Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1065

Lin Yi wanted to explain to her that this cigarette was a good thing drawn from the treasure chest. It not only refreshed the mind, but also helped people think, and it did not have any side effects.

But thinking of explaining it to her, the other party might not believe it, so Lin Yi gave up the idea and put the cigarette back.

"What is this?" Youxizi asked curiously when he saw the bag that Lin Yi brought up.

"It's rare to get up early, so I made some breakfast... See if there are any leftovers, I'll bring you here to try." Lin Yi said.

Yukiko ignored the second half of the sentence. She took out the lunch box in the bag and opened the lid.

Youxizi just wanted to reach out to get a hot dog to taste, but Lin Yi beat her hand back.

"What are you doing?" Yuxizi waited for him in dissatisfaction.

Lin Yi laughed and said, "I don't like the things that others come to me to make without brushing their teeth and washing their faces. This is an insult to my food."

"Besides, you are such a big man. Don't let anyone supervise such basic things as brushing your teeth and washing your face before eating."

"Cut... nosy." Yuxizi muttered unhappily, closed the lunch box, got up and went to the bathroom to finish cleaning.

However, before she went into the bathroom, she looked back at Lin Yi, and she was slightly relieved to see that the other party hadn't followed, but then, another feeling of unwillingness emerged.

After washing, Yukiko came back to the living room again. She picked up the lunch box, and when she saw that Lin Yi was not wearing chopsticks, she simply brought the chopsticks that she had used for supper last night.

"Yeah~~ the craftsmanship is not bad." After taking a few bites, Yuxizi nodded again and again, indicating that it was ok.

At a glance, you can tell that this guy is dishonest. If his craftsmanship is not enough, then the other dishes in the world are just mediocre.

Lin Yi leaned on the sofa, didn't speak, just quietly watched Yuxizi eating breakfast.

Seeing a person's elegant and gentle side doesn't mean much.

But the other party's bad habits hidden behind the elegant and gentle, it can explain the problem.

It shows that when two people get along, it is very comfortable and natural.

No matter how beautiful Yukiko looks, she is still alone.

As long as you are human, then some bad habits cannot be avoided.

Today, Lin Yi finally saw one of her bad habits, being too lazy to wash chopsticks.

This is a good signal.

She is no longer like the same, outwardly friendly to herself, but inwardly guarded.

"What are you looking at?" Yuxizi glared at Lin Yi, who had been staring at him for dinner.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I was thinking, were you lying just now? If the craftsmanship was good, you wouldn't be so delicious."

"That's because I'm hungry." Yukiko replied.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Yi picked up a Chinese lunch box on the table, pulled down the list to show her, and said with a half smile, "You only had supper last night when you were nearly twelve, and are you hungry now?"

"Can't you honestly admit that I'm good at cooking?"

"Okay, okay, your cooking skills are great! The dishes you cook are very delicious, and they are top-notch in the world~~ Is there any problem with this?" Yukiko said perfunctorily.

This arrogant attitude should be her very distinctive character in high school.

So, does the word "princess" in Princess Didan refer to this?

Lin Yi thought secretly.

After Yuxizi finished her breakfast, she took a sip of water and said, "You came here early in the morning, not just to bring me breakfast, right?"

"Of course not." Lin Yi directly rejected this point, he said, "I want to ask you, how did Conan escape from that villa in the first place?"

When she heard that Lin Yi really didn't come to find her, Yuxizi felt a little lost in her heart. She didn't understand where her charm had declined.

Yuxizi's face was fine, she said, "I thought you knew everything."

Lin Yi replied: "I'm too lazy to investigate, it's faster to ask you directly."

Youxizi pouted, but still said: "Xiaoxin said that when he heard movement below, he hid in the chaos... With his child's figure, he could easily find a place to hide. Wait for the movement outside to disappear. After that, I took advantage of the chaos to leave."

"So that's how it is..." Lin Yi nodded, indicating that his doubts were resolved.

He just took Yukiko's hand upright and looked at it carefully.

Yukiko felt an itch in her heart, but she still wanted to withdraw her hand.

Lin Yi held her back and said, "Don't move, I'll see how much your injury has recovered."

"It'll be good when it's good... It's no use looking at it." Yukiko managed her expression diligently, pretending to be calm.

"Well... I'm almost recovering." After Lin Yi glanced around, he took out an ointment in his pocket and said, "This is a special medicine from a friend of mine who is studying medicine. It is said that this ointment is very effective in treating scars. Once you apply it, you can remove scars. I think he is bragging, and he wants to try it on you."

"It must be bragging... How could it be possible to get rid of scars with just one smear." Yukiko replied, but she didn't realize that her voice became quieter.

"You'll know after you apply it." Lin Yi took out a little ointment and rubbed it on the welt on Yukiko's arm, and the scar really disappeared immediately.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to be useful." Lin Yi was slightly surprised, and then said, "Is it so magical?"

Lin Yi didn't believe in evil, so he wiped all the welts on Yuxizi's body.

He found that the effect of this ointment was really amazing.

The welts on Yukiko's body really disappeared.

What's even more amazing is that when the ointment is applied, the clothes are gone.


Chapter 934

"President Tomizawa! Please give me some time."

Yusaku Kudo said: "I'm only a little short of catching who the culprit is. I'm only short of time now!"

"No need to check." Fuze Xiongzhe said lightly, then he took an envelope from his pocket, put it on the table and pushed it over, saying, "It's been a long time for you."

Yusaku Kudo looked at Yuzhe Tomizawa, saw that he had made up his mind, and sighed. He didn't collect the money, and said, "President, I haven't done this, and I can't take your money."

"No, I have already checked a lot of things inside the consortium." Tomizawa Xiongzhe said: "You deserve it, accept it."

Kudo Yusaku still wanted to resign, but Tomizawa Yuzhe said, "Even if you don't want it, you have to consider other detectives who work with you, right?"

Smart, Kudo Yusaku is smarter than Tomizawa Yusaku, but when it comes to sophistication, Kudo Yusaku is slightly worse.

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