Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1077

"it is good!"

As soon as Arakura Rika heard it, she hurried to make a cup of coffee and sent it to Tomoko Suzuki.

Watching the female assistant leave slowly, Lin Yi recalled the information that had just come out of the other party's mouth.

Rika Arakura, 25 years old, was recruited by Tomoko Suzuki as an assistant after graduating from university and worked for four or five years.

Logically speaking, Suzuki Tomoko is the president of a Suzuki Foundation, so the assistant should logically be a top student who graduated from famous universities such as Waseda and Todai.

However, Rika Arakura is a college student who graduated from a junior college.

Short college, the general schooling system is 2 or 3 years, equivalent to a college student.

Not only that, she doesn't have a single skill!

She looks cute, but because she doesn't know how to dress up, she has short hair, which lowers her appearance abruptly.

Aside from her looks, she is just an ordinary person!

In terms of work, she has absolutely no idea what Tomoko Suzuki does.

All she has to do is help Tomoko Suzuki get the documents, deliver them, and arrange some things.

When Tomoko Suzuki wants to eat dessert suddenly, she buys it.

In short, errands.

And it is also a senior errand, with its own separate office.

This office is like her home, and it even has a kitchen.

However, just such a college student who graduated from a junior college, she became the female assistant to the president of Suzuki, who was envied by thousands of people.

It has to be said that people are more popular than dead people.

After hearing this, Lin Yi was jealous of her for three seconds.

Some people are really God's illegitimate children.

Good luck messed up.

After that, Lin Yi also wanted to understand the reason why Tomoko Suzuki wanted to use Xincang Li Jia as a female assistant.

She is not smart, and she is stupid and cute. At first glance, she knows that she is not someone who does big things, but most of these people are more emotional.

On the contrary, those high-level talents who came out of famous universities are very smart, and sometimes they can't even guess what the other party is thinking.

You don't even know if someone will be bribed or not, and then find an opportunity to give you a backstab.

Compared with the latter, although the former is not smart enough, it is often reassuring to use.

No, Lin Yi originally planned to make a breakfast for Tomoko Suzuki to get his impressions.

But it was rejected by Xincang Rijia.

She has to do it by herself and cannot rely on the hands of outsiders.

In her words, "the president likes my craftsmanship, I have to do it myself, otherwise I won't feel at ease with such a high salary."

No way, Lin Yi could only point at the other side a little.

Xincang Lijia came back soon. She was very happy with a plate and an empty glass.

She even picked up the empty plate and showed it to Lin Yi: "Look! President, she doesn't have any leftovers~~~ that's great."

After happily putting down the tableware, Xincang Lijia hurriedly asked, "Okay, okay, tell you quickly, how did you do it just now?"

Lin Yi said blindly without blinking: "It's very simple, my suit is specially made, and the inner pocket of the jacket is quite spacious... No, look."

With that said, Lin Yi picked up a water glass and stuffed it into the inner pocket.

He stretched out his hand, spread his hands and said, "Look! Can't find it!"

"Oh oh oh! It's a lie, right? You can't really see any traces." Arakura Lijia exclaimed, and she subconsciously reached out and touched the pocket.

Lin Yi gently pushed her hand away and said with a smile: "Lijia, every magic item is a secret that the magician has spent so much painstaking effort... Just show it to you, but if you touch it, you'll have to wait for the next time. "

"Hmm...that's amazing." Arakura Rika nodded, indicating that she understood, and her tone was still surprised: "So you are still a magician!"

"No wonder you were able to take the wallets away from those four without knowing it yesterday."

Lin Yi took the cup out of his pocket and put it back on the table: "A good magician's hands are very dexterous."

"Then do you know any other magic tricks?" Xincang Lijia looked at Lin Yi with expectant eyes.

"Of course... I'm also very good at poker magic." Lin Yi said, took out a pair of cards from his pocket, and played with Xincang Lijia.

Lin Yi's actions now are not as simple as simply greedy for the other's body.

He also wanted to learn about Tomoko Suzuki's living habits from Rika Arika.

After mastering her living habits, Lin Yi can formulate a targeted plan and let her open her heart.

Tomoko Suzuki has a limited number of appearances in manga and anime. Just based on those few words, it is difficult to judge what kind of person the other party is.

Before the other party's details are clear, it is very risky to make a move rashly.

Chapter 945

After chatting with the female assistant Arakura Lijia for two days, Lin Yi learned the general information about Suzuki Ayako from the other party's mouth.

Her main task is to be responsible for greeting Tomoko Suzuki's food, and she does not need to be responsible for other things.

As for the rest, of course I don't know.

It is because of this that although she is Tomoko Suzuki's assistant, she is a small role that does not play much role.

No one will stare at her, and no one will trouble her.

"President Suzuki, her life is actually quite monotonous." Arakura Rika recalled the years and said, "Most of the time, she will stay in the company to work, and she feels busier than me."

"Is that so?" Lin Yi nodded and added, "He's really a busy person."

"Ah, I won't tell you! I have to help the president deliver the documents." After checking the time, Xincang Lijia hurriedly took the documents and left the office.

Lin Yi carefully sorted out the information collected in the past two days.

Tomoko Suzuki, her living habits and acting style are very similar to those of Concubine Yingri. She is a strong woman who pays great attention to personal career and achievements, and even the aura she exudes belongs to the same type of nature.

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