Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 304

She couldn't even help thinking, what kind of stupidity did I commit before? How can I fall in love with a man who can't even play the piano?

Sure enough, people who can play the piano are the most handsome.

"Awake? Let's have breakfast."

Lin Yi personally walked over and pulled Matsumoto Sayuri into the dining room, and she found that breakfast was already placed on the table.

She even fell into Lin Yi's gentle village involuntarily.

She felt as happy as she was married.

While eating breakfast, Matsumoto Sayuri couldn't stop her curiosity and asked, "Do you like "City in the Sky" very much?"


Lin Yi said with a smile, "It is because of this piano piece that I learned to play the piano."

"Really?" Matsumoto Sayuri was overjoyed, with the word "happy" written all over her face.

Seeing Sayuri Matsumoto so happy, Lin Yi opened Sayuri Matsumoto's personal information and checked her favorability.

It has soared to 120 points.

Wenqing type girls say that they are easy to chase, and they are easy to chase, but they are difficult to get in, and it is difficult to get in.

It's easy to chase, because once you hit the point in her heart, you have a common language with her, and if you are on the same channel, then all the beautiful fantasies about love in her heart will burst out all at once.

The favorability is rising fast.

It's hard to go for it, because if you always find the wrong channel, you can't enter her world, even if you are the richest man in the world, people still won't take you seriously.

Lin Yi took a sip of coffee and concealed the little smugness on his lips.

How could he like a city in the sky? He even learned the piano by himself this morning, eating bread and watching videos.

He was also worried about which pianos to learn so that Sayuri Matsumoto would resonate with him.

It happened that Sayuri Matsumoto's mobile phone alarm clock rang, and the ringtone of the alarm clock was the Castle in the Sky.

Lin Yi immediately knew that Castle in the Sky was the dish of Sayuri Matsumoto.

He immediately learned Castle in the Sky and played it over and over again until Sayuri Matsumoto woke up.

In order to create an atmosphere, he also deliberately asked the waiter to come over to help move the position of the piano so that the sun could shine on him.

All the beauty in Matsumoto Sayuri's eyes, and the will of God she thought were all arranged by Lin Yi.

How can there be so many destinies in this world, but there are many things that you don't know, and you don't want to know, and you will blame them on fate.

Fate is so busy that it doesn't bother to care about you.

In short, under the delicate arrangement of Lin Yi.

Matsumoto Sayuri doesn't even have time to grieve, and is immersed in the world of music and love, unable to extricate herself.

When you get tired of playing the piano, use your body as the piano and continue to play. The sound is not only beautiful, but also easy to indulge in.

This made Matsumoto Sayuri lose the concept of time all of a sudden, just like a summer vacation, and it just passed by if you didn't pay attention.

Matsumoto Sayuri is the same way.

When she regained the concept of time, she realized that three days had passed since that night.

Chapter 255

Some readers may have noticed.

Lin Yi seems to be more attentive to Matsumoto Sayuri.

Not only did it cost her two favor event cards, but she even spent three days on her.

She is just a trick girl, is it necessary to be so concerned?


Readers who have this kind of thinking show that you are reading with your heart.

Lin Yi's attention to Matsumoto Sayuri is indeed far more than that of the female role.

How can an ordinary female role be treated like this? Once he gets the golden box, Lin Yi will start the finishing work instead of choosing to stay with her for three days.

The reason why Matsumoto Sayuri can make Lin Yi so attentive is not because of how beautiful she is and how good her temperament is.

It's not that Lin Yi wants to have a teacher-student relationship... The teacher-student I'm talking about is a love story between a teacher and three students.

Of course, it's not that I don't want to, but I want to, but that's not the main purpose.

The main purpose was because Matsumoto Sayuri's father, Matsumoto Kiyosaka, was the leader of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Lin Yi didn't know how big Matsumoto Kiyotaka's official position was, but it was bigger than Mumu Shisan's official position anyway.

Lin Yi bragged to Mingmei before, saying how tough his connections are.

In order to solve this lie, Lin Yi had to harden his connections.


Matsumoto Sayuri never thought that she would find her "Child of Destiny".

She can't wait to announce her new boyfriend on Instagram.

However, when considering her own situation, most people still think that she is with Takasugi Toshihiko. At this time, it is officially announced that she has found a new boyfriend, and she will definitely be said to be arrogant and shameless.

So Matsumoto Sayuri plans to talk about it after a while.

However, she did not hide this matter from her best friend, Yimei.

So on the evening of the fourth day, she invited Yimei to her rental house for dinner and introduced her boyfriend to her.

Matsumoto Sayuri had been out of contact for so many days, and Kazumi was naturally worried about her, so she nodded and agreed.

As soon as she entered the house, Yimei couldn't help but said to Sayuri: "Sayuri, where have you been these past few days? I just said 'I'm fine' and there was no news. I'm very worried about you. "

Matsumoto Sayuri is also embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I made you worry..."

"What the hell have you been doing these days? Don't look for me when something like this happens."

"A lot of things happened... You may not believe it. I met my male god when I was drinking in a bar."

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