Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 168

After all was well, Mingmei got out of bed again, turned on the computer, and called out the monitoring in her room. Through the infrared camera set up in advance, she could clearly know what happened last night.

After skipping a long section, it soon came to the section where Lin Yi carried her into the room.

After watching Lin Yi put her down, he rubbed a few times on her pie before going out.

Mingmei blushed a little.

Either come straight up, or go straight away, rub one's own European style and then leave, what is this?

Lin Yi didn't do anything to herself, Ming Mei was a little annoyed, isn't she a better figure than Kanai? Is she not pretty enough Kanon?

However, because Lin Yi was honest enough and didn't take advantage of others' dangers, she believed the other party more in her heart.

Women are so complicated.

Mingmei felt a little thirsty after a hangover last night. She came out of the bedroom to find some water to drink, but saw a note on the table.

She picked it up curiously.

It was Lin Yi who stayed: [I made some hangover soup and kept it in the kitchen. Drink it when I wake up. 】

Mingmei only felt her heart warm, her impression of Lin Yi was a little better, and she trusted him more and more.

After going to the kitchen to warm up the hangover soup, Mingmei brought it out and sat on the sofa to drink slowly. At the same time, she also picked up the photos on the table and looked at them one by one.

Suddenly, Mingmei thought of something and thought to herself: If something happened to me during this operation...

After thinking of this, Mingmei immediately picked up the phone and called Vodka.

After a call, he said, "I want to see my sister."

"No, I've seen it this month."

Vodka replied without thinking.

After sending Miyano Shibo to the designated place, he had to monitor the whole process, and after the end, he had to check to prevent their sisters from doing anything wrong.

Thankless, who is willing to do it.

Mingmei asked several times, but vodka refused.

Mingmei can't be bribed with money, otherwise the vodka will be more suspicious.

"Then...if something happens to me, please help me with some photos for my sister. Can you?" Mingmei retreated.

Vodka thought about it for a while. After Mingmei died, the frigidity would definitely cause trouble, and these photos might be used to soothe her mood.

"it is good……"


"No, I have to learn lip language."

Lin Yi stared at Ming Mei's third-person vision, and could only see what she did, but couldn't hear what she said.

This made Lin Yi very upset. If he could not only see, but also hear, many things would be much more convenient.

Mingmei turned on the computer and called up the surveillance video, which was caught in Lin Yi's eyes.

This confirmed his conjecture last night, Mingmei really planned to make an irresponsible fire.

Fortunately he didn't fall for it.

Do you think Lin Yi lost?

No, although he didn't earn it, he would never

He knew that he had gained Mingmei's trust.

With this trust, he undoubtedly got a free entry and exit pass... I'm talking about the body.

Whenever he wants to convert this trust into a story, he can convert it.

He has taken the initiative!

"The preliminary step-up work is completed, then you can start working."

Since the strategy is already in progress, there is absolutely no way to stop it, otherwise the goodwill will gradually decrease with the passage of time!

The most taboo thing about picking up girls is to stop chasing girls halfway through.

If you feel tired from chasing and chasing, then launch an attack directly. Whether it is a success or a failure, you have to try it once, otherwise the money and time you have paid before will be lost.

What? Are you afraid that you can't even be friends with her? You don't lack that friend.

If you think about it, if you succeed, then it goes without saying that you will start a new chapter in your life.

Even if you fail, you can be freed from this endless dog licking career.

No matter how you think about it.


"What? Get started today?"

Mingmei was stunned when she received a call from Lin Yi at lunch time: "Are you in such a hurry?"

"Are you in a hurry? We've been preparing for so many days."

Lin Yi said with reason: "And department stores do not have strict security measures. As long as they can avoid those cameras, there will be no problem."

"Um... too."

Mingmei thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay... let's start the operation this afternoon. Do you want to sneak in together, or separately?"

"Let's separate, so the safety factor is higher, and the place is easier to find." Lin Yi said.

"Okay, see you later that night." Ming Mei said, and hung up the phone.

For someone with criminal experience, she was not nervous.

On the contrary, Lin Yi became a little nervous after hanging up the phone.

No way, for the first time, please understand.

On Ruosong Junxiu's side, Lin Yi had already sent him the photo of the drawing, asked him to note the location of the surveillance, and told him to act on his own in the afternoon, otherwise he would not have a cent of the money he stole.

Although Ruosong Junxiu was dissatisfied with Lin Yi for notifying him so late, he could only agree to earn female votes.

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