Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 107

While Xiaolan was immersed in a happy atmosphere, Lin Yi watched Kogoro Maori start his reasoning show.

Things are starting to develop on the good side. Police investigators have found Yuko Ikezawa's earrings under the sofa, and the person involved has also been called to the scene of the murder.

Even though Yuko Ikezawa looks so mature, in fact she is only one year older than Yoko Okino.

A 23-year-old girl, even if she is in the entertainment industry, has far from enough social experience.

In the original book, Conan simply used the sentence "How do you know it was a lighter?" to confuse himself, and then he had to confess.

If it were Lin Yi, he would definitely say "I've seen similar lighters in the mall", and he would have rounded up his exposed legs.

Want to use his words in this way? Not broad energy!

After Mouri Kogoro told the results of the murder case.

Where is Yuko Chize who is the opponent of those old fritters? Coax and deceive.

This young man took the initiative to explain his illegal entry into the house.

Speaking of which, Ikezawa Yuko is also an actress with no brains.

As a public figure, he dared to do these things himself.

Wouldn't she leave the digging scandal to the paparazzi?

Give the key and Yoko Okino's itinerary to the other party, and the other party will definitely do better than her.

Even if something happened, the fire couldn't burn her head.

This is good, the scandal has not been dug up, and she was arrested by the police on charges of illegal trespassing, her star career is over.

If she is still famous and can help the brokerage company make a profit, the brokerage company doesn't mind helping her, after all, she is a chicken that can lay golden eggs.

But judging from the fact that she was robbed of the script... Obviously not famous, it is estimated that she is cool.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

The police officers collected evidence at the murder scene in an orderly manner. Lin Yi looked at the cold body lying on the ground. He couldn't help but wonder: How did the deceased know the address of Yoko Okino?

Logically speaking, the address of a big star is generally not easy to find.

However, considering the degree of resentment the deceased held against Yoko Okino, she probably followed her for a while before, so she only knew her address.

This kind of perverted (perverted) behavior of fanatical fans is not without precedent.

Mu Mu Shisan didn't expect that he had just come here, and Kogoro Mouri had already solved the case, which made him surprised: "Little Mouri, I didn't expect to see you for a while, and it has become amazing."

"Hahaha...Where is it?" Kogoro Mauri couldn't hide the smug look on his face.

"It's alright... take the body away." Mu Mu Shisan waved at the police officer.

Two police officers took a stretcher over.

Since the murder case has been solved, they don't care whether the body is destroyed or not.

First remove the murder weapon from the corpse and hand it over to the personnel of the identification department, then turn the corpse around, put it in the body bag, and work together to lift it onto the stretcher and leave.

However, when they were about to leave, they were stopped by Lin Yi.

"Wait a minute... Can I take a look at the body?" Lin Yi's sudden action surprised both Kogoro Mouri and Thirteen Mumu.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but go over and asked, "Kid Lin, what's the matter?"

"I just think...he seems to be a friend of mine." Lin Yi said inaccurately: "But we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, he thought it was a wrong reasoning.

He looked at Mu Mu Shisan, Mu Mu Shi Shi nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

"Look." Mouri Kogoro said.

Lin Yi opened the body bag, glanced at the deceased, and then looked at the clean piece of his chest, and said, "It's a bit like... but there is a mole under his neck, he didn't... I'm mistaken."

After speaking, Lin Yi pulled the body bag back up and watched the police officers carry the body away.

"Yo Xi! The murder case is solved."

Mu Mu Shisan patted Kogoro Mouri on the back, and laughed: "Thanks to you, Brother Mouri, the team will be closed in less than 30 minutes!"

"You're welcome, Officer Mumu." Kogoro Mori laughed.

"It's not too early tonight... You can come to the hall tomorrow to record a confession. I have to rush back for dinner."

After Mu Mu Shisan said hello, he left, and he did not need to be personally responsible for the handling of the scene.

Ikezawa Yuko was arrested by the police on the charge of "illegal invasion".

Okino Yoko and Yamagishi Eiji didn't stay for too long. They had to go to the police to record their statements, talk to Kogoro Mouri, and then leave. As for the follow-up expenses, they will find another time to pay.

After Lin Yi and the three left the apartment, Kogoro Mauri immediately laughed three times.

However, he soon noticed that Lin Yi's expression was not quite right, and he couldn't help but ask the hero: "Lin boy, why are you unhappy?"

Without the others, Lin Yi spoke out his thoughts: "Uncle Maori... The deceased's chest was clean, and there was no trace of blood... This contradicts my reasoning."

"Oh? What's the difference?" Kogoro Mori raised his brows.

"If the deceased fell down on his back and took the initiative to insert the dagger... Then there must be blood on the ground, right?" Lin Yi said, "Then he turned around and disguised his suicide as a homicide... ... there should be blood on his chest, right?"

Maori Kogoro was stunned, then he thought for a while, and said seriously, "You only considered the situation where he turned over in place, right?"

"You know, with a back injury, it's very difficult to turn over on the spot... He was using his shoulders to turn himself over with great effort, so there was no blood on his chest.


Lin Yi was stunned, and he immediately flattered: "Uncle Maoli is indeed a criminal policeman, he is amazing."

"Ahahaha...where and where."

Chapter 97

After returning to the Maori office, Maori Kogoro happily started drinking beer, and Lin Yi was flattering next to him.

So in less than half an hour, he drank five cans by himself, and then fell asleep on the table, what a goddamn talent.

"Dad is really... drunk again."

Xiaolan complained and began to tidy up the desktop.

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