Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 213

As a result, after the show became popular, he immediately turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

Maybe he thought that Takashi Matsuo had an honest face, so he wanted to kick Matsuo Takashi away.

Matsuo Takashi begged him several times, but to no avail.

The result is good, the honest man broke out the small universe, and directly killed him.

He didn't even have time to regret it, so he burped.

The most important thing is that Takashi Matsuo is still a reasoning fan and has a certain understanding of killing techniques.

Just from the murder method he used, it can be known that he planned for this day for a long time.

Unfortunately, people will not die unless they die.

He had to kill himself, and he had to invite Kogoro Maori to participate in the show on the day he started.

It seems that I feel a sense of accomplishment in front of a famous detective.

Unfortunately, no matter how perfect a plan is, once the person responsible for executing it is not capable enough, the plan will become a piece of shit.

After Takashi Matsuo started, he panicked.

Before drying off the sweat on his body, he ran into the studio, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was on the ninth floor.

Can't you just stand at the door? Come in after drying off the sweat?

And after the editor who was closer to him was killed, he didn't show too much panic.

Although it was said that he wanted to perjury that he did not do this, but it is normal to be afraid at this time because of the conflict between him and the editor Suwa.

Instead of calmly saying "of course there is no problem", "I will cooperate with the police investigation" and so on.

Takashi Matsuo killed someone.

Lin Yi used him as a stepping stone for Maori Kogoro, and there was no burden in his heart at all.

"Ah... ah... ah... let... let... let... I'm Mori... Kogoro, one... a detective."

Just at this time, Kogoro Mouri ran over, and he squeezed away the crowd while panting heavily.

After seeing Lin Yi, he was startled, and he said, "You... how come you are faster than me?"

"I took the elevator down."

Lin Yi looked at his watch and confirmed the time.

"Yes...that's it."

Mouri Kogoro took a few deep breaths, and after gasping for breath, he said, "Then... did you find anything?"

When Mouri Kogoro said this, Takashi Matsuo, who was next to him, leaned over a little, and seemed to want to hear it too.


Lin Yi glanced at him and said with a chuckle, "But this is not the place to talk... We will find a place to discuss it when the police arrive."

After Lin Yi glanced at Matsuo Takashi, he was a little unnatural.

Mouri Kogoro didn't notice, just nodded: "Okay."

Chapter 181

Soon, the police arrived at the scene of the murder and began to follow the procedure.

The police can just leave it to Kogoro Maori to deal with it. Lin Yi went directly to the seventh floor to see how the situation was.

Under the unintentional inspection, Lin Yi was really worried about telling the answer to Kogoro Mouri, as if after solving a math problem, he had to start over to check it again, so as not to miscalculate or miss a number in the middle.

After re-examining the side, Lin Yi made sure that there was no problem, so he called Maori Kogoro and asked him to come up to the seventh floor to discuss the murder case.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi couldn't help looking left and right, a little puzzled.

Wasn't he right Yoko Okino used a favor event card?

How come more than ten minutes have passed and the event has not occurred yet?

Considering the urine nature of the system, Lin Yi couldn't help but guess: Or, the event has already happened, but he missed it?

While thinking about it, Maori Kogoro took the elevator up. He walked towards Lin Yi and asked, "Lin boy, why are you discussing the case in this place?"

"Because I suspect this is also the scene of the murder."

Lin Yi temporarily suppressed other messy thoughts, beckoned to Kogoro Mauri, opened the door and entered the warehouse first.


Maori Kogoro walked in with strong curiosity, he knew that Lin Yi would not aim at nothing.


"Miss Yoko, it's not good, something happened. There was a murder on the fourth floor."

In the dressing room on the ninth floor, after assistant Misa came in, she told Yoko Okino about this.

"No way?"

Yoko Okino was startled. She never thought that the murder case would be so close to her. She asked, "Could it be another prank made by the Human Observation program team?"

"It's not a prank. It's true, the police have already arrived..."

Misa walked over and took a sip from her water glass, and said, "The director has already communicated with the police, and we will suspend part of the program filming..."

"The scene of the murder is on the fourth floor, so the filming on the fourth floor is all temporary, and I fully cooperate with the police investigation...Miss Yoko, you can rest for a while."

"Is that so..."

After Yoko Okino heard the news, she couldn't help thinking of Lin Yi and Kogoro Mouri.

"I'll go buy some food while I have time now... What do you want to eat?"

Misa asked Okino Yoko.

"Anything is fine... I'm not a picky eater." Yoko Okino smiled at her.

"Well, I'll be back soon." After Misa finished speaking, she left with her wallet.


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