Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 241

In fact, those so-called vulgar and uninteresting are simply the impressions they add to themselves.

Gossip is never vulgar.

To prove this statement, it is actually very simple, just figure out the essence of gossip.

What is the essence of gossip?

Is it an exchange of information, is the exchange of information vulgar?

On the contrary, the exchange of information is a very important thing. Through the exchange of information, I can expand my horizons and allow us to absorb information that is beneficial to ourselves.

The exchange of information is good in vulgar terms, it is only divided into useful and useless.

Take a typical example,

For example, Baoqiang's sensational divorce a few years ago.

Is this melon big enough? Basically, the whole people are eating this melon.

When people gossip about this matter, they will think about the relationship between this matter and themselves. Will my wife have a wild man outside? In other words, if this happened to me, what should I do?

Of course, you can also roughly judge a person's character and thoughts through gossip.

Let's take Baoqiang's divorce as an example.

Discuss this matter with your friends, and you will definitely get a lot of different opinions.

Some are schadenfreude, some are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, some feel sad, and some even start to abuse, or say this deserves it, and that lascivious.

Through their evaluations, you can easily see how those personalities are, how they think, and whether they are worthy of deep friendship.

Therefore, gossip is neither shameful nor vulgar.

Even gossip is the best thing to bring you closer to a girl.

If the girl you like doesn't like you, then you can be her blue-eyed confidant, and when the opportunity is can turn blue into green.

Chapter 204

After the afternoon tea, we entered a new round of shopping.

In the afternoon, shopping is for clothes, then in the evening, it is girls' cosmetics and skin care products.

Shopping for clothes is Xiaolan's specialty, while shopping for cosmetics is Kanai's specialty.

Although Xiaolan also wears makeup, due to financial constraints, she can't afford those expensive cosmetics, so she only paints some simple light makeup.

After Kainai got economic liberation, she naturally bought some expensive cosmetics and skin care products. After using these things more, she could naturally become an expert.

Watching them shopping, Lin Yi found it very interesting.

Because he gave Kasaka Kano enough money, ten million bank cards and 100 million yen, enough for her to sweep down a lot of cosmetics in one go.

But she didn't do this, but repeatedly picked and selected. As for the one she liked the most, she started.

Lin Yi felt that she should be enjoying the fun of shopping, otherwise, if she buys it all at once, there will be nothing to shop next time.

After seeing it, Xiaolan was also very curious: "Are you only buying this? Don't you want the others?"

"No." Kanai shook her head: "I used it before, and it didn't suit my skin. After I used it two or three times, I gave it to my classmates."

Lin Yi: "..."

That is to say, how can a girl show mercy on cosmetics and skin care products?

I am really naive.

"Xiao Lan, what kind of skin do you have? Let me help you choose skin care products. I have used almost all of the skin care products here."

Kano said, and took the initiative to help Xiaolan choose the skin care products that suit her skin.

This initiative is like helping boys teach newbies who have just entered the game how to place orders.

Lin Yi seemed to have become a woman, silently watching them play games by the side, completely speechless.

They were choosing cosmetics at the counter, while Lin Yi sat next to him and took out his mobile phone to pass the time.

After entering ins, Lin Yi immediately received a private message.

He opened it curiously, found a video, clicked it, and it was the video of the two yellow hairs being beaten.

They were cornered by the photographer and started to slap them in the face, they didn't even dare to hide.

The photographer used a lot of power. After more than ten consecutive slaps, both of their faces began to turn red.

When more than 30 palms, some people even saliva was drawn out.

The two of them kept begging for mercy.

However, the photographer ignored them and continued to slap them. After more than 50 slaps, the photographer was also tired, so he stopped, gave them a foot and kicked them to the ground. Video It ends here.

Lin Yi felt that it was not easy for the photographer. He slapped them more than fifty in one breath, and he must be very tired.

So he directly transferred 200,000 to the other party's account.

Anyway, money is already a data for him, and he doesn't care.

Two ordinary boxes are stable every day, and there are 14 ordinary boxes in a week, half of which are opened with 10 million bank cards, which is 70 million yen.

At the beginning, Lin Yi would count how many bank cards he had and how much his wealth had accumulated.

But after a long time, Lin Yi didn't bother to count, and just piled those bank cards together.

"These guys are really fast."

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, the power of money can stimulate a person's potential the most.

At this moment, Lin Yi's cell phone called.

It was Mingmei who called.

Lin Yi glanced at Xiaolan Jianai who were still carefully choosing cosmetics, and after talking to them, he walked to a corner and answered the phone.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi asked.

"Is it okay to call you?"

On the other end of the phone came Mingmei's teasing words.

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