Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 310

"What's in it for me?" Xiao Ai retracted her gaze and snorted silently, obviously her little abacus was seen through, and she was a little unhappy.

"It can make you happy." Lin Yi said without thinking.


Xiao Ai raised her brows, but she didn't expect that Lin Yi had guessed correctly... Destruction of his good deeds would indeed make her happy.

"Okay, it's time for dinner."

Jia Nai prepared dinner and greeted Xiao Ai and Lin Yi to the table.

When the meal was over, Lin Yi sat beside Ka Nai as always, holding her waist with one hand.

Jia Nai looked at Xiao Ai a little embarrassed, and she quickly said to Lin Yi, "Xiao Ai is watching... It's not good."

"If she likes to watch it, let her watch it. I didn't let her watch it." Lin Yi said indifferently: "We can't change our living habits because of her appearance? Come your mouth, ah ~~~”

Jia Nai can't beat Lin Yi, so he can only let him come. According to the previous way, you feed me and I feed you.

The air was filled with the smell of lemon.

For some reason, Xiao Ai always felt that Lin Yi was targeting her, as if he was laughing at being single with her.

Xiao Ai is so arrogant, how could she not fight back?

As she finished dinner, she said nonchalantly, "By the way, Brother Lin, my sister and I went to Sister Yingzi's place for a cup of coffee a few days ago."

"Sister Sakurako has always been worried about not being able to run the coffee shop well. She said that she was afraid of wasting your money in vain, and she would not even sleep well."

"She feels that she is not competent enough to be the store manager... Let you consider the replacement."

"She'd be very guilty if she screwed up the coffee shop."

Chapter 260


After listening to Xiao Ai's casual words, Kasaka Kano glanced at Lin Yi subconsciously.

"Eh? Don't Sister Kano know?"

Xiao Ai looked at Lin Yi, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Brother Lin, I bought a coffee shop for Sister Yingzi. She said that she didn't want her to go to work for others."

In the face of Xiao Ai's move, Lin Yi said he was very calm.

"Well..." Lin Yi nodded calmly and admitted, and he asked, "I'm not very concerned about letting a girl do housekeeping at someone else's house."

After a pause, he asked Jia Nai, "Do you want to open a coffee shop too? If you want to open one, I'll help you find one..."

"no, I'm fine."

Jia Nai shook her head again and again, she didn't want to work now, she just wanted to read her book well.

How good is it to go to school, read happily, and occasionally play with those little friends.

Not short of money, I don't know how happy my life is.

She doesn't want to be the manager of any coffee shop,

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Ai again and asked, "What about you? Xiao Ai, do you want to open a coffee shop?"


Xiao Ai rolled her eyes, knowing that Lin Yi was deliberately teasing herself, how could she possibly be able to open a store in her current state.


At night, the three of them huddled together on a bed.

Since the last time Xiaolan and Yuanzi came to visit at home, she knew that this guy Lin Yi can be said to be a coward.

Xiao Ai estimates that he will do those nasty things while he is sleeping.

She was even ready for insomnia.

However, things went beyond Xiao Ai's expectations.

Lin Yi just pouted with Cana, then fell asleep honestly, and didn't seem to do anything else.

This made Xiao Ai dare to be surprised, and thought to herself: how did he become so honest today?

Suddenly, Lin Yi turned sideways, and then without warning, he passed Xiaoai Lou over.

Xiao Ai was taken aback, she couldn't help but think: Is this beast finally planning to do it yourself?

Saying that, she subconsciously put her hand under the pillow and held the chicken cutting knife that had been prepared in advance.

"Do not you go to sleep?"

Lin Yi's voice rang softly in Xiao Ai's ear.

Seeing that he didn't move further, Xiao Ai was relieved. It turned out that the other party pulled him over just to speak better.

However, she still did not take it lightly, and held the chicken-cutting knife in her right hand.

She replied softly: "You didn't sleep, I dare not sleep."

After Lin Yi heard this, he started to laugh. Although he didn't laugh out loud, Xiao Aineng's body swayed slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person." Lin Yi said softly.

"How do I know if you're that kind of person?"

Xiao Ai said in a tone of distrust, and as she said that, she moved her body outside and opened a little distance from Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi spoke softly, air flow fell on her ears, which made Xiao Ai a little not used to it... She was not used to someone talking to her so close.

"You don't have confidence in me, don't you have confidence in your sister?"

"I have confidence in my sister, but I don't have confidence in the way she chooses her boyfriend."

It can be seen that Xiao Ai was bitten by Mingmei, and she was a little scared. Even when facing Lin Yi, she was overly cautious.

A typical one is bitten by a snake for ten years and is afraid of a well rope.

"Since you can't sleep either, then have a chat with me." Lin Yi sent an invitation to chat.

"What are you talking about?"

Xiao Ai slept at school for a long time today, so she didn't feel sleepy, so she agreed to Lin Yi's invitation.

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