel went out of power.

The monitor screen goes black for a moment.

"Don't worry! The backup power supply will restart in three seconds! She can only run inside in three seconds!" Shimabukuro Junhui saw that she was slapped in the face again, and the expression on her face was a little ugly.

Three seconds later, the power supply in the monitoring room was restored, and the monitoring equipment was reconnected.

Then they saw that the woman in black was destroying the infrared device.

Time was too late, the other party just destroyed the infrared device below.

Then the woman in black can go to rescue the hostages by crawling, avoiding infrared rays.

Shimabukuro Junhui finally couldn't hold back anymore!

It is as easy as drinking water for the other party to crack the mechanism! !

She smashed the console hard, and she asked in full bloom, "What's going on? Why is the infrared device destroyed and the iron prison mechanism still not activated!!"

A security guard who understands this technology said: "After the program is restarted, if the infrared device is not activated, the system will judge it as an unknown error and cannot start..."

Junhui Shimabukuro could not understand the technical terms, so he could only say: "Speak to me!"

The security guard hurriedly said: "She destroyed it while the power was out, so she couldn't trigger the mechanism. But if she continues to destroy now, she can trigger the mechanism!"

"Bastard, the system designed by that idiot?" Shimabukuro Junhui cursed, then looked at his watch, only to realize that only seventeen seconds had passed.

While urging those muscular security guards to hurry over, she looked at the surveillance impatiently.

The other party has successfully reached the four hostages, and took them out of the room, then went to the living room, and returned to the place where they had just invaded.

Shimabukuro Junhui glanced at his watch, thirty seconds had passed now.

Those muscle tyrant-level security guards have already arrived at the corresponding floor.

"Quick, quick!" Shimabukuro Junhui urged them through the walkie-talkie. She stared at the black-clothed woman under surveillance and said firmly, "You can't run away!"

After arriving here, Shimabukuro Junhui realized an important point, and she quickly said to the security guards in the monitoring room: "Hurry up to the rooftop for me, and catch them!"

Those security guards woke up like a dream, and after they left one, they quickly left the monitoring room.

Shimabukuro Junhui stared at the monitor stubbornly.

I saw the woman in black suddenly kicked towards the glass window and kicked four neat circles away. Obviously, this was what the other party had prepared long ago when he was outside.

Seeing her sending the hostages to those ropes one by one, Shimabukuro Junhui looked at her watch anxiously, thirty-seven seconds!

Why hasn't anyone entered yet?

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