Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 255

Every five minutes, they also have to pay attention to the safety report that their feedback comes back.

The Wolf of Rice Blossoms didn't know when to attack, whether he would attack today, or even if he would attack within the range of the bait.

In short, it is not easy to catch the wolf of rice flowers.

Therefore, it is very necessary to wait patiently.

And Lin Yi is also willing to wait.

Because it means that Lin Yi has more time to spend alone with Sato Mikazuko.

Men and women get along alone, as long as they don't hate each other very much, it is inevitable that their favorability will increase.

But how much you can increase your favorability depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

Lin Yi is a person who is very good at seizing opportunities.

He took this opportunity to learn more about Sato Miwako.

Just follow that process.

Start with work, then slowly move to her personal life.

"Being a criminal it hard?" Lin Yi asked a question that was very easy to answer, but not so easy to answer.

Waiting is boring, like getting on a long bus.

Mikako Sato is very happy to chat with people, which is very helpful for staying up late.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's not hard at all. From finding clues, piecing together clues, locating the suspect, looking for evidence, to getting the warrant and arresting the target... Every step is very interesting."

When it comes to the field that he is good at, without Lin Yi's guidance, Sato Mikazu continued on and on: "But most of the time, this process will not be completed so smoothly, but when a problem occurs, For example, there are not enough clues; there are clues, but they cannot be pieced together; the suspect is missing; no evidence can be found, etc..."

"Let me give you some examples..."

Mikazu Sato told a few instances where she encountered difficulties in the execution of the murder case. Barabara kept talking, and Lin Yi did not interrupt, and listened to her silently.

It's easy to see that Mikazu Sato doesn't have the opportunity to contact people other than the police on weekdays, otherwise she wouldn't be unaware of exclusive topics, which is a very taboo thing in chat.

Chapter 216

Lin Yi didn't expect that he would wait for three days.

For three consecutive nights, the Wolf of Rice Flowers did not appear and did not do anything.

I don't know if he is vigilant, or if he has been giving chickens a holiday for the past three days.

In short, for Lin Yi, the later the Wolf of Rice Flowers is caught, the longer he can stay with Sato Miwako.

As for the money paid to the actors, that's nothing to worry about.

After Lin Yi opened the car door and went in, he handed Sato Miwako a cup of iced coffee.


Sato Miwako took the iced coffee and the straw, slammed it into it, and drank it loudly, not caring too much about her image.

Lin Yi put the paper bag with the hamburger and chicken wings on the front of the car, which can be used to satisfy his hunger and fill his stomach.

"When will that guy do it?" Sato Mi and Zimei couldn't hide their worries.

"Be patient, Officer Sato... How can you be less patient than me?" Lin Yi said.

He is in a good mood these days because the gin has not come to his door, which means that his plan to hide from the sky has been successful!

All he had to do was wait for the rain to come!

"I don't have anything, I'm used to waiting for the target to take the bait."

Sato Miwako leaned against the car door and said, "What I'm worried about is those children... They have stayed up late for three nights in a row, but they still have to go to school. What should I do if they miss their homework?"

"Oh... I didn't expect Officer Sato to be so attentive."

There was surprise in Lin Yi's tone.

"Huh?" Mikazu Sato glanced at Lin Yi, and said angrily: "I'm very careful, okay? If you're not careful enough as a detective, you'll easily miss clues!"

With the three days of getting along, Sato Mikazu also began to let go of herself gradually, and she had already relieved part of the defense against Lin Yi, so she could show her temperament.

Lin Yi pointed to the coffee in her hand: "But you even inserted the straw wrong..."

When Sato Miwako saw that she was sucking on the pointed end, she couldn't help blushing, and hurriedly corrected the direction of the straw: "Accidental accident, this is just a simple accident."

While chatting, Sato Miwako routinely looked at the computer screen, then she was shocked, she quickly put down the coffee, and her expression became serious: "There is a situation... The two of the 7th group have started to deviate from the route."

Lin Yi said, "Could they be going to the toilet?"

Mikazu Sato quickly took out his mobile phone and flipped through the records, and said, "They didn't explain in advance... I guess it's probably the Wolf of Rice Krispies that started the action."

Saying that, Sato Miwako began to zoom in on the location of the seventh group, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Officer Xiaoshan, what's going on with the seventh group?"

"I'm near the eighth group. I just came over from the seventh group... What happened to the seventh group?" Officer Xiaoshan returned.

Sato Miwako decisively gave an order: "Attention, the route of the 7th group has been shifted, it may be that the wolf of the rice flower has launched an action, and quickly headed to the rice flower 3-chome 141-2."

"Received!" X5

After hanging back on the walkie-talkie, Sato Miwako started the car and quickly rushed to 141-2, Rice Flower 3-chome.

When the vehicle started, Lin Yi knew the result.

The Wolf of Rice Blossoms had no idea that he had bit the bait.

The police have now surrounded him, and the arrest result is 99 percent.

The remaining 1 percent was a lucky escape.

If the police want to catch criminals, the most important thing is information.

Insufficient information, the police do not know where to start, once the police master the key information, then the criminals are over.

What criminals have to do is to minimize the clues they leave behind while committing crimes.

Just like a cat catching a mouse, one is in charge of catching and the other is in charge of hiding.

But this is much more advanced than the cat catching the mouse, because in the crime game, the "mouse" can attack the "cat" or even buy the "cat".

However, the current "rat" does not have the ability to harm the "cat".

Six well-trained "cats" arrest a "little mouse" with predictable results.

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