Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1067

It is like a skill that must be practiced and exercised repeatedly before it can be mastered and used proficiently.

Just like Lin Yi.

But if you want to master this thing, you may need to go through a lot of battles.

A must for scumbags.

And Kudo Yusaku put all his energy into reasoning and writing novels, so naturally he didn't have time to toss with this stuff.

With the previous things paving the way, Yuxizi was so casually teased by Lin Yi that she simply took the bait, and her whole body and mind went with the atmosphere.

It seems to be back to the time when we were in love again.

Addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

When she came back to her senses, Yukiko realized that she had done something wrong.

Only, this time was different from the previous ones.

The first few times were all compulsory.

But this time, she has thrown herself into the trap.

The nature is different, the mood is different, and the things you think are even more different.

Yukiko's mood instantly became complicated.

But these complex emotions were quickly guided to the side by Lin Yi's methods.

"Did you skip the waltz?" Lin Yi asked Yukiko.

"Skip it, of course." Yukiko replied. When she was in New York, she attended a lot of parties. At parties, dancing was an essential item.

"Then... waltz naked, have you tried it?" Lin Yi asked softly in Yukiko's ear.

"" Yukiko imagined, and felt a little blush and shy.

"Then let's try it." Lin Yi said, and came out of the bathtub with Yuxizi in his arms.

"No... not good? Like this." Youxizi didn't want Lin Yi to be so shameless, she felt ashamed.

"What are you afraid of, just the two of us." Lin Yi said as he walked towards the living room.

"It's not a problem between the two of them... This kind of thing itself makes people feel embarrassed." Yukiko muttered shyly, but she said no, but her eyes sparkled.

Obviously, she really wanted to try something so exciting.

Because, she is an interesting woman in her own right.

Lin Yi returned to the living room with Yukiko in his arms, picked up his clothes with his feet from the ground, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and picked out a waltz.

"Come on, get ready to start."

Lin Yi gently placed Yukiko on the ground, then put the phone aside, holding her waist in one hand and her hand in the other, swinging to the music.

It was chilling all over, Yukiko had never tried to skip a waltz in this way, which made her nervous.

This can't help but evoke her memories, when she first started making movies.

The first time she faced the camera, she felt so nervous that her whole body was tense.

However, not long after the waltz started, a burst of phone calls interrupted the fun.

"Who, calling at this time..." Yukiko's interest was interrupted, she was a little unhappy, and she glanced at her mouth, showing her unhappy expression clearly on her face.



In a woman's body, you can also see a girlish feeling.

While Lin Yi sighed silently in his heart, he picked up his mobile phone and stopped the waltz that was still playing.

"Maybe it's an important call."

He said and sat down directly on the sofa.

Yukiko picked up her mobile phone on the table, and when she saw that the caller was Kudo Yusaku, she felt a panic when she didn't come.

She looked at Lin Yi subconsciously, and cast her eyes for help.

Lin Yi took her hand and pulled her over to sit on the sofa. Looking at the screen of his phone, he said, "Oh, it's Yuzuo's call. He must have something for you. Pick it up."

Lin Yi used "Yousaku" instead of "husband" in the title, helping Yukiko to separate her identity from "wife", making her think of herself as a "free individual" now.

"Yeah." Youxizi didn't know why, she had to wait for Lin Yi's permission before answering the phone.

After pressing the call button, Yukiko's tone instantly changed from soft to slightly cold: "Is something wrong? I'll hang up if it's all right."

The reason why Yukiko did this was because she still remembered that she had a conflict with Yuzuo.

The cold tone is correct.

"Yukiko, I'm under the hotel~~~ I bought something you like." Kudo Yusaku said with a smile.

"What I like? Could it be perfume again?" Yukiko guessed based on past experience.

"Yeah. You're so smart~~" Kudo Yusaku praised him.

"It's perfume again..." Yukiko's tone was full of dissatisfaction. Although she did like perfume, the gift that Yusaku gave her was too good to guess, and there was no surprise at all.

"I admit that I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize to you once." Kudo Yusaku said seriously.

"Then wait a minute." After Yuxizi finished speaking, she hung up the call.

Her eyes were all over the place, and she hurriedly started to pack her clothes, saying, "Yusaku is right down there... Hurry up and pack up and leave."

"Well, you're almost in a good mood... I can leave now. However, I'm a little tired." Lin Yi slumped on the sofa and said, "Help me."

"Really...just like a child." Yuxizi muttered, but she went over to help Lin Yi get dressed.

"Okay, take your lunch box..."

Yuxizi checked it again and made sure there was nothing wrong, and then sent Lin Yi out of the room.

"Go to the third floor and have a cup of coffee before you leave!" Yuxizi was worried that Lin Yi would collide with Yuzuo, and hurriedly warned.

Then she went back to her room and quickly dealt with the scene. After she put on her casual clothes, she reconfirmed that she was fine, and then called the front desk and asked the other party to help Yuzuo drop the elevator.

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