Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 208

Conan didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "What's the reason?"

Before Mouri Kogoro could speak, Yoko Okino smiled and said, "Assistant Lin, it's your turn to act..."

At this time, the camera was immediately pulled to Lin Yi's body, and he smiled bitterly: "Miss Yoko... don't put the fire on me..."

Mouri Kogoro immediately said with a serious face: "Lin Yi! If you can't answer such a simple murder case reasoning, don't be my assistant in the future."

"All right……"

Lin Yi stood up helplessly, and he asked, "Can I go up and talk? It will be more convenient to explain to the drawing board."

"Of course." Yoko Okino nodded and gave permission directly for Takashi Matsuo.

Takashi Matsuo didn't say anything either. His eyes were always on Kogoro Mouri, and the other party gave him the answer accurately, which put him under great pressure.

He even couldn't help thinking about whether to cancel the murder plan this time.

If it is not canceled, the other party is present, and it is very likely that his criminal methods will be detected, or is it better to give up?

However, when he thought of this, another voice sounded in Takashi Matsuo's heart: It is impossible for him to see through your methods. You have been planning for this murder for a month, and the plan has been very complicated. Perfect!

The two ideas were fighting in Takashi Matsuo's head, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

At this time, Lin Yi had already come to the drawing board and said:

"In order to make it easier for everyone to understand... I'll say it bit by bit, no problem, right?"

"This is the best... To be honest, I still don't quite understand it yet," said Takashi Matsuo.

"I'll let you understand." Lin Yi made a smile, and then said sternly, "Let's start with the topic and analyze it."

"First of all, from the description, after the power supply was interrupted, the three Miss ABC screamed, proving that Miss A was not dead at this time."

"The power supply was restored shortly thereafter, proving that Miss A was killed within a short period of time when the power supply was interrupted."

"I focused my attention on the murder scene...that is, the bedroom. Miss A was pierced through her heart and died. The murder weapon was a table knife. Judging from the table seat where the murder weapon was originally located, only three people from BCD could quickly access the knife. Mr E can be ruled out."

"Wait..." Takashi Matsuo said aloud, "I still don't quite understand, why did you exclude Mr. E? Just because he couldn't reach the knife over there quickly? To be honest, I don't agree."

"Mr. Matsuo, don't forget that the power supply was cut off at that time, and the environment was dark. If E went around this place to get a knife, it would easily hit the chair and make a noise. If he is the murderer, he should take the one closest to him. Knife."

"Secondly, E was cooking at the time of the incident and there was a voice to prove it, so E was excluded."

"Huh? Still cooking after a power outage? Don't you think it's suspicious?"

"He uses gas and is a professional cook... The power outage has limited impact on him, but it's not that he can't cook."

"So it is." Matsuo nodded suddenly, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Then what?"

"The umbrella at the door has drips, which proves that someone went out during the power outage. D didn't lie. He did go outside to repair it, so D can also be ruled out."

"Well...then only b and c are left." Matsuo nodded in agreement.

"The position of the toilet door is directly opposite to where Miss C is sitting, and Miss B is wearing high heels. If Miss B comes out of the toilet during this period, it will definitely attract Miss C's attention, so Miss B is excluded."

"And the only one who can kill A without everyone's knowledge is C, so C."

After hearing the answer, Takashi Matsuo smiled.

"Assistant Lin, your reasoning is indeed very cautious. Through the method of elimination, you can eliminate the impossible and finally get a correct result."

"However, your reasoning is still not very convincing."


Lin Yi nodded, and then he said: "Then we will focus on the murder scene..."

Lin Yi tapped the bedroom with his hand and said, "Look carefully, you will find that the clothes on the chest of the deceased do not have a large area of ​​blood."

"It can be determined that the murderer covered the mouth of the deceased from behind, pierced her chest, and slowly lowered her to the ground."

"And if it is inserted into the left chest from the back, it should be the murder weapon in the left hand, which proves that the murderer is left-handed."

"Looking at the living room, Miss C is covering her mouth with her left hand. The handle of the cup can also prove that Miss C is left-handed."

"So, Miss C is the murderer."

"As for the motive for the murder, it's very simple... Did you see the painting hanging in the bedroom? Miss A and Mr. D are husband and wife, Miss A is an actor, Miss C is a news host, and Mr. D is the owner of an entertainment company, so this is A murder case."

"..." Takashi Matsuo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Lin Yi would be able to figure out the nature of the case. He didn't know it until just now.

Takashi Matsuo quickly smiled and said, "Assistant Lin, as expected of Mr. Mori's assistant, his reasoning and observation skills are very powerful!!"

"I'm still a long way from what Mr. Maori said."

Lin Yi sighed: "I have to analyze step by step before I can come to the results. Mr. Maoli can see the results at a glance."

"Hey, Lin Yi...don't be humble. You're excellent too."

Mouri Kogoro started a business mutual blow.

When Lin Yi began to analyze the topic, Yoko Okino's eyes stayed on Lin Yi's body and never let go, she couldn't help asking: "Assistant Lin, I'm already your fan now!! After the meeting is over , help me sign a name!"

After she finished speaking, she turned to Kogoro Mouri: "Of course, I want Mr. Mouri's signature too!"

Chapter 177

After solving three reasoning questions in a row, the shooting came to an end.

"I went to the bathroom last time, and I'll be back soon." After Takashi Matsuo finished speaking, he took out his phone from his pocket and hurriedly left the studio.

Looking at the figure of the other party, Lin Yi couldn't help but raise his brows, thinking to himself: After I showed such a powerful reasoning ability, I still chose to commit the crime against the wind.

If nothing else, I have to admire your courage just for this move.

The photography was temporarily over, and Mouri Kogoro also breathed a long sigh of relief. He came to Lin Yi's side and whispered, "Good job... Lin Yi, if not..."

Before Maori Kogoro had finished speaking, Lin Yi raised his finger and pointed to the microphone clipped to his collar, signaling him to stop talking.

It was only then that Kogoro Mouri realized that he was talking here, and the recording engineer could hear it, so he couldn't help but stop abruptly.

"It's a good performance, no disgrace to me. Very good, very good."

Saying that, Mouri Kogoro pretended to pat him on the shoulder.

The unreliability of Maori Kogoro made Lin Yi speechless.

When he watched Maori Kogoro break out before, he also guessed whether Maori Kogoro was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and he was always pretending to be stupid there.

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