Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 281

Lin Yi felt that she could take advantage of the great opportunity of the exam to let Sonoko put aside her self-esteem.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the four blacks to continue, and Lin Yi's ideal of being co-sleeped will not be realized.

"Is it better than me?"

When Yuanzi heard this, he was a little moved.

Like Xiao Lan, she is a girl who belongs to the school bully type.

And because of her wealthy family, she has no shortage of educational resources, and she has now begun to contact university courses.

To be honest, she had a good chance of winning this bet.


After a long time of contact, she already knew that Lin Yi was not such an ordinary boy paper.

According to normal logic, it is impossible for him to beat his own in the test.

But he just made a bet that he would lose with a high probability.

The clever Sonoko frowned and immediately realized that it was not easy!

However, just refusing, it seemed that she was too timid, Sonoko thought about it, and said, "I can't win the test, my study status is not very good during this time... Let's change it to before you are admitted to the full level. ten!"

"Top ten in the whole class?"

Lin Yi raised his brows and looked "somewhat difficult": "The conditions are too harsh, right? I only have two days to review."

"Well...then let's make the whole level 20!"

Sonoko thought about it for a while, and the request he made was indeed a little too much, so he lowered the request.

"It's not easy for a full-level twenty."

Xiaolan interjected at the side: "I can only barely make it to the 50th place in the whole class..."

Sonoko patted Xiaolan's buttocks, motioning her not to talk too much with her big breasts.

"How is it? Top 20 in the whole class, this is a requirement that cannot be lower." Sonoko said.

Lin Yi frowned and thought hard. After a long time, he nodded: "Okay, it's settled... I think I can do it!"

"Hehehe... One of the four major illusions in life is that I think I can do it."

Yuanzi spared no effort to attack Lin Yi: "There are many academic bullies in our school, and the deviation is around 75!"

The deviation value is about 75, which is already the level of the University of Tokyo, Waseda University, and Kyoto University.

By the way, signing up only means that you have the qualifications for the exam. If you fail the college entrance exam, you will be as cool as you want.

"They are academic masters, and I am an academic god."

Lin Yi patted his chest and said.

It happened that a lot of memory bread had been saved during this time, and it was time to consume a wave of inventory.

"Xiao Lan, do you want to take a gamble too?"

After finishing the routine, Lin Yi continued the routine with Xiaolan: "The conditions are the same as those in the garden."


Xiaolan is still thinking about whether this will be another Lin Yi routine.

But Sonoko quickly helped her make a decision and pulled her into the water: "Of course there's no problem!"

Xiaolan just wanted to say something, but Lin Yi said first, "Okay, it's such a pleasant decision!"

"Go to the next topic!" Sonoko immediately ended the topic.

In terms of bullying Xiaolan, there is a very strong tacit understanding between Lin Yi and Yuanzi.

"You...really, you know how to bully me!"

Xiao Lan said angrily.

Yuanzi happily grabbed Xiaolan's hand, shoved it into his arms, and said, "Don't be angry, come, let you touch it and put out the fire."

"Who wants to touch it!"

Xiaolan blushed and pulled out her hand.

Lin Yi and Yuanzi laughed in unison, and the classroom was full of joy.

Before Xiaolan became angry, Lin Yi immediately opened the next topic.

"By the way, a super cute little girl has lived in my house these two days."

Lin Yi said, took out his mobile phone, and pulled out Xiao Ai's photo to show Xiao Lan Yuanzi.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two approached to look at Xiao Ai's photo, and they immediately exclaimed:

"This is too cute!"

"Just like a her hair color natural?"

"I really want to pinch her face..."


After a fancy compliment, Yuanzi asked curiously, "Yi, how could this child live in your house?"

"Her sister went abroad for a while because of her work, so she left it to me to take care of her." Lin Yi said.

"Huh? Her sister..." Sonoko grasped the point: "Do you have a good relationship with her sister? Why does she ask you to take care of her sister? Does she have no other same-sex friends in Japan? If it's not good, please A nanny too?"

Oops, one inadvertently got caught.

Faced with this situation, Lin Yi did not choose to explain, because he was the one who was at fault.

Without saying a word, Lin Yi grabbed Yuanzi's wrist and pulled in front of him.

Yuanzi hurriedly retorted: "Stop stop... don't mess around, I just don't ask. That girl... What's her name?"

Yuanzi knew that Lin Yi would definitely mess up!

He wished that the whole school knew about their relationship! !

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