Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 215

"Well...that's not necessarily true."

Yoko Okino gave such an answer.

"Then how... can you hide this matter?" Lin Yi said with a frown.

"Huh? Are you frowning? Do you think I'm going too far?" Yoko Okino saw Lin Yi's frown, and immediately pointed with her finger.

"No... I'm just thinking about the murder case." Lin Yi quickly raised his brows.

Yoko Okino happily folded her palms together: "I want you to hide this for you... It's not impossible, it depends on your performance."

"Look at my performance?" Lin Yi thought about it "seriously", and quickly said, "Then... I'll give you a hush money?"

"Hush-up fee?" Yoko Okino flattened her mouth and asked, "I'm a big star now... Do you think I'll be short of money?"

"I think you're quite short of money... Otherwise, why would you have so many schedules to rush? You don't even have time for lunch." Lin Yi replied.


Yoko Okino didn't know how to refute, she snorted: "I don't think you have any sincerity at all! I'll ask Mr. Mori."

Then she turned around and tried to walk away.

Lin Yi "definitely" couldn't let her go, so he grabbed her shoulders and pressed her back.

"Okay okay..." Lin Yi said helplessly, "Is it sincerity...I think about"

Looking at Lin Yi's thoughtful expression, Yoko Okino pouted proudly.

"Then... I'll go shopping with you?" Lin Yi tentatively asked.

"Shopping?" Yoko Okino shook his head: "No, I'm a big star. If someone finds out shopping with a guy of the opposite sex, I'll be in big trouble, change... change."

"This one doesn't work either... Then I'll think about it again." Lin Yi "frown" and thought deeply again.

Yoko Okino also enjoys Lin Yi's thoughtful expression, or to put it another way, she enjoys the process of Lin Yi's thinking in order to bribe herself.

"You're a star... You can't appear in public, then... I'd rather just book a restaurant to invite you to dinner? Or maybe book an amusement park at night so you can play as you like?" Lin Yi inadvertently Show off your family.

Lin Yi's words really surprised Yoko Okino, but she didn't expect Lin Yi to be so generous. He said that he would only book the venue, which was not ambiguous at all, which made her curiously say: "Are you... rich? "

"Not much, but not too little." Lin Yi smiled and continued to ask, "How about this proposal?"

"It's not very good... and if the amusement park is not lively, it's not interesting to go there." Yoko Okino shook his head, still denying the proposal.

Lin Yi reluctantly said: "How about this... I'll just buy vegetables for your house and cook you a meal."

"That's good..." Yoko Okino's eyes lit up immediately, and she clapped her hands and said, "That's it! Come to my house and cook me a delicious meal, and I promise to help you keep it a secret!"

"'re a star, I'll go directly to your house, it's not very convenient." Lin Yi "reminds".

"It's okay, I just moved and they don't know where I live."

Okino Yoko said that Lin Yi doesn't have to worry about these things, she even picked up her mobile phone and handed it to Lin Yi: "Give me your mobile phone number, and I will send you an address when I am free, I will I asked you to come and cook for me..."

Lin Yi hesitated for a while, and finally took the phone: "Okay..."

Chapter 183

After getting Lin Yi's cell phone number, Yoko Okino immediately became elated, extremely happy and excited.

After she got her phone back, she contentedly saved the phone number.

"Don't mention the things you just saw to anyone, okay?"

Lin Yi repeatedly warned.


Yoko Okino nodded readily. After she put the phone back, she asked curiously, "Can I ask, why did you do this?"

"If you let people know that you actually solved these cases, you'll be famous in no time."

Yoko Okino started her career as a trainee in high school. What she desires most is to become a well-known idol, so she goes all out to receive various trainings.

Therefore, she could not understand Lin Yi's thoughts.

Obviously can become famous and become the object of everyone's attention.

Why don't you want to?

It's like people who eat sweet tofu can't understand the mentality of those who eat salty tofu.

"Because once I become famous, it will bring me a lot of trouble." Lin Yi told the truth: "I will be recognized when I walk on the street, I can't travel easily, and I will change when I go to my favorite restaurant. become a difficult thing.”

"I prefer freedom..."

"I see...I can understand your thoughts."

After Yoko Okino heard this, she was deeply touched.

Since she became popular, she also began to gradually realize the troubles that fame brought to her.

Not to mention going to a restaurant to eat, even if you go downstairs to a nearby convenience store to buy something, it will attract the attention of others.

Journalists may take pictures of her words and deeds, but those reporters, in order to gain attention, call the passerby A, who just happened to be walking together, as her boyfriend, and they don’t care if it’s true or not. Just go out.

As a result, every time she goes out now, she has to disguise herself well. Not only does she have to wear a mask, beauty contact lenses, and a wig, she also has to make up to slightly change her face shape.

"Okay... I should go."

Lin Yi turned to leave, opened the warehouse door and said, "If you let others know that Yoko Okino is staying with my little assistant, there will be rumors again... I will leave first, and you will come out later."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Yoko Okino smiled at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's figure stopped noticeably.

Okino Yoko said again with a smile: "I'm joking with you~~"

Lin Yi showed a relaxed expression, then left the warehouse and closed the door with a click.

After the door closed, Yoko Okino moved her mouth as if to say something, and after a while, she left.

The people who have met have already met, and what I want to say has already been said.

Okino Yoko happily went back to the dressing room on the ninth floor.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw that her assistant Misa had returned.

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