Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 249

This woman is Akemi who should have died in the car accident.

"Really... freed again?"

Mingmei said worriedly: "Do you you really deceive them like this?"

"Don't worry, you can definitely be deceived."

Lin Yi said in a determined tone.

Although he said that, Lin Yi still had some small worries in his heart.

It is really not easy for Jin Jiu to be able to fight Conan, Akai Shuichi and the others in such a miserable situation that he was betrayed and surrounded by traitors in the organization.

However, through this, it can also be seen that the strength of Jinjiu is very powerful, it is simply a hexagonal warrior, and there is no one who will not.

Conan can count on the gin, all because he relied on himself to become a child, hide in the dark, and let the gin eat several old shriveled.

However, for this reason, Conan still almost lost his life once. Fortunately, he was a child, and the storage box in Japan was relatively large, which allowed him to escape.

Needless to say after that, Conan and Akai Hideki joined forces to fight Jinjiu several times. Although Jinjiu lost, the famous and surnamed subordinates did not die much, so it was not a blood loss.

Calvados, who was killed by Shuichi Akai without even showing his face, is not counted. This pot should be Belmod's back and has nothing to do with gin.

Gin fights against two hanging walls. If you don't lose, you will win.

In the case of internal and external troubles, Jinjiu can still fight with them vigorously, which is already very strong, okay?

But just because he was so strong, Lin Yi was a little worried in his heart, whether his conspiracy and tricks would be seen through.

Will not.


The body has been beyond recognition by the car explosion.

And the body shape of that ghost is the same as that of Akemi.

The identity of the deceased cannot be matched by appearance, so the identity of the deceased can only be confirmed by means of DNA matching.

The quickest and most effective way to extract DNA is to draw blood.

By comparing the medical records left by Mingmei in the hospital before, it is easy to find the answer.

Find someone who is exactly the same size as Mingmei, then drain her blood, then inject Mingmei's blood into her body, and finally destroy the other's appearance by exploding a car.

Once the police try to determine the identity of the deceased, they will inevitably draw blood for DNA matching.

In this way, the effect of concealing the sky and crossing the sea can be achieved.

It's just that the opponent is Gin, this guy is a pervert and can't think according to common sense.

If he had to put a piece of meat on the corpse to extract DNA and compare the DNA, then Lin Yi could only say that there was nothing to do.

However, this possibility is not high, unless he personally goes to the post-mortem examination, otherwise, the coroner's first choice is often to extract DNA through blood.

Although this possibility of being discovered exists, Lin Yi has no intention of telling Ming Mei, lest she think wildly.

Maybe because he was coerced by the organization all the year round, he would be afraid of it from the heart, thinking that everything could not be hidden from the organization, and then he ran back by himself, and the fun would be great.

This is not a joke, don't you see that many movies have plots like this?

The female protagonist is smart enough to kill the male protagonist.

The hero worked hard to rescue the heroine from a dangerous place, but she had to go back.

In order to prevent this from happening, Lin Yi felt that it would be better to do primary insurance.

Lin Yi urged: "You stay in the suite during this time, don't go out if you have nothing to do... If you have to go out, you can put on heavy makeup and change your hairstyle."

"Well." Ming Mei nodded, she naturally understood her current situation and would not go out to cause trouble again.

Lin Yi said, "In order to prevent you from being bored here, I asked Kanai to come and accompany you for a while."

Lin Yi is still not sure if Jin Jiu is aware of his cleverness, so he has to pay his wife from home.

If she had an emergency, Lin Yi felt that she might change from a scumbag to a killer, and "Playboy" might become "Who Killed My Dog".

"Well, I listen to you."

Mingmei's favorability towards Lin Yi has reached the point of trust, and naturally she will not raise any objection to his arrangement.

"Then...Wakamatsu Junxiu's side...what should I do?"

Mingmei said what she was worried about.

Lin Yi said: "Don't worry, I haven't been in contact with him for a long time. It was just a few small contacts before... Even if the police suspect me, they can't come up with evidence."

Lin Yi is not worried about Ruosong Junxiu. Since the last time he was in the department store, Lin Yi saw that he was covered in black, and he looked like he was about to take a lunch. Lin Yi consciously reduced his contact with him.

It's inconvenient for him to be prepared for a bank robbery by lying to him.

Sure enough, in this incident, he really got a lunch box!

Chapter 211

How did Junsu Wakamatsu die?

He killed himself.

After the car overturned, Lin Yi told him to leave, but he refused to leave, so he had to take and bring two money boxes, which was not considered empty-handed.

As a result, the cash box just got stuck and couldn't be pulled out.

Lin Yi repeatedly persuaded him not to have the money, and he would make up for it afterwards.

But Ruosong Junxiu still didn't want to just give up the money he had at his fingertips. He refused to leave. It was like being stunned. When he saw the car was on fire, he refused to leave.

Lin Yi couldn't persuade him, so he could only run away with Ming Mei.

After all, in their plan, money is a small matter, and suspended animation is a big deal.

It is impossible for Lin Yi to give up his plan because of Junxiu Wakamatsu.

Miyano Akemi and Wakamatsu Junxiu are more important, just think about it and you will know.

Not long after the two ran, there was an explosion behind, and Junxiu Wakamatsu received the lunch box with honor.

He died under his own greed, always thinking about making money for whoring.

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