Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 274

After watching Mingmei drink up the bourbon in one breath, she took the initiative to pick up the bottle and fill it up for her.

"However, that's not a bad thing."

Lin Yi put the wine glass forward to make it easier for Ka Nai to pour the wine: "She has become like this now, and it is absolutely impossible for the people in the organization to recognize her. From this point of view... she is very safe now."


For this, Mingmei agrees very much. Even her elder sister will not believe that her younger sister has become a child, let alone other people?

"It's don't need to worry about your sister's situation, she can live a normal life, but your situation..." Lin Yi didn't say anything after half the words.

"I'm fine."

Mingmei shook her head, expressing that she didn't care.

Lin Yi picked up the glass again and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to solve it for you."

Mingmei wanted to ask how Lin Yi rescued his sister from the organization, and even how he found his sister.

However, he didn't take the initiative to mention it, and she was too embarrassed to ask.

Seeing the other party raise his glass, she naturally raised her own glass and touched it.

Don't say anything else, just to thank the other party for rescuing his sister, you have to drink this glass of wine!

Chapter 231

Business is over.

Akimi could not wait to appear by Shiho's side right now to confirm whether it was her or not.

However, Lin Yi said, "Before that... I have to remind you. You must not bring up my affairs in front of her."

Mingmei was stunned and puzzled: "Why?"

"Because... um, I can give you my background first."

Lin Yi picked up the wine glass, shook it, and said, "Since this should have noticed it? My identity."


After hesitating for a while, Mingmei nodded slowly: "I am somewhat aware of it."

Mingmei didn't want to realize it, she didn't get a penny from the bank.

But he still let himself live in the suite. The consumption here is not cheap. It costs at least 500,000 to 600,000 yuan to stay a night. She has lived here for more than a week.

Moreover, Kanai often takes herself to buy, buy, play, eat, eat, and she has completely lost the concept of money!

In the past, she had to spend 100 yuan separately several times!

Well now, don't blink an eye when spending money.

She wondered if there was a problem.

"What about me... I'm not really short of money."

Lin Yi felt that it was too cliché to say that she was tall, rich and handsome, and it was better to let the other party use her imagination.

"It's just that during that time... I had some conflicts with my family, and they cut off my source of income. That's why I was short of money... Besides, I also wanted to try those exciting things."

"So this is ah…"

Mingmei probably understood what Lin Yi was trying to convey. He was not short of money, but what he lacked was excitement.

This answer, Mingmei is not very unexpected, in her expectations.

As for her failure to find out the true identity of the other party... This is normal, rich people have enough means to hide their identity.

"When saving your sister, I used some personal connections."

Lin Yi is on the word "personal relationship". He aggravated his tone, emphasizing that this relationship is extraordinary.

"As for me, I don't want others to know my true identity... I am very satisfied with my current life, which is plain and simple, and there are not so many open and secret fights."

Lin Yi said with a "feeling" expression.

This made Mingmei feel that Lin Yi was unfathomable.

Can you save your sister from the organization by using your personal relationship?

Mingmei can't imagine how hard this personal relationship is...

"Until now... she thinks that she can break away from the organization by her own efforts."

After so much foreshadowing before, Lin Yi just wanted to say this.

Once Xiao Ai and Ming Mei meet, they will have to talk about "how did you survive?" and "how did you escape?".

If you talk about it, you must be exposed.

Therefore, Lin Yi decisively disguised himself as not only rich, but also powerful.

Not only the rich second generation, but also the black second generation, the combination of the two will evolve into the ultimate second generation!

"So this is ah."

Mingmei believed Lin Yi's nonsense.

Because she doesn't even know where her sister lives or where she works. It can be said that she doesn't know anything.

However, Lin Yi was able to rescue his sister from the organization.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Moreover, the suspended animation scheme proposed by Lin Yi is definitely not something that ordinary people can come up with.

It is impossible for her to believe that Lin Yi is not stained with any blackness.

"I've seen your sister's profile. She's an overly cautious person. So, I hope you don't bring up my affairs after you meet her... lest she disturb my normal life."

Lin Yi finally came to a point.

"I know what to do." Mingmei nodded.

"That's good."

The insurance was ready, so Lin Yi naturally felt relieved, he raised his glass again.

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