Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1094

Even if the [Locksmith] skill is used to open the lock, it still takes some time.

Instead of wasting time on the lock, it is better to blast the bulletproof glass directly.

No matter how bulletproof the bulletproof glass is, it can only kneel in the face of an explosion.

Lin Yi's plan was very simple. It was to use a stink bomb to stun people, then put on a gas mask and go in, blow up the exhibition cabinet with the light of dawn, take away the light of dawn, and leave directly.

I don't know how efficient it is.

Maybe after rescuing Shirley, there is still time to go to the newly opened French cafe in Ginza for afternoon tea.

Chapter 960

Near the Suzuki jewelry exhibition hall, after taking a backpack full of items from Shimabukuro Junhui, he began to move.

The security measures of the Suzuki Jewelry Exhibition Hall are very strict, and you have to queue up to go through the security check.

Obviously, there is no way to enter through the main entrance.

Lin Yi went around to the back door and restarted the sensor directly through the [electronic shield], so that he could open the door and enter the exhibition hall.

The back door is very close to the escape stairs, just take two steps forward and turn a corner.

Follow the escape stairs until you reach the top of the third floor.

The roof gate was locked with an old-fashioned lock.

Lin Yi has the [Locksmith] skill, so he easily opened it and came to the rooftop.

Most companies use centralized central air conditioning, and the Suzuki Jewelry Pavilion is no exception.

Centralized central air conditioners handle a large amount of air and have centralized cold and heat sources, which are convenient for management and maintenance, but the only disadvantage is that the machine room occupies a relatively large area.

Therefore, the computer room is often placed on the roof.

Lin Yi soon found a new outlet.

The new air outlet has a louver, and the pipeline is relatively small. From the perspective of the building structure, the route is also very complicated.

Apparently to prevent thieves from crawling in here.

But Lin Yi didn't need to climb in.

All he had to do was pull the stink bomb away and throw it around the fresh air vent.

When the new air vent is blowing the wind, the odor is also drawn into it.

But before that, Lin Yi wants to call Shirley and ask her to prepare for hacking the security system.

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Yi made a call.

Xue Li had already got her mobile phone back, otherwise she wouldn't be able to communicate with Lin Yi.

However, she is now on the phone with her sister.

After hearing Mingmei tell the supplies that Lin Yi asked for, Xue Li said in surprise: "Stink bomb? Gas mask? Time bomb? What does he want? Use a time bomb to blow up the display cabinet and grab the gems directly?"

"It's probably like this..." Mingmei nodded, linking these things together, she could only think of such a plan.

"..." Xue Li felt a bit of a headache, and now she can somewhat understand the depression of the game designer profession.

She originally wanted Lin Yi to be a phantom thief, like imitating the phantom thief Kidd, to perform a very gorgeous theft method.

Whether it's taking the gem swaggeringly, or taking it away without knowing it, she can accept it.

This is what she wants to test Lin Yi's wisdom.

Xue Li wanted to see if Lin Yi was still as good as a liar after changing careers.

But as a result, the other party didn't even think about stealing it, and robbed it openly.

"This guy is really annoying...why do you have to do such unexpected things?" Xue Li felt a little depressed, thinking that the plan she thought up after staying up all night was completely useless, and her brain cells were white. died.

Mingmei began to say good things to Lin Yi, she said, "Shibao, you are not right to say that... This is a good way to solve the problem."

"Where is this problem-solving method? He's obviously just being clever." Xue Li said unhappily.

"Little smart is also smart." Mingmei replied.

When Xue Li was about to say something, she suddenly saw Lin Yi calling, she quickly replied: "He called me... Mostly for me to get started, sister, wait a moment."

After saying this, Xue Li answered Lin Yi's phone.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Shirley replied, pretending she didn't know anything.

"You start preparing now to hack the security system of the Suzuki Jewelry Pavilion..." Lin Yi said.

Sure enough... just as I guessed, this guy really intends to use it hard.

Lin Yi didn't follow the route planned by Shirley, which made her a little unhappy.

However, she still had to pretend to say: "Huh? Are you ready to start implementing it now?"

"Yes... how long does it take you to prepare?" Lin Yi replied.

"Wait a minute... It takes about ten minutes for the front-end work." Shirley turned on the speakerphone, put the phone on the table, picked up the laptop, and started typing on the keyboard.

In fact, she has written the intrusion program early, and it can be started as long as it is run.

But so soon, it will definitely arouse Lin Yi's suspicion, so Xue Li is now tapping the keyboard indiscriminately and pretending to be.

"Ten minutes? So fast?" Lin Yi was slightly surprised.

Shirley said lightly, "The Suzuki Group uses the same security system. I've been in it many times before, so it's so fast."

"Oh? How long did it take you to go in for the first time?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"The first time I went in, it was more difficult. It took about thirty minutes..." Xue Li replied.

"It's over in ten seconds?" Lin Yi asked.

"The other party's response is very fast... With my strength, I can only last for more than ten seconds." After answering this question, Xue Li paused, frowned, and said, "Why do I feel like you are talking Have something to say?"

"Is there? No! Don't think too much..." Lin Yi chuckled in a low voice.

"Stop talking nonsense with you, I want to concentrate on hacking the system... I'll call you back after I succeed." After Xue Li finished speaking, she hung up Lin Yi's phone.

Reconnect to Mingmei's communication.

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