Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1098

Really a veritable playboy, hum.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yi asked curiously, seeing Xue Li staring straight at him.

"It's nothing." Shirley said lightly.

In the tone of these words, Lin Yi could hear that she was starting to get angry again.

Rao is a hundred years of Lin Yi's love, and there is no way to guess, the woman's mood is as unpredictable as the weather.

He simply shifted his attention and said, "After Asanuma Shotaro's deal fails, he will definitely seek revenge from you... So to be cautious, it is better to cut the grass and root."

With that said, Lin Yi took out his mobile phone from his pocket, as if to call someone.

Shirley is a little nervous, they are just a group of actors! !

She asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I have a friend who is a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, specializing in anti-pornography and anti-crime. Like them loan sharks, their hands and feet are definitely not clean..." Lin Yi opened the phone book, and while picking the phone, he said, "I let him Do yourself a favor and catch them up and take them to court."

"No, it can't be like this." Xue Li pressed Lin Yi's phone, and after saying this, she thought of a good reason seriously.

"Huh? Why?" Lin Yi asked back.

Shirley is indeed a genius. She quickly thought of a wonderful excuse and said, "You ask your friends to send them to prison, then how should I settle accounts with them?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll handle it myself!"

"I'll let them know that offending a hacker has serious consequences!"

Shirley said with a serious face.

I have to say, the reason Shirley came up with is very good.

Revenge yourself, without your help.

For a while, Lin Yi didn't know how to refuse.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Are you sure you can do it? Wouldn't you be caught in the car suddenly like you did just now?"

Shirley snorted and said unwillingly, "That's just me being careless. Now that I'm on guard, they won't want to catch me so easily."

"In short, you don't need to intervene in this matter, I will do it myself!" Xue Li concluded.

Lin Yi shrugged, indicating that you like it.

This topic ends here.

Its purpose was to distract Shirley from her inexplicable anger just now.

Now that the effect has been achieved, Lin Yi will naturally not continue to chat.

After taking a sip of coffee, Lin Yi knew that the first level of the game had been passed, and he said, "Okay, we can finally return to the topic now."

"You said you found Xiao Ai's whereabouts... Where is she?"

When he said this, Lin Yi automatically used a serious expression to express that he was very serious about this matter and could not tolerate the slightest joke.

This attitude made Shirley happy a lot.

Chapter 964

The more serious Lin Yi is about the whereabouts of "Xiao Ai", the happier Xue Li is.

After all, Xiao Ai is her, and she is Xiao Ai.

Both are the same person, just in different states.

Shirley organized the language, and then said: "In order to find the girl you called 'Xiao Ai', I have asked a lot of hacker friends these days to send them the photos and ask them to help investigate."

"Just this morning, a hacker friend of mine informed me that Xiao Ai is missing."

Lin Yi was listening, when he suddenly thought of something, he frowned and said, "I remember you were still carrying a backpack at the time... Could it be that there is a laptop in the bag, and the clues about Xiao Ai are in the laptop?"

"That's not..." Xue Li said quickly, she didn't want Lin Yi to kill him and go back to the villa again.

She said: "It's not a particularly important clue, just save it on the Internet."

"For me, it's a very important clue." Lin Yi said seriously.

Shirley was overjoyed, very happy.

She said apologetically, "Sorry."

Taking out the phone, Xue Li frowned when she saw that it was wet: "I don't know if it can still be used..."

Saying that, she turned on the new phone that she bought not long ago.

no response.

"Wait here, I'll be back soon." Xue Li motioned for Lin Yi to sit down, she got up and left the cafe.

Ten minutes later, she came back with a laptop.

Plug it in, turn it on and connect to WiFi.

Then Shirley entered the newly registered mailbox and downloaded the video.

After a few minutes, the video download is complete.

Xue Li opened the video, then turned the screen of the laptop to face Lin Yi, and said, "This video was sent to me by my friend, please take a look."

After speaking, Shirley hit the space bar and the video started playing.

The angle of the video is inside the store, which is obviously a monitor inside the store.

"Look at the door..." Xue Li suggested.

Lin Yi looked at the door, and saw Xiao Ai's figure appearing, and after a pause, she turned her head away, as if she was talking to someone.

However, the surveillance did not capture the person's face, only the area below the neck of the other person.

Dressed very ordinary, is a black suit.

In this outfit, at the joint in Tokyo, you can catch a lot of them with a search.

After the two talked for a while, the man in black led Xiao Ai to move forward.

The screen jumped and jumped to the monitoring outside.

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