Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1079

Lin Yi's innate skill [Female Killer] can at best give him a good chance to get along with Tomoko Suzuki and have a chance to speak.

Wanting to rely on talent skills and directly kill the entire anime is a fool's dream.

If you don't say anything now, you'll waste this opportunity to talk to Tomoko Suzuki.

Lin Yi had to think carefully about what to say.

Chapter 946

Lin Yi's little head was turning fast, and soon he knew what to say.

Lin Yi said: "President Suzuki, there is a limit to a person's ability to concentrate. Once he concentrates on something for more than 40 minutes, his ability to concentrate will drop sharply. make a mistake."

"The reason why students' classes are designed to have a class every forty-five minutes is because after forty-five minutes, the students' concentration has dropped to a low point, and it is useless to continue studying."

"If you work for a long time, not only will your efficiency not improve, but it will also easily increase the error rate."

"Even if you drink coffee, it won't do much for your energy recovery."

Lin Yi's remarks made Tomoko Suzuki paused for a moment when she was going to read the next page of documents, and finally she stopped reading.

Suzuki Tomoko leaned back on the work chair, closed his eyes, and looked a little tired, and said, "So that's how it is. Now I finally understand that those classes are forty-five minutes... Lin Jun, you solved a doubt I had when I was a child."

Seeing that needle insertion is Lin Yi's specialty, he saw Tomoko Suzuki replied, and immediately said, "President Suzuki, do you need me to press your shoulders to relieve your fatigue?"

"Have you studied?" Tomoko Suzuki opened her eyes and asked curiously.

Lin Yi must have never learned it, but he didn't really give people massages.

"Well, I only learned a little bit." Lin Yi walked around behind the work chair without waiting for the other party's answer, and gently rose on her shoulders.

Suzuki Tomoko is very thin, and there is basically no flesh on his shoulders, and it feels like he is pressing on a bone.

Lin Yi was a little worried that she would break her bones with a little force.

"President Suzuki, you're very thin..." Lin Yi said. He is a little fortunate now that he was a talker when he was a child. No matter who the teacher sent him to sit with, he could chat.

This laid a solid foundation for him to use words to open the hearts of girls in the future.

"Really?" Tomoko Suzuki smiled slightly happily.

Saying "long legs", "big breasts", "beautiful" and "thin" to girls is a compliment.

As if for a man, "It's been a long time" is a pleasant affirmation.

"But President, you are too thin." After Lin Yi praised, and after making the other party's mood happy, he slowly started the plan.

While gently rubbing each other's shoulders, he said, "Pretty is beautiful, but it's not healthy enough for the body."

Suzuki Tomoko smiled comfortably: "I'm already old, and it's past the time when I was beautiful..."

"Every age has its charm stage." Lin Yi said without thinking, "Young and gentle girl, she does not have the mature and stable charm of the president."

Tomoko Suzuki smiled, and she said, "I can't tell, Lin Jun, you are such a talkative person."

"I don't know how to speak, I'm telling the truth." Lin Yi said without blushing: "President, you are still shining brightly. You are no different than those female stars on TV."

While Tomoko Suzuki was in a happy state of being flattered, Lin Yi further revealed his wolf ambitions: "However, if you continue to work at a high intensity these days, President, it's easy to break your body. I It is recommended that you temporarily cancel the weight loss package for the time being.”

Tomoko Suzuki closed his eyes and said slowly: "I have never had any special weight loss plan... My body is born like this. No matter how delicious the food is, I will get tired of it after two bites, and I have no appetite at all."

"So that's how it is... No wonder Li Jia is so happy when she sees that you ate the whole sandwich." Lin Yi said suddenly.

Tomoko Suzuki nodded: "That's it... My personal doctor also told me about my physical condition. I have also tried to gain weight and eat some high-calorie foods and snacks, but those things are too sweet and greasy. Well, I tasted it and lost interest completely."

Tomoko Suzuki talked about her weight gain plan.

As an expert in needle-insertion, Lin Yi knew that an opportunity had arisen as soon as he heard it.

If you don't seize this opportunity at this time, you don't know when it will appear next time!

He said, "President, do you want to try it and use Chinese food to gain weight?"

Lin Yi didn't know whether Tomoko Suzuki's current condition was due to his body, but he just had to try his best to help her gain weight.

It is enough to show your sincerity in trying to help the other person gain weight.

Girls tend to pay more attention to the process than the result, and how is your sincerity during this process.

Tomoko Suzuki did not rush to agree, but asked, "Oh? Lin Jun, are you so concerned about my health?"

Hmm~~ Asking this question at this time, it seems that her vigilance is higher than I thought.

Lin Yi thought secretly in his heart, and he said, "According to the observations in the past few days, I found that President Suzuki's security system is ok. Moreover, I did a little research and found that President, you particularly prefer those who lead the team. bodyguards."

"Actually, President, you hired me for Sonoko's sake, right?"

Suzuki Tomoko smiled: "I admit that part of the reason is Sonoko, but more because you have this ability."

Lin Yi said: "In short, I took your money from President Suzuki, but I didn't do anything, and I felt a little bit sorry. So I thought about compensating President Suzuki in other ways."

Tomoko Suzuki nodded, then pulled the topic back: "How to gain weight with Chinese food?"

"President, you just need to eat normally." Lin Yi said: "I will try to make some dishes that stimulate your appetite and let you eat as much as possible. When the calories you consume exceed the calories you consume, you will naturally I'll get fat."

"It's okay to give it a try." Tomoko Suzuki replied, allowing Lin Yi to implement the Chinese food fattening plan.

The plan was successful.

Successfully got a chance to perform!

The weight gain program is just the beginning, but not the point!

The point is that Lin Yi can justifiably dine with Tomoko Suzuki in the weight gain plan.

You know, communicating while eating at the dinner table can greatly improve your favorability.

What to communicate depends entirely on demand!

Otherwise, Chinese people will not make dinner appointments at every turn.

Talking about any business is also at the dinner party.

When eating, when people are happy, let alone signing a contract, they directly worship the handle and call themselves brothers.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Then ask President Suzuki to look forward to it."

Chapter 947

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