Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 166

"Although I haven't been with you for a long time, I know you are a very caring person."

Mingmei put her feet on the sofa and put her head on her knees.

She tilted her head, looked at Lin Yi and said, "Sometimes... I envy Ka Nai, she is really lucky to have a boyfriend as good as you."

If I let you know, this is just the tip of my probably won't think so.

"You think too much... I'm actually not as good as you think. I also have a lot of bad things, but I just didn't show it."

Lin Yi replied truthfully, and implicitly expressed that he didn't mind derailing or something.

"Don't be humble."

Mingmei took another sip of the red wine. She looked at the wine glass and said leisurely: "How are you? I have an intuitive feeling in the past few days. If you don't feel good like this...then in the world, probably There are no good men anymore."

That is, my itinerary for the past few days is specially made for you, can you?

"Ah... I'm sorry." Mingmei suddenly came back to her senses, and she said apologetically, "Suddenly, I told you this."

"You seem to have something on your mind, can you tell me about it?" Lin Yi soon realized that Ming Mei's mood was a little off.

Mingmei drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and then she poured herself another glass and said, "I... I envy Kano very much."

"Being able to meet someone who can go on an adventure for her."


I'm not that noble yet...

Lin Yi picked up the wine glass and took a small sip.

"I suddenly discovered something during this period of time."

When Mingmei said this, she drank the red wine again: "I seem to have fallen in love with someone I can't like?"

This is definitely a hint! I'm the one you're talking about, right?

Lin Yi pretended not to know: "Can't you like it?"

Mingmei glanced at Lin Yi, then lifted the hair from her ear: "Because of many reasons... In short, I just can't like it."

With that said, Mingmei took another sip of red wine.

Just when Lin Yi was about to say something, Ming Mei raised her glass and said, "Tonight... don't talk so much, and drink with me at the bar."


Lin Yi nodded, then picked up the wine glass and drank it with Ming Mei.

He has the skill of not pouring a thousand cups, and naturally he is not afraid of not being able to drink Mingmei.

Drinking alcohol is like drinking water.

Mingmei didn't hesitate, and she drank more than half of the whole bottle of red wine from one cup to the next.

Before Lin Yi did anything, she got herself drunk.

Chapter 143

Readers who are used to drinking beer or liquor may express deep doubts when they see this.

Will that sweet red wine have a high degree?

The answer is high.

Ordinary red wine, a bottle of about 750ml, the degree is above 20 degrees. The alcohol content is about 14% to 16%, and the pure alcohol content of each bottle is about 110 grams.

Liquor has a high degree of alcohol, some of which are around 60 degrees, and the pure alcohol content of each bottle is about 230 grams.

Needless to say, we all know that the degree of beer is very low. It is also the least likely to make people drunk, and its pure alcohol content per bottle is about 20 grams.

Therefore, according to the alcohol content, a bottle of red wine is roughly equal to seven bottles of beer, which is about four taels of white wine. In other words, red wine is the most easily drunk one.

The composition of red wine is quite simple. It is a fruit wine brewed by natural fermentation. It contains the most grape juice, accounting for more than 80%, followed by alcohol naturally fermented by the sugar in the grapes, generally 10% to 30%.

The longer the wine is stored, the greater the stamina.

The specific reason is simple, the longer the time, the more glucose in the red wine is broken down into ethanol, which is alcohol.

So, after seeing this, readers should know what to do, right?

Stop trying to persuade girls to drink beer, it will not only look vulgar and unqualified, but it will not have much effect.

Bring her a glass of sweet red wine and say it's the least alcoholic drink.

You drink red wine and I drink beer, is that okay?

And will embark on this path of crime and crime, and begin your long and sinful life.


Mingmei is drunk.

She was lying on Lin Yi's shoulder, and Lin Yi could smell her fragrant hair without turning his head.

From time to time, she was still muttering something in a low voice.

Honestly, it's weird.

Before Lin Yi exerted his strength, Mingmei got herself drunk.

This does not match her image of being prudent and cautious.

Could it be that this is the fairy dance?

That's not right, Xianrendan is a scammer. In Mingmei's impression, I have "no money".

Gin and vodka told Mingmei to do this?


After Jin Jiu appeared the night before, Lin Yi had been staring at Ming Mei seriously for the past two days, hanging her third-person window aside, always paying attention to whether Jin Jiu was in contact with her.

However it didn't.

As for whether Jinjiu called or not, Lin Yi thinks there is no such thing.

He is just a rookie who just debuted, and he is ordinary, so there is no need for him to do this.

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