Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 136

Lin Yi had already guessed it, and he said, "What do you want money for? If you borrow a female ticket, don't borrow it."

"When I came here, I saw a lot of girls standing alone on the street, wearing very little clothes, very pitiful, I just want to help them." Wakamatsu Junxiu said sincerely.

"People don't need your help... You should help yourself first."

Lin Yi said that he was going to close the door, but Junxiu Ruomatsu immediately pressed his hand against the door, then knelt down, hugged Lin Yi's thigh, and cried out:

"Boss, just lend me the money!! Two days! Two full days! If you don't lend me money, how can I survive these two days?"

"Boss, you are a full man, but you don't know how hungry you are, and you don't know happiness when you are in happiness!"

"There are only three girlfriends. I have grown up so much in my life that I don't even have a girlfriend."

"For my poor sake, lend me the money."

Seeing Junxiu Ruo Song kneeling down and begging himself with snot and tears, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

He stopped teasing each other and said, "Okay, let go first."

After hearing Lin Yi's agreement, Junxiu Ruosong let go and stood up again.

"You wait."

Lin Yi slammed the door shut, opened it with a click, and threw him a wad of money: "500,000, save it."

"Thank you boss! Thank you boss!"

Wakamatsu Junxiu nodded his thanks again and again.

"It's nothing, don't bother me."

"It won't bother you, you and sister-in-law can play here for two days."

When Junxiu Ruosong waited for Lin Yi to close the door, he was so excited that he ran away like an Erha who was off the reins.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Yi and Kasaka Kano came out of the room and went out to find something to fill their stomachs.

When they checked in, it was past the hotel meal time.

"Don't you need to call that big guy?" Kasaka Kano asked.

"No, I guess he's busy now."

Lin Yi knew what the kid was doing, so he left the hotel with Kasaka Kano.

They came back soon. After a busy day today, they rested early.

the next morning.

The two went out for breakfast again, and then went shopping. They didn't come back to the hotel to rest until one or two o'clock in the afternoon when they were a little tired.

It was after five o'clock in the evening, when the temperature dropped, the two went out again.

Lin Yi pressed Junxiu Wakamatsu's door, and wanted to ask him to go to the night market in Fukui County.

Looking at the door, he saw Junxiu Ruosong wrapped in a bath towel, all wet, and he said, "Boss, is there something wrong?"

"I wanted to ask you to go to the night market together... but it looks like you are very busy." Lin Yi said.

"Night market? I'm not interested in that stuff. Just go with your sister-in-law."

"Then let me bring you some supper back home?"

"Thank you boss."

"Then go get busy."


With a bang, the door closed.

Lin Yi shook his head, and without saying much, he took Kasaka Kano to the night market.

They didn't come back until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yi took a late night snack and pressed Junxiu Wakamatsu's doorbell.

After a while, the door creaked open, and I saw Junxiu Ruosong clutching the bath towel. After seeing Lin Yi, he was a little surprised: "Boss, are you back so early? Isn't the night market a good idea?"

"It's been five hours..." Lin Yi was a little speechless, is this guy owed grass in the Five Elements? So grassy?

"'s been five hours already? Happy time always goes by so fast." Wakamatsu Junxiu sighed.

"Here, your supper."

"Thank you boss."

"Keep busy."



The third morning.

The two of Lin Yi went out at ten o'clock. This time, they planned to go out for a walk. After all, staying in the room was boring.

Before leaving, Lin Yi pressed Wakamatsu Junxiu's doorbell.

After waiting for a while, no one came to open the door, Lin Yi thought to himself: This guy has finally stopped.

Just when he thought so, the door creaked open, and Junxiu Wakamatsu said embarrassedly, "Sorry, boss, I kept you waiting... just at a critical time."

"Oh." Lin Yi nodded: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

"Is something wrong?" Wakamatsu Junxiu asked.

"Would you like to have lunch together?"

"No need, I'll have someone from the hotel deliver it directly." Junxiu Wakamatsu shook his head.

"Okay then...don't bother you anymore."

"Hope you guys have fun."

Watching Junxiu Wakamatsu closing the door, Lin Yi and Kasaka Kano looked at each other.

At nine o'clock in the evening, they came back to the hotel after playing all day.

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