Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 266

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Did you miss me, dear?"

"Lin Yi? Of course I think... You haven't contacted me for a long time. Did you forget me?"

Yonehara Sakurako's complaint came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I haven't. I've been busy studying and making money lately... Didn't you contact me?"

"I'm done every day, and it's already very late... I'm worried about disturbing you." Yonehara Sakurako muttered.

"I'm more worried about your empathy than worrying about this." Lin Yi said, "Where are you now? I miss you."

"Me? I'm doing housekeeping now... I have to clean up before they come back at night." Yonehara Sakurako said.

"Doing housekeeping?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, and his smile gradually became wretched: "Then where are you doing housekeeping? I'll go over and help you."

"No need... I can do it myself." Yonehara Sakurako refused Lin Yi's help, she felt that her work had to be done by herself.

"Then I don't help, I just want to see you." Lin Yi wouldn't back down because of one or two rejections.

"No, if you do other things at work, your salary will be deducted if you are found out." Yonehara Sakurako still has her own professional ethics.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Then send me the address... I'll pick you up after you get off work. I can't wait to see you."

"This... okay." Yonehara Sakurako didn't have any doubts when she heard it, and immediately reported her address to Lin Yi.

After getting the address, Lin Yi said, "I will pick you up on time after you get off work."

"it is good."

After Yonehara Sakurako hung up the phone, she suddenly realized something, she tilted her head and said, "Did I... tell him when I get off work?"

Seeing that there is still a lot of things to be cleaned in the house, Yonehara Sakurako quickly gave up her own thoughts: "Oh, don't care. I will finish the work earlier and say it earlier."

When she thought that Lin Yi would come to her after she got off work later, Yonehara Sakurako was in a very good mood and worked more diligently.

Twenty minutes later, Yonehara Sakurako's doorbell rang.

"Huh? At this time, who will come over?"

She took off her gloves curiously, walked to the entrance, and opened the door with a click.

The person who came, not Lin Yi, who else?

"You...why are you here?" Yonehara Sakurako was very surprised.

"Are you surprised?"

Lin Yi strode in, and then closed the door with a backhand.

Before Yonehara Sakurako could say anything, she was slammed by Lin Yi.


Yonehara Sakurako was shocked, she shook her head again and again and said she couldn't.

How could Lin Yi pay attention to her?

He hasn't tried it yet, doing bad things in other people's homes.

Now that you've come, you must be doing something, right?

Anyway, the host didn't come back so early.

Don't worry, just do it boldly.

Yonehara Sakurako tried to resist, but failed.

Not only did she fail, she even got her feet off the ground.

Chapter 225

Because of Lin Yi's sudden arrival, Yonehara Sakurako's work time was delayed for two hours.

"It's all your fault!"

Yonehara Sakurako looked at the wall clock. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and her housekeeping work was not halfway through. This time, the housekeeping work was definitely not complete.

"It's too late!"

The strong sense of professionalism made her cry with a guilty conscience, like a child who hadn't finished her summer homework before school started, crying loudly.

"It doesn't matter if you can't finish it."

Lin Yi didn't care to help Yonehara Sakurako comb her hair. Frankly speaking, he especially liked Yonehara Sakurako's hair: "It's a big deal to lose some money to him, anyway, I made a lot of money during this time."

"How about that?" Yonehara Sakurako said unhappily: "If you promise someone else's thing, you must do it!"

"'re right." Lin Yi took out his phone and said, "Since one person can't do it alone, let's call a few more people."

Yonehara Sakurako hurriedly stopped: "Forget it... I will discuss with the owner, he should be able to..."

Before Yonehara Sakurako could finish speaking, Lin Yi interrupted her: "What to discuss? I absolutely can't let my woman apologize to others in a low voice!"

Who would want to apologize to someone else in a low voice, if they could?

Sakurako Yonehara was moved by Lin Yi's domineering president's style.

Having said that, Lin Yi called the housekeeping service center and asked them to call a few more diligent housekeepers: "What? I need to make an appointment in advance? I'm in a hurry now, please help me solve this problem... Double the price? No problem, get five people over for me... pay first? No problem, let them come in within twenty minutes, and they must clean up before six o'clock."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi placed an order and paid for it.


Lin Yi touched her nose and said, "Someone will be responsible for the next cleaning. You don't have to worry about it."

"This...isn't it expensive? Double wages for five people..." Yonehara Sakurako said with some distress.

"It's super valuable to spend money in exchange for your time!" Lin Yi said.

The love words after the event always make girls especially happy, and Yonehara Sakurako is no exception.

Just as it was, Lin Yi's cell phone rang. When he picked it up, it turned out that the clerk of the coffee shop just now called, saying that a cute little girl was looking for him.

"Come on, let's go to dinner!"

The bad things that should be done here have already been done, and someone will take over the cleaning later, there is no need to stay here.

So, Lin Yi left with Yonehara Sakurako and returned to Ginza where Xiaoai bought clothes.

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