Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 269

But... Didn't she live with Lin Yi? Where is she going back?

If you don't think about it carefully, it's nothing, but when you think about it carefully, Xiao Ai feels a lot of doubts.

One question after another came up.

Chapter 227

Xiao Ai originally planned to wait for Lin Yi to come back and knock him a few questions from the side.

It's just that she walked the streets all afternoon today, and her current physical hardware can't support her staying up late at all.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, she became drowsy, couldn't hold on, and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she found herself on the bed, and it was already dawn.


The comfortable sleep made Xiao Ai stretch out a little, and she felt lazy all over her body. It was very comfortable. After this sleep, her whole body was full of energy.

Glancing at Lin Yi, who was still sleeping beside him, Xiao Ai was a little fascinated by it for a while.

Of course, being handsome is a factor, and the most important thing is what is the relationship between the other party and his sister?

Xiao Ai was very curious about this question. She wanted to know more and more, why did her sister give her his address?

Although she is very curious, Xiao Ai also knows the importance.

The relationship between them is not very familiar now. If the other party doesn't say it, Xiao Ai has no way to force others to say it.

You can only wait patiently, either the other party will take the initiative to say, or wait until you are familiar with it, and then ask him.

Couldn't sleep anymore, Xiao Ai got down from the bed gently, left the bedroom, went to finish washing, and made up for the bath from last night by the way.

After solving the personal hygiene problem, Xiao Ai felt a little hungry. She opened the refrigerator and saw that there were many sandwiches, desserts and cakes in it.

"Oh? He went out last night and brought back so much food?"

Xiao Ai was slightly surprised, she took a sandwich and made herself a cup of instant coffee.

When she was going to eat in the restaurant, she found a notepad on the coffee table.

"This is…………"

Xiao Ai took the notepad over naturally and took a look.

The names of many coffee shops above are followed by their addresses.

There is also a small map next to it.

Only the names of three cafes were circled.

Plus there are so many sandwiches, desserts and cakes in the fridge.

It is not difficult to imagine that he must have made many trips to the coffee shop last night.

"Why did he go to those places..."

Xiaoai muttered and took a sip of coffee, and then she remembered what he had talked to Yonehara Sakurako at dinner last night.

"Wait--isn't this guy trying to buy a coffee shop?"

Xiao Ai was taken aback by this idea of ​​her own. She didn't care about drinking coffee, and quickly turned the page.

It was found that there was also a row of amounts listed above, 23 million, 29 million and the like.

"This guy………"

As smart as Xiao Ai, she suddenly wanted to understand what was going on.

Where there is a partnership to open a coffee shop, there is a shortage of store managers.

Obviously, it was something Lin Yi had come up with temporarily.

He just felt bad for her girlfriend working two jobs, so he said that on purpose.

After sending myself back, I plan to start looking for coffee shops all over the street.

Although it is a pervert, I have to admit that this guy really has nothing to say to his girlfriend.

Well, Xiao Ai admitted that she was indeed moved by Lin Yi's actions, and even envied her girlfriend.

But more than that, some incredible feelings.

Xiao Ai is a returnee who was left to study in the United States. She doesn't know many people, but she has a general understanding of people in various places.

Especially after returning to Japan, she has a deeper understanding of the Japanese.

In a society where men are superior to women, there are many male chauvinists, and most female workers will be looked down upon, and it is impossible to keep working.

They go to work in the company, the biggest purpose is to find a marriage partner.

What makes Xiao Ai feel ironic is that not only men think this way, but even the vast majority of women feel that their destination is to be a housewife.

Even though she is the person in charge of the organization, she can still hear the members of the organization talking about herself in private.

Lin Yi's practice of buying a coffee shop to toss with his girlfriend is out of tune with Japanese society, which really makes Xiao Ai unimpressed.

In addition, she was in a good mood now, so she gave him the label of "wife-loving madman".


At this time, Lin Yi came out of the bedroom.

Xiao Ai didn't shy away from peeking at his notepad. Anyway, he was a child. Isn't it normal for a child to do something wrong?

"Good morning."

Xiao Ai said lightly, deliberately using a cold tone and indifferent words to frantically test Lin Yi's attitude.

"Good got up early."

Lin Yi scratched his head, and then found that he had lost a few strands of hair. He couldn't help worrying about whether his future would become a Mediterranean Sea. It seemed that there was nothing to do next time, so he had to go to bed earlier.

He noticed that Xiao Ai was flipping through his notebook, and he said, "You can't flip through other people's things without permission."

"If it's a very important thing, then it shouldn't be placed indiscriminately, right?" Xiao Ai replied lightly.

This made Lin Yi look at her deeply——So, don't you even want to act now?

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