Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 238

A typical high-IQ murder method.

Taking full advantage of the convenience of modern technology, he killed a person silently.

Frankly speaking, in the face of such high-tech crimes, it is very difficult for the police to arrest the criminals.

Because as long as the murderer completely cleans up the data, it is equivalent to cleaning up the evidence.

However, at the current level of the police, even if the murderer doesn't clear the data, as long as they hide it, it will be difficult for them to find out.

Even if he knew that the young man had the intention to kill the president, but lacked evidence, there would be no way to arrest the other party and bring it to court.

It can be said that this is a perfect murder method.

Even the author of Qingshan himself could not figure out how to solve this murder method.

So he simply didn't think about it, and directly acted on the young man's character, and finally let Conan speak out, break his heart, let the other party wake up, confess his guilt, and obediently hand over the evidence of the crime.

Lin Yi believes that his mouth escape is quite good, at least it is very effective against girls.

It's just that when dealing with a man, if he wants to make the other party turn around, he doesn't know if it has this effect.

Moreover, there was no beautiful lady in this murder case at all, and Lin Yi had no intention of going to the murder scene at all.

But if he doesn't go, this murder will definitely be classified as accidental death by the police, which is not conducive to promoting the fame of Kogoro Maori.

What should we do at this time?

Of course, it is to summon Conan, the working boy!

"This...Uncle Maori, I made an appointment with Xiaolan..."

Lin Yi showed embarrassment and expressed his difficulties.

It's not that I don't want to go with you, it's that I made an appointment with Xiaolan, and if I just let her dove like this, I feel bad about it.

"Is that so...then I'll go there by myself."

When Maori Kogoro heard it, he did not force Lin Yi to follow him.

After all, as a father, how could he be so embarrassed to steal someone from his daughter?

Besides, the influx of commissions during this period greatly increased his self-confidence and made him swell a little, thinking that even without Lin Yi's help, he would be able to solve the case successfully.

When Kogoro Maori left, Lin Yi put an invisible tracker on him.

During this time, Lin Yi accumulated a lot of ordinary treasure chests, and opened a lot of messy things.

This thing is also opened in the ordinary treasure chest, the effect is the same as the tracker, the only advantage is that it can be invisible.

The map of Rice Flower Market appeared in Lin Yi's mind, with a red dot moving slowly on it.

That is the location of Kogoro Mouri.

Fifteen minutes later, Mouri Kogoro's position stopped.

After Lin Yi glanced at the location, he immediately called Conan, and the call was quickly connected.

"Conan, I have a very tricky murder case on my side... Can you come and help? Thank you... The address is..."

Without too many greetings, I went directly to the topic and told Conan where the murder happened, and then Lin Yi left it alone.

Even if Conan ran over and couldn't find him, it didn't matter, he wouldn't turn around angrily and leave just because he was cheated.

Conan is not such a person. He is a three-good student with complete moral, intellectual, physical, and labor skills. He is completely two extremes from himself.

Even if he knew he had been tricked into the murder scene, he would pinch his nose and admit it, and devote his attention to solving the case.

After Lin Yi turned off the phone, he called Xiaolan again: "Hello, Xiaolan...Where are you? I miss you."

Just say I miss you, many girls can't stand this trick.

Xiaolan is no exception, unable to hide her happiness: "I'm shopping with Kanon in Shibuya, do you want to come over?"

"I'll go right now."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi showed a satisfied smile.

It seems that the relationship between the wife and Xiaolan is going well.

It's time to go out and shop together!

However, the most important thing is that Xiaolan has a good personality and is gentle like water. She said a few nice words to her and put a smile on her face, and she basically couldn't get angry.

If it was Kano and Sonoko, with their similar personalities, they would probably quarrel.

Chapter 202

Come to Shibuya and join Xiaolan and Kano.

Unsurprisingly, the two of them were holding large and small bags with both hands, and they obviously couldn't put them down, but they were very stubborn and still held a cup of bubble tea.

When the two beautiful girls were shopping together, it was natural that someone would come up to chat with them.

"Two beauties, I want to ask you a simple question... What is your mobile phone number? Is it very simple?"

"Excuse me, may I ask how to get to the restaurant Enodo?"

"Can I be friends with you?"

Xiaolan is not very good at rejecting others. In the past, when encountering such conversations, Yuanzi would be responsible for rejecting them.

Now, it was changed to Kanai to be in charge of rejection.

But Sonoko used a more euphemistic refusal. For example, in the face of the first three questions, she would refuse like this:

"Sorry we didn't bring our mobile phones when we went out today, and I don't remember the mobile number."

For modern people, the mobile phone is already a part of their life, how could they not bring it out? The meaning of rejection is obvious.

"enodo? I haven't heard of it. Go and ask this beautiful girl."

After Sonoko finished speaking, he just pulled a passerby girl to answer the question of the approacher.

"We came out today to go shopping, not to make friends."

Of course, these more euphemistic rejections can only reject those quality boys.

Occasionally, if you encounter some rambunctious and brazen people, you have to call the police directly.

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